=== Universal Slider === Contributors: Webhuntinfotech Donate link: https://www.webhuntinfotech.com/ Tags: responsive slider, slider plugin, wordpress slider, best slider plugin, fullscreen slider, content slider, gallery slider, shortcode, link slider, external link slider, seo slider, slider, image slide show, image slider, slider widget, responsive image slider, theme slider, post slider, page slider, free slider plugin Requires PHP: 5.2.4 Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: 1.6.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Universal Slider is an awesome WordPress Slider Plugin with many nice features. Just need to install and build slider in a few minutes. == Description == A Perfect Responsive Slider Plugin for WordPress user. Plugin allows you to create unlimited sliders and each slider having there own unique shortcode and settings. Plugin comes with multiple image uploader that save your time and efforts. With drag and drop image position feature, you can arrange the order of image have to be display in your Slider. Using **[FSL id=XXX]** shortcode, you can publish Slider in any Page or Post in your WordPress sites. **Plugin Documentation:** [Universal Slider Documentation]( https://www.webhuntinfotech.com/universal-slider-lite-documentation/ ) > **Plugin Features** > > * Fully Responsive Slider Plugin. > * Multiple Image Uploader. > * Add Unlimited Image Slides Into Single Slider. > * Create Multiple Slider with Unique Shortcode. > * Show Multiple Sliders into Page / Post. > * Customize Slider Width and Height. > * 100% Width Option. > * Slider Text Styling Options(Background color, Font Family, Text Color, Line Height). > * Enable/Disable Navigation Bullets and Arrow Option. > * Align Center, Auto Play, Hover Pause and Randomize Slider Option. > * Customize Slide Speed. > * Customize Animation Speed. > * Drag and Drop Image Position. > * Custom CSS Option. > * And many more.. * **Modification** - If you have new ideas concerning Universal Slider plugin and we may help you to realize them, do not hesitate to write us. * **Support** - If you use Universal Slider plugin and have problems and conflict with other plugin and theme, be sure to contact our support team with the following email address:webhuntinfotech@gmail.com. * **Update** - We constantly do updates, Free user may download the latest version from WordPress. If you have any question contact us at here: [Plugin Support Forum ](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/fusion-slider/ ) ### Universal Slider Pro Features: Universal Slider Pro allows you to implement a image and video slider on your page or post into of your WordPress website. It is an awesome WordPress Slider Plugin with many nice features. Just need to install and build slider in a few minutes. > **Premium Plugin Features** > > * 100% Responsive Design. > * 7 Type of sliders. > * Flex Slider One. > * Flex Slider Two. > * Jssor Image Slider. > * Carousel Slider. > * Elastic Slider. > * Nivo Slider. > * Responsive Slider. > * Slider Effects. > * Easing Effects. > * Multiple Image Uploader. > * Drag and Drop image Position. > * All Slider Shortcode & Unique Settings. > * 100% Width Option. > * Customize Width and Height. > * Custom Color Option. > * Font Typography Option. > * Button option in Flex Slider One. > * Feature Options. > * Enable/Disable Navigation Option. > * Custom CSS Option. > * Extensive Documentation. > * And many more.. > Universal Slider Pro is compatible on all devices like ipad, iphone, smart phone etc. **Upgrade to:** [Pro Version]( https://www.webhuntinfotech.com/amember/signup/fsp/ ) **DEMO FOR PRO VERSION** * [Universal Slider Pro Demo]( http://demo.webhuntinfotech.com/demo?theme=fsp-pro ) * [Universal Slider Features]( https://www.webhuntinfotech.com/plugin/universal-slider-pro/ ) * [Universal Slider Documentation](https://demo.webhuntinfotech.com/documentation/universal-slider-pro/ ) ### Plugin Admin Features Plugin has extreme Admin dashboard. Plugin settings is very easy and user friendly. With Multiple Image Uploader you are easily add multiple images in seconds. Image Darg and drop option allow to change slider image position. == Installation == ### Install Plugin using WordPress Plugin Search 1. Go to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard 2. Search for 'Universal Slider' 3. Click **Install Now** button 4. Then click **Activate Plugin** button 5. Now plugin is Activated 6. You will see plugin option on Wordpress left menu ### Install Plugin using the WordPress Admin Plugin Upload 1. First download the ZIP file from Wordpress website 2. Log in to your website administrator panel 3. Go to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard, click “Upload Plugin” 4. Upload [Universal Slider]( https://wordpress.org/plugins/fusion-slider/ ) ZIP file by choosing it from your computer 5. Click **Install Now** button 6. Then click **Activate Plugin** button. 7. You can see the slider plugin installed on Wordpress left menu. ### Using FTP 1. First you will need to download the plugin. (it will be a zip file). 