=== ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO === Contributors: yoast, angrycreative, kraftner, marcusforsberg, viktorfroberg, joostdevalk, atimmer, jipmoors, theorboman Tags: Yoast, SEO, ACF, Advanced Custom Fields, analysis, Search Engine Optimization Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 5.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Stable tag: 2.3.0 Requires PHP: 5.2.4 WordPress plugin that adds the content of all ACF fields to the Yoast SEO score analysis. == Description == This plugin ensures that Yoast SEO analyzes all ACF content including Flexible Content and Repeaters. [Yoast SEO for WordPress](https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/) content and SEO analysis does not take in to account the content of a post's [Advanced Custom Fields](http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/). This plugin uses the plugin system of Yoast SEO for WordPress 3.1+ to hook into the analyser in order to add ACF content to the SEO analysis. This had previously been done by the [WordPress SEO ACF Content Analysis](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-seo-acf-content-analysis/) plugin but that no longer works with Yoast 3.0. Kudos to [ryuheixys](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ryuheixys/), the author of that plugin, for the original idea. This Plugin is compatible with the free ACF 4 Version as well as with the PRO Version 5. Please be aware that it ignores Pro Add-Ons for Version 4. In that case please upgrade to ACF PRO Version 5. > If you have issues, please [submit them on GitHub](https://github.com/Yoast/yoast-acf-analysis/issues) Previously called Yoast ACF Analysis. == Filters == = Remove specific field from scoring = `add_filter( 'yoast-acf-analysis/blacklist_name', function ( $blacklist_name ) { $blacklist_name->add( 'my-field-name' ); return $blacklist_name; });` = Remove field type from scoring = `add_filter( 'yoast-acf-analysis/blacklist_type', function ( $blacklist_type ) { // text, image etc $blacklist_type->add( 'text' ); $blacklist_type->add( 'image' ); return $blacklist_type; });` = Define custom field a specific heading value = `add_filter( 'yoast-acf-analysis/headlines', function ( $headlines ) { // value from 1-6, 1=h1, 6=h6 $headlines['field_591eb45f2be86'] = 3; return $headlines; });` = Change refresh rate = `add_filter( 'yoast-acf-analysis/refresh_rate', function () { // Refresh rates in milliseconds return 1000; });` == Changelog == = 2.3.0 = Released May 15th, 2019 Enhancements: * ACF URL fields are now analyzed as links. Props to [t49tran](https://github.com/t49tran). = 2.2.0 = Released January 22nd, 2019 Bugfixes: * Fixes a bug where textarea and non-headline text content would not be wrapped in paragraphs for the analysis. Props [skaeser](https://github.com/skaeser). Enhancements: * Introduces the 'yoast-acf-analysis/field_order' filter which allows for adjusting the ACF field order. This also adds the possibility to prepend field content to WordPress' post_content using a negative field order. Props [skaeser](https://github.com/skaeser). = 2.1.0 = Released July 10th, 2018 Bugfixes: * Fixes a bug where attempting to get the ACF version, wouldn't always be reliable. This would lead the plugin to think that a newer version was installed than what was actually present. * Fixes potential conflicts with other plugins due to generic variable naming. * Fixes a bug where the YoastSEO ACF Content analysis would attempted to be loaded, although it wasn't available. Other: * Adds filter examples to the readme. = 2.0.1 = Released October 19th, 2017 Bugfixes: * Fixes the mismatch in textdomain according to the plugin slug. * Fixes using an incorrect path when loading plugin data. * Fixes a bug with flexible content and repeaters, in combination with ACF 5, causing JavaScript errors. * Fixes a bug with short array notation which is a problem on sites running on PHP 5.3 or lower. * Fixes a bug where assets are loaded without checking for required dependencies. = 2.0.0 = Released August 22th, 2017 Changes: * Complete rewrite, including full support for ACF 4 and 5. = 1.2.1 = Released July 24th, 2017 Bugfixes: * Fixes Yoast SEO Premium social sharing tabs not showing any content when this plugin is active, props [Matt McAchran](https://github.com/mmcachran). = 1.2.0 = Released June 30th, 2016 * Bugfixes: * Fixes an incompatibility issue with Yoast SEO version 3.2+ where the assets are registered with a new prefix. * Internationalization: * Improved text in notifications when dependencies are missing.