=== WordPress Related Posts Plugin – AddThis === Contributors: abramsm, jgrodel, bradaddthis.com, addthis_paul, addthis_matt, ribin_addthis, addthis_elsa, addthisleland, sirius226, addthisjhilts Tags: related content, related posts, related posts for wordpress, similar posts, decrease bounce rate Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: 2.2.6 License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html AddThis Related Posts for WordPress can help increase your visitors’ time on site and decrease your bounce rate. == Description == Encourage your visitors to read more content and visit more pages on your site by installing the WordPress Related Posts Plugin from AddThis. Our quick-loading Related Posts Plugin makes it easy for you to recommend your site’s most popular content, and what’s most relevant to your visitors. Widgets and shortcodes are available for this follow button plugin. You can also use our analytics dashboard at AddThis.com to discover what content is getting you the most followers. AddThis is trusted by over 15,000,000 websites with over 2 billion unique users, sharing content all over the world, in more than sixty languages. = Features = * Appears as users scroll down your post or page * Customize the title * Choose between light, gray, dark and transparent themes * Position this tool on either the bottom left or right side of your site = Recommended Content Footer = * Appears on the bottom of your page * Customize the title * Choose between light, gray, and dark themes = Analytics: = * Sign up for a free AddThis account to get analytics on how your content is performing such as your top shared content, referring social networks and more. After you register, these analytics are accessible by logging into your AddThis.com account and visiting your AddThis dashboard. Analytics include site pageviews, your top shared content, referring social networks, and more. = Support: = We strive to provide best-in-class support with a response time of around two hours, and a customer satisfaction rate of over 98%. To get in touch with our team, head to http://www.addthis.com/support. = Check out our other plugins to help you grow and engage your audience! = * Share Buttons: Make it simple for website visitors to share your content. Connect directly to 200+ social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and more. * Follow Buttons: Add followers to 65+ social networks, including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and more. Want more? Visit our website to learn how you can activate our Email List Building and Link Promotion Tools. AddThis Academy | Privacy Policy == Installation == [youtube https://youtu.be/EIG5PT5ZQ9A]
= Installing AddThis directly to WordPress: = 1. Sign up for AddThis at: https://www.addthis.com/register 2. Go to your **Get the Code** tab and copy the code that looks similar to: `` 3. Go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard, hover over Appearance => Editor and click on the **footer.php** template file 4. Paste the AddThis code you just copied right above the closing tag 5. Save the file changes = For an automatic installation through WordPress: = 1. In your WordPress admin sidebar, go to **Plugins** and then click on **Add New** 2. Search for **AddThis Related Posts** 3. Click **Install Now** and activate the plugin = For a manual installation via FTP: = 1. Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/addthis-related-posts and click on **Download** to download the AddThis zipped plugin files 2. Unzip the plugin files  3. In FTP, upload the entire **addthis-related-posts** plugin folder you've just unzipped to your `/wp-content/plugins` directory 4. Go back to your WordPress dashboard, click on **Plugins** in the sidebar, find the AddThis plugin you've just uploaded and click **Activate** = To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP: = 1. Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/addthis-related-posts and click on **Download** to download the AddThis zipped plugin files (do not unzip this file) 2. Go back to your WordPress admin dashboard, go to **Plugins** and click on **Add New** => **Upload Plugin** 3. Upload the zip plugin files you've just downloaded and click on **Install Now** 4. Once WordPress is done uploading the files, just click on **Activate Plugin** == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is AddThis free? = Yes, AddThis is free for all users! = Do I need to create an account? = No, you do not need to create an account in order to control a limited number of AddThis sharing tools from within WordPress. In order to use more AddThis tools and see your site's analytics you will need to create an account with AddThis. It requires an email address and name, but that's it. = Is JavaScript required? = All AddThis website tools require JavaScript. JavaScript must be enabled. We load the actual interface via JavaScript at run-time, which allows us to upgrade the core functionality of the menu itself automatically everywhere whenever a new social sharing services comes out. = Why use AddThis? = 1. Ease of use. AddThis is easy to install, customize and localize. We've worked hard to make a suite of simple and beautiful website tools on the internet. 2. Performance. The AddThis menu code is tiny and fast. We constantly optimize its behavior and design to make sharing a snap. 3. Peace of mind. AddThis gathers the best services on the internet so you don't have to, and backs them up with industrial strength analytics, code caching, active tech support and a thriving developer community. 4. Flexibility. AddThis can be customized via API, and served securely via SSL. You can roll your own sharing toolbars with our toolbox. Share just about anything, anywhere ­­ your way. 5. Global reach. AddThis sends content to 200+ sharing services 60+ languages, to over 2 billion unique users in countries all over the world. 6. GDPR compliant – All of our website tools are GDPR compliant. = What PHP version is required? = This plugin requires PHP 5.2.4 or greater and is tested on the following versions of PHP: * 5.2.4 * 5.2.17 * 5.3.29 * 5.4.45 * 5.5.38 * 5.6.31 * 7.0.22 * 7.1.8 = Who else uses AddThis? = Over 15,000,000 sites have installed AddThis. With over 2 billion unique users, AddThis is helping share content all over the world, in more than sixty languages. = How do I remove AddThis from a page = In the screen options you can enable the AddThis meta box. Check the box and save if you've already published that page or post to disable AddThis on that page or post. = Are there filters? = Yes! There are lots of filters in this plugin. Filters allow developers to hook into this plugin's functionality in upgrade-safe ways to define very specific behavior by writing their own PHP code snippets. Developer documentation on our filters is available. This documentation lists all the filters for our plugins. This plugin does not include filters for follow tools or related post tools. = Are there widgets? = Yes! There are widgets available for all AddThis inline tools (the ones that don't float on the page). Developer documentation on our widgets is also available. This documentation lists all the widgets for our plugins. This plugin does not include widgets for follow tools or related post tools. = Are there shortcodes? = Yes! There are lots of shortcodes in this plugin. There are shortcodes are available for all AddThis inline tools (the ones that don't float on the page). See our documentation on our shortcodes. This documentation lists all the shortcodes for our plugins. This plugin does not include shortcodes for share tools or follow tools. == Changelog == = 2.2.6 = * Fixed a bug which caused unneccessary errors in log when in AMP mode = 2.2.5 = * Fixed an incompability with AMP for WP plugin = 2.2.4 = * Added AMP support for tools made in anonymous mode * Added configuration option to disable AMP support = 2.2.3 = * Removed notices regarding AMP = 2.2.2 = * Added compatibility detection with official AMP plugin = 2.2.1 = * Fixed an incompatibility with PHP < 5.4 = 2.2.0 = * Added support for AMP in registered mode when used in conjunction with the official AMP plugin * Removed references for Google+ = 2.1.8 = * Fixed a bug where a script tag causes browser errors in certain circumstances = 2.1.7 = * Fixed a bug where previewing a new post may remove tools = 2.1.6 = * Removed Pro features and country dropdown menu for registration page = 2.1.5 = * Updated yaml configs and added script tag to login page = 2.1.4 = * Remove uninstallation hook = 2.1.3 = * Added actviation/deactivation/uninstallation hook * Upadate readme.txt and screenshots = 2.1.2 = * Updated error messaging that is no longer relevant regarding related post tools * Tested compatibility with Wordpress 4.9 = 2.1.1 = * Fix for PHP notice from AddThisPlugin.php on line 610 * Changing the permission capability used for determining when users can edit AddThis settings from activate_plugins to