Changes are in bold:


1. Home Page:


Changing pictures: please correct or add the following:

Service starts instead of Services starts

Cornerstone is here to serve the community (Picture of Edmonton)

Cornerstone is a place for everyone. (Picture of man and girl smiling)

Cornerstone is a place of new beginnings. (Picture of baptism)

Cornerstone is a place where people connect with God. (picture of group praying)

Cornerstone is a place of passion.(Picture of woman with arms stretched out by the water)


We hope you enjoy your online experience. No matter who you are or where you are from, you are welcome here.


Our prayer is that you will grow in faith, hope, and love and that you will receive God's strength, joy, and peace.


Cornerstone is located right in the middle of an incredible city filled with a great community of people. We are excited to be a part of what is happening in Edmonton and hope you will visit us soon where a warm welcome awaits you!



(Bottom right hand corner: Service Time: 11:00 a.m.


                          Starting Point: 10:30 (image of a cup of coffee)







2. Our Pastor




Our Pastor


Pastor Dave is the senior pastor of Cornerstone Church of God. Dave McNeil is known for his relevant teaching style and his dream of building a strong life-giving church that will serve the community. (Removed last sentence)


Dave and his wife Marcella are passionate about building a life-giving church focused on the simple gospel and the power of a healthy relationship with a loving God. Under his leadership, Cornerstone offers a vibrant worship experience with warm intimate fellowship before and after each service. Pastor Dave has a deep passion for developing leaders and helping people discover their purpose in life. (Moved last sentence to next paragraph)


Dave's educational background includes a B.ED from the University of Alberta, a Masters of Divinity from Taylor University College and Seminary. He is a credentialed minister with the Church of God International. Hobbies and interests are reading, writing, playing chess and watching sports.


3. Our Story


Pastor Dave dreams of growing a local church with a simple goal: help people to grow in faith by equipping them through clear and relevant teaching that will impact their lives and strengthen their relationships.


Cornerstone focuses on reaching out to the non-churched community, building relationships through small groups meeting throughout the city. The life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of Sunday Celebrations, and the simple style of Church of Cornerstone is presented in our Sunday celebration services


Cornerstone offers biblically-driven worship services that are alive with energy and creativity, as well as children and student ministries, and dynamic connect groups. God is at work at Cornerstone. If you haven't visited, we invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple and people are free to grow at their own pace. when the focus is on loving God and loving people.


4. Our Vision


Need to space out the values. It is too crammed.









5. Starting Point


We know that coming to church can be a little intimidating for some. This is why we personally invite you to Starting Point, where a warm welcome awaits you, every Sunday at 10:30 among friends. Enjoy a Tim Horton's Coffee and then join us upstairs for worship.


Some of our leaders will also be present at Starting Point. So if you have questions about God, church, or life or just want to talk, grab a coffee and our leaders will be happy to sit and talk with you. It won't take you long to discover that Cornerstone is a place where friends bring friends.


                                    Sunday Service 11 am

                                    9620 -109 Avenue

                                    T5H 1C8

                        Edmonton, Alberta





6. Connect Groups


Imagine meeting regularly with people that you can build a healthy relationship with. Imagine people who will regularly pray for and care about you. Imagine a small safe place where you can have honest discussions about God and life. Imagine not being alone but connected with friends who really care.


Connect groups are an opportunity to build friendships and reach out to others while growing in your walk with the Lord  faith. Groups meet in homes or at the church with people who share similar interests and life issues.


Connect groups are an opportunity to reach out to others, while growing in your walk with the Lord. Groups meet in homes or at the church.


Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. (Ecclesiates 4:9-10)


At Cornerstone, we follow the Biblical practice of Christians who have always gathered at church and connected in homes (Acts 5:42).


Small groups were vital to the church's growth then, and they are just as vital now.


Interested in leading a Connect group? You can join us each month at Dream Team 401 for Connect Group Leadership Training.



7. Women’s Ministry



(To the right of the picture) For more information contact Netter Sopah:



8. Men’s Ministry

For more information:



9. Prayer Ministry

For more information: contact Joseph Adedire:


10. Worship Team




For more information contact Pastor Nigel:



11. Remove media team.


12. Remove S.M.A.R.T.


13. Youth


Friday:  Underground 1:14  (7 – 9 pm)

Saturday: S.M.A.R.T. Tutoring program (11-2)

Sunday: Celebration Time (Ages 5-12)


For more information contact Cherya: