# Embed PDF Viewer Contributors: afragen, akirk Tags: pdf, embed, oembed, viewer, block Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 5.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.0.3 License: GPL v2+ License URI: Embed a PDF from the Media Library or elsewhere via oEmbed or as a block into an `object` tag or Google Doc Viewer as fallback. ## Description Embed a PDF from the Media Library or elsewhere via oEmbed or as a block into an `object` tag or Google Doc Viewer as fallback. The URL only has to be world reachable link. Inspired by [Embed PDF](https://wordpress.org/plugins/dirtysuds-embed-pdf/) and [RV Embed PDF](https://wordpress.org/plugins/rv-embed-pdf/). Many thanks to [Alex Kirk](https://github.com/akirk) for making Embed PDF Viewer compatible with the new block editor. Development on [GitHub](https://github.com/afragen/embed-pdf-viewer). Pull requests are welcome against the `develop` branch. ## Changelog #### 2.0.3 / 2019-04-25 * move block registration to it's own function and hook * WPCS updates #### 2.0.2 / 2019-02-03 * update WordPress requirements #### 2.0.1 / 2019-01-11 * added `composer.json` and automatically create POT with `composer update` * added check for `register_block_type()` for WP 4.9.x and below #### 2.0.0 / 2018-12-20 🎂 * a proper PDF block was added with much help from [Alex Kirk](https://github.com/akirk), many thanks #### 1.6.1 / 2018-11-25 * properly initialize `load_plugin_textdomain()` #### 1.6.0 / 2018-07-22 * added filter `embed_pdf_viewer_pdf_attributes` * updated `readme.txt` to include `Requires PHP` header * added paragraph tag around link to PDF #### 1.5.0 / 2016-12-17 * added CSS to fallback to `iframe` on iOS as `object` isn't scrollable :P #### 1.4.0 * switch to using `object` tag, with `iframe` as fallback display method #### 1.3.0 * inserting anything other than PDF from Media Library now works as expected. #### 1.2.1 * fixed a couple of PHP warnings #### 1.2.0 * inserting a PDF from the Media Library now simply inserts the URL for oEmbed * oEmbed a PDF from any source #### 1.1.2 * simplify `instance()` just a little more #### 1.1.1 * rename instance variable to `$instance` and make private * update DocBlocks * ensure `$atts` is an array #### 1.1 * bugfix for not returning media item when not PDF, Bad Andy :( #### 1.0.1 * add to DocBlocks = 1.0 = * refactor to put embed code in one function * add assets = 0.1 = * initial commit