manage_options. This will allow most admins on multi-site instances to edit settings. More information on WordPress roles and capabilities. = 2.1.0 = * Fix for PHP notice from AddThisFeature.php line 652 * Removing line breaks from HTML added to public pages * Not using addthis.layers() json on page when user is using their AddThis account as this creates buggy behavior * Disabling the wp_trim_excerpt by default as it's the most likely to cause theme issues * Adding error message if browser can't talk to addthis.com and communication with AddThis APIs are required for funtionality. * Compatibility updates for version 6.1.0 of Share Buttons by AddThis. * Adding requested AddThisWidgetByDomClass functionality that will allow users adding a widget via PHP to customze the URL, title, description and image used for that share. Please see the widget documentation for more infromation. = 2.0.1 = * Fixing shortcode bug. * Eliminating PHP Notice on AddThisPlugin.php line 1433 * Compatibility updates for version 6.0.0 of Share Buttons by AddThis. This plugin is no longer compatible with version before 6.0.0 of Share Buttons by AddThis. = 2.0.0 = * Adding meta box to allow site editors to disable automatically added tools when editing posts and pages. Compatible with the Share Button by AddThis meta box. If disabled in one, auto adding of tools will be disabled in both. * Redesigned the plugin's widgets to work with AddThis's support of multiple definitions of the same tool type. The class for the new widget is AddThisWidgetByDomClass. Widgets created through WordPress's UI will automatically be migrated to use the new class. However, any hard coded use of the old widget classes will need to be updated before upgrading. Deleted widget classes: AddThisRecommendedContentHorizontalWidget, AddThisRecommendedContentVerticalWidget. Developer documentation on the new widget is available. * Fix for PHP Warning on AddThisFollowButtonsToolParent.php line 127 * Doing profile ID validation directly in the browser rather than proxying through a WordPress backend AJAX call. This will make this plugin work in environments where the WordPress server can't talk to AddThis.com. * Fix for PHP Warning on AddThisFollowButtonsToolParent.php line 127 * Doing profile ID validation in the browser rather than proxying through a WordPress backend AJAX call. This will make this plugin work with a profile ID for "Ignore the tool configurations in this profile" mode in environments where the WordPress server can't talk to AddThis.com. = 1.0.0 = If you're upgrading to this, you are super special beta user. == Upgrade Notice == = 2.1.7 = * Fixed a bug where previewing a new post may remove tools = 2.1.6 = * Removed Pro features and country dropdown menu for registration page = 2.1.5 = * Updated yaml configs and added script tag to login page = 2.1.4 = * Remove uninstallation hook = 2.1.3 = * Added actviation/deactivation/uninstallation hook * Upadate readme.txt and screenshots = 2.1.2 = Updated messaging and tested compatibility with Wordpress 4.9 = 2.1.1 = Fix for PHP notice from AddThisPlugin.php on line 610. Changing the permission capability used for determining when users can edit AddThis settings from activate_plugins to manage_options. This will allow most admins on multi-site instances to edit settings. More information on WordPress roles and capabilities. = 2.1.0 = Fixs for PHP errors, whitespace issues, changes in default and upgraded settings. Adding requested AddThisWidgetByDomClass functionality that will allow users adding a widget via PHP to customze the URL, title, description and image used for that share. = 2.0.1 = Fixing shortcode bug. Eliminating PHP Notice on AddThisPlugin.php line 1433. Compatibility updates for version 6.0.0 of Share Buttons by AddThis. This plugin is no longer compatible with version before 6.0.0 of Share Buttons by AddThis. = 2.0.0 = Fix for PHP Warning on AddThisFollowButtonsToolParent.php line 127. Doing profile ID validation in the browser rather than proxying through a WordPress backend AJAX call. This will make this plugin work with a profile ID for "Ignore the tool configurations in this profile" mode in environments where the WordPress server can't talk to AddThis.com. Redesigned the plugin's widgets (including renaming classes) to work with AddThis.com's support of multiple definitions of the same tool type (see changelog for details). Adding meta box support. = 1.0.0 = If you're upgrading to this, you are super special beta user.