=== Debug Bar ElasticPress === Contributors: tlovett1, 10up Tags: debug, debug bar, elasticpress, elasticsearch Requires at least: 3.7.1 Tested up to: 5.1 Stable tag: trunk Extends the Debug Bar plugin for ElasticPress queries. == Description == Adds an [ElasticPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/elasticpress) panel to the [Debug Bar](https://wordpress.org/plugins/debug-bar/) plugin. Allows you to examine every ElasticPress query running on any given request. = Requirements: = * [ElasticPress 1.8+](https://wordpress.org/plugins/elasticpress) * [Debug Bar 0.8.2+](https://wordpress.org/plugins/debug-bar/) * PHP 5.4+ == Installation == 1. Install [ElasticPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/elasticpress). 2. Install [Debug Bar](https://wordpress.org/plugins/debug-bar/). 3. Install the plugin in WordPress. == Changelog == = 1.4 = * Support ElasticPress 3.0+ = 1.3 = * Add query log = 1.2 = * Show query errors (i.e. cURL timeout) * Add ?explain to query if GET param is set = 1.1.1 = * Only show query body if it exits = 1.1 = * Improve formatting * Show original query args (EP 2.1+) = 1.0 = * Initial release