=== Debug Bar Rewrite Rules === [[[[ * Contributors: butuzov * Donate Link: http://wordpress.org * Tags: permalinks, rewrite rules, tests, testing, debug, debug bar * Requires at least: 3.4 * Tested up to: 5.2.4 * Stable tag: 0.6.3 * License: GPLv2 or later * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Debug Bar Rewrite Rules adds a new panel to Debug Bar that displays information about WordPress Rewrites Rules (if used). == Description == Debug Bar Rewrite Rules adds information about Rewrite Rules (changed via filters) to a new panel in the Debug Bar. This plugin is an extension for [Debug Bar](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/debug-bar/), but it is also can work in standalone mode (as admin tools page). Note: this plugin not able to track `add_rewrite_rule` function calls, for a reason this function is untraceable. Once installed, you will have access to the following information: * Number of existing rewrite rules * List of rewrite rules * List of available filter hooks that can affect rewrite rules. * List of filters that affects rewrite rules. * Ability to search in rules with highlighting matches. * Ability to test url and see what rules can be applied to it. * Ability to flush rules directly from debug bar panel/tools page. == Screenshots == 1. Testing url for matches - show matched rules and actual matches. 2. Searching in rules list alongside with filtering and highlighting occurrences. 3. Interface of Rewrite Rules Inspector without Debug Bar. == Changelog == = 0.6 = * [general] - way assets appear on a page changed. * [bug] - Fixed: warning on private static var * [bug] - Fixed: admin page https://github.com/butuzov/Debug-Bar-Rewrite-Rules/issues/2 * [bug] - Fixed: domain field https://github.com/butuzov/Debug-Bar-Rewrite-Rules/issues/3 * [general] - added Makefile to simplify development = 0.5 = * [minor changes] - Localization Changes. * [improvement] - New Icon (for wordpress.org) and tags. * [code refactoring] - Minor code changes. = 0.4 = * [improvement] - Added track for PHP `__invoke` methods (callable objects) * [bugfix] - Added fix for plugin loaded via symlinks * [code refactoring] - Code of PHP and JS refactored. = 0.3 = * [ui] UI Change - Domain input box width calculated with JS * [bugfix] - e.preventDefault() * [bugfix] - Double check for empty array in filters UI = 0.2 = * Code refactored from version 0.1 = 0.1 = * Non Public Release