2. Next, you need to extract the zip file on your computer. 3. Login to your FTP 4. Access the path /wp-content/plugins/ for your server directory. 3. Upload the extracted folder to the **/wp-content/plugins/** folder on your web server. 4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard 5. You can see the plugin is installed and option will display on Wordpress left menu Now you can create slider and use it on your post and page If you think, that you found a bug in our [Universal Slider](http://demo.webhuntinfotech.com/fusion-slider-pro/ ) plugin or have any question contact us at [www.webhuntinfotech.com](mailto:webhuntinfotech@gmail.com) == Screenshots == 1. Slider Preview 1 2. Slider Preview 2 3. Slider Settings 4. Add Images into Slider == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to get the updated version? = * Pro users can get update notification by Email (webhuntinfotech@gmail.com). * Free version users of the Universal Slider plugin will find update notification on their WordPress admin panel. = Can i create multiple slider using universal slider plugin? = * Yes, you can create multiple slider. Each slider have there own unique shortcode and settings. = What to do if my Universal Slider has conflict with the other plugin or theme? = * Please contact with the support via the following email address: (mailto:webhuntinfotech@gmail.com). = Slider shortcode have two tabs, what the use of both? = * Shortcode Tab :- Past the shortcode in page or post content area for slideshow. * PHP File Tab :- Use this Shortcode in your template file for slideshow. = I have paid for premium version, now how to get premium features = * After sucessful payment, you will received a mail with all instractions. * If you didn't received any mail in few hours please contact us via the following email address: (mailto:webhuntinfotech@gmail.com). We will check and contact you soon as possible. Please use WordPress [support forum]( https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/fusion-slider/ ) to ask any query regarding any issue. == Upgrade Notice == = Version 1.6.3 13-08-2019 = * Fixed: Slider Full width issue fixed. = Version 1.6.2 03-06-2019 = * Added: Navigation Background Color option added. * Tested: Tested with WordPress latest version. = Version 1.6.1 09-04-2019 = * Fixed: Bug Fixed. * Tested: Tested with WordPress latest version. = Version 1.6 22-02-2019 = * Added: New "Need Help?" Page added. * Added: New "Recommendation" Page added. * Added: Slider Image Counter on All Sliders Page. * Added: Improve color contrast in slider settings page. * Added: Added CSS for radio & checkbox button for keyboard focus * Fixed: Few other improvements. * Tested: Tested with WordPress latest version. = Version 1.5 05-01-2018 = * Fixed : Slider not working on home page issue fixed. = Version 1.4 27-12-2017 = * Tested with WordPress Latest Version. * Improve Performance. * Code Optimized. = Version 1.3 24-10-2017 = * Name Changed From "Fusion Slider" To "Universal Slider". * Tested with WordPress Latest Version. * Minor Bugs Fixed. = Version 1.2 21-04-2017 = * Some Bugs Fixed. = Version 1.1 12-04-2017 = * Some Bugs Fixed. = Version 1.0 01-03-2017 = * This is first and basic version of slider plugin. == Changelog == For more information, see WebHunt Infotech ( https://wwww.webhuntinfotech.com/ ). = Version 1.6.2 03-06-2019 = * Added: Navigation Background Color option added. * Tested: Tested with WordPress latest version. = Version 1.6.1 09-04-2019 = * Fixed: Bug Fixed. * Tested: Tested with WordPress latest version. = Version 1.6 22-02-2019 = * Added: New "Need Help?" Page added. * Added: New "Recommendation" Page added. * Added: Slider Image Counter on All Sliders Page. * Added: Improve color contrast in slider settings page. * Added: Added CSS for radio & checkbox button for keyboard focus * Fixed: Few other improvements. * Tested: Tested with WordPress latest version. = Version 1.5 05-01-2018 = * Fixed : Slider not working on home page issue fixed. = Version 1.4 27-12-2017 = * Tested with WordPress Latest Version. * Improve Performance. * Code Optimized. = Version 1.3 24-10-2017 = * Name Changed From "Fusion Slider" To "Universal Slider". * Tested with WordPress Latest Version. * Minor Bugs Fixed. = Version 1.2 21-04-2017 = * Some Bugs Fixed. = Version 1.1 12-04-2017 = * Some Bugs Fixed. = Version 1.0 01-03-2017 = * This is first and basic version of slider plugin. = Docs & Support = If any support required then post your query in WordPress [Plugin Support Forum ](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/fusion-slider/ ) = We Need Your Support = It is really hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you are enjoying using our Universal Slider plugin and find it useful, then please consider to write your positive [__Feedback__](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/fusion-slider/reviews/ ) . Your feedback will help us to encourage and support the plugin's continued development and better user support. = Translators = Please contribute to translate our plugin. Contact at `webhuntinfotech (at) gmail (dot) com`.