Serendipity Installation

Welcome to the Serendipity Installation.
First we will take a look at your current setup and attempt to diagnose any compatibility problems.
Errors are displayed in red [!], recommendations in yellow [?] and success in green.

- Serendipity v1.6 pre-installation report -

Verify Installation Integrity
htmlarea/examples/files/Extended.html corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/examples/files/ext_example-menu.php corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/lang/fa.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/lang/sh.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/lang/sr.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/modules/ColorPicker/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/modules/CreateLink/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/modules/FullScreen/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/modules/FullScreen/lang/ru.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/modules/GetHtml/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/Abbreviation/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/BackgroundImage/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/CharCounter/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/CharacterMap/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/CharacterMap/lang/ru.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ClientsideSpellcheck/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ContextMenu/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/DefinitionList/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/DynamicCSS/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/EditTag/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/Equation/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ExtendedFileManager/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/Filter/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/FindReplace/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/FindReplace/lang/ru.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/FormOperations/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/Forms/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/FullPage/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/HorizontalRule/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/HtmlTidy/html-tidy-config.cfg corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/HtmlTidy/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ImageManager/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ImageManager/lang/ru.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/InsertAnchor/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/InsertMarquee/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/InsertPagebreak/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/InsertPicture/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/InsertSmiley/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/InsertSnippet/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/LangMarks/lang/fr.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/LangMarks/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/Linker/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ListType/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ListType/lang/ru.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/ListType/lang/sv.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/NoteServer/lang/de.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/NoteServer/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/PasteText/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/QuickTag/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/SaveSubmit/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/SetId/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/SmartReplace/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/SpellChecker/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/SpellChecker/spell-check-logic.cgi corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/Stylist/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/SuperClean/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/TableOperations/lang/ru.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/Template/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
htmlarea/plugins/UnFormat/lang/pt_br.js corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
index.php corrupt or modified: failed verification [?]
PHP installation
Operating system FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE-p2, amd64
Webserver SAPI fpm-fcgi
PHP version >= 4.1.2 Yes, 8.4.4
Database extensions PDO::PostgreSQL, PDO::SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQLi
Session extension Yes
PCRE extension Yes
GDlib extension Yes
OpenSSL extension Yes
mbstring extension Yes
iconv extension Yes
zlib extension Yes
Imagemagick binary /usr/local/bin/convert

php.ini configuration
  Recommended Actual
safe_mode OFF OFF
register_globals OFF OFF
magic_quotes_gpc OFF OFF
magic_quotes_runtime OFF OFF
session.use_trans_sid OFF OFF
allow_url_fopen ON ON
file_uploads ON ON
post_max_size 10M 64M
upload_max_filesize 10M 768M
memory_limit 16M 536870912

/usr/home/aboo/html/evidence/blogray/ Not writable [!]
/usr/home/aboo/html/evidence/blogray/templates_c Not writable [!]
/usr/home/aboo/html/evidence/blogray/archives/ Not writable [!]
/usr/home/aboo/html/evidence/blogray/plugins/ Not writable (Only required when you plan to use Spartacus plugin for remote plugin download) [?]
/usr/home/aboo/html/evidence/blogray/uploads/ Not writable [!]
Execute Imagemagick binary Yes
Permissions can be set by running shell command: `chmod 1777` on the failed directory, or by setting this using an FTP program
Due to a problematic diagnostic, you cannot continue with the installation until the above errors are fixed

Recheck installation

Powered by Serendipity and PHP 8.4.4