=== Jetpack by WordPress.com === Contributors: automattic, adamkheckler, aduth, akirk, allendav, alternatekev, andy, annezazu, apeatling, azaozz, batmoo, barry, beaulebens, blobaugh, cainm, cena, cfinke, chaselivingston, chellycat, clickysteve, csonnek, danielbachhuber, davoraltman, daniloercoli, designsimply, dllh, drawmyface, dsmart, dzver, ebinnion, eliorivero, enej, eoigal, erania-pinnera, ethitter, gcorne, georgestephanis, gibrown, goldsounds, hew, hugobaeta, hypertextranch, iammattthomas, iandunn, jblz, jasmussen, jeffgolenski, jeherve, jenhooks, jenia, jessefriedman, jgs, jkudish, jmdodd, joanrho, johnjamesjacoby, jshreve, keoshi, koke, kraftbj, lancewillett, lschuyler, macmanx, martinremy, matt, matveb, mattwiebe, maverick3x6, mcsf, mdawaffe, MichaelArestad, migueluy, mikeyarce, mkaz, nancythanki, nickmomrik, obenland, oskosk, pento, professor44, rachelsquirrel, rdcoll, ryancowles, richardmuscat, richardmtl, roccotripaldi, samhotchkiss, scarstocea, sdquirk, stephdau, tmoorewp, tyxla, Viper007Bond, westi, yoavf, zinigor Tags: Jetpack, WordPress.com, backup, security, related posts, CDN, speed, anti-spam, social sharing, SEO, video, stats Stable tag: 7.7.1 Requires at least: 5.1 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 5.2 The ideal plugin for stats, related posts, search engine optimization, social sharing, protection, backups, security, and more. == Description == Security, performance, and site management: the best way to WordPress is with Jetpack. = 24/7 Site Security = Jetpack is your site's security detail, guarding you against brute-force attacks and unauthorized logins. Basic protection is always free, while premium plans add expanded backup and automated fixes. Jetpack's full suite of site security tools include: * Brute-force attack protection, spam filtering, and downtime monitoring. * Backups of your entire site, either once daily or in real time. * Secure login, with optional two-factor authentication. * Malware scanning, code scanning, and automated threat resolution. * A record of every change on your site to simplify troubleshooting. * Fast, priority support from WordPress experts. = Peak Performance = Activate site accelerator tools and watch your page load times decrease -- we'll optimize your images and serve them from our own powerful global network, and speed up your mobile site to reduce bandwidth usage (and save money!). Connect Jetpack to take advantage of: * Images and static files, like CSS and JavaScript, served from our servers, not yours. * Elasticsearch-powered related content and site search, for relevant results with no drain on your servers. * Lazy image loading for a faster mobile experience. * Unlimited and high-speed video via our content delivery network. = Effortless Site Management = Create and customize your WordPress site, optimize it for visitors and revenue, and enjoy watching your stats tick up. Built it, share it, and watch it grow with: * Advanced site stats and analytics for understanding your audience. * Hundreds of professional themes, for a pro site no matter what your niche. * Intuitive and powerful customization tools to match your website to your brand. * Simple PayPal payment buttons for selling products and services. * SEO tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and WordPress.com to maximize your reach. * An advertising program that includes the best of AdSense, Facebook Ads, AOL, Amazon, Google AdX, and Yahoo. * Integration with the official WordPress mobile apps, to manage your site from anywhere. = Expert Support = We have a global team of Happiness Engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or [contact us directly](https://jetpack.com/contact-support). = Paid Services = Compare our [simple and affordable plans](https://jetpack.com/pricing?from=wporg) or take a [product tour](https://jetpack.com/features?from=wporg) to learn more. = Get Started = Installation is free, quick, and easy. [Install Jetpack from our site](https://jetpack.com/install?from=wporg) in minutes. == Installation == = Automated Installation = Installation is free, quick, and easy. [Install Jetpack from our site](https://jetpack.com/install?from=wporg) in minutes. = Manual Alternatives = Alternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help [read our detailed instructions](https://jetpack.com/support/installing-jetpack/). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is Jetpack free? = Yes! Jetpack's core features are and always will be free. These include: [site stats](https://jetpack.com/features/traffic/site-stats), a [high-speed CDN](https://jetpack.com/features/writing/content-delivery-network/) for images, [related posts](https://jetpack.com/features/traffic/related-posts), [downtime monitoring](https://jetpack.com/features/security/downtime-monitoring), brute force [attack protection](https://jetpack.com/features/security/brute-force-attack-protection), [automated sharing](https://jetpack.com/features/traffic/automatic-publishing/) to social networks, [sidebar customization](https://jetpack.com/features/writing/sidebar-customization/), and many more. = Should I purchase a paid plan? = Jetpack's paid services include real-time backups, security scanning, premium themes, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, SEO tools, search, priority support, and more. To learn more about the essential security and WordPress services we provide, visit our [plan comparison page](https://jetpack.com/pricing?from=wporg). = Why do I need a WordPress.com account? = Since Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by WordPress.com, a WordPress.com account is required for Jetpack to function. = I already have a WordPress account, but Jetpack isn't working. What's going on? = A WordPress.com account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into [WordPress.com](https://wordpress.com), then you already have a WordPress.com account. If you can't, you can easily create one [during installation](https://jetpack.com/install?from=wporg). = How do I view my stats? = Once you've installed Jetpack your stats will be available on [WordPress.com/Stats](https://wordpress.com/stats), on the official [WordPress mobile apps](https://apps.wordpress.com/mobile/), and on your Jetpack dashboard. = How do I contribute to Jetpack? = There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. [Learn more about contributing to Jetpack](https://jetpack.com/contribute) or consider [joining our beta program](https://jetpack.com/beta). == Screenshots == 1. Keep hackers out with brute force attack protection, malware scanning, spam filtering, and downtime monitoring. Secure your site data with on-demand backups and restores. 2. Load pages faster, and serve your images and static files from our massive global content delivery network. 3. Customize your website with professionally-designed WordPress themes, blocks, and widgets. 4. Promote your newest posts, pages, and products across your social media channels. == Changelog == = 7.7.1 = * Release date: September 6, 2019 **Bug fixes** * Connection Flow: avoid any errors linked to browser cookie policies during connection request. * General: additional check to avoid warnings on plugin update. * SSO: avoid Fatal errors happening during some log in attempts. * Sync: check if IXR client exists to prevent errors when updating the plugin. = 7.7 = * Release date: September 3, 2019 * Release post: https://wp.me/p1moTy-log **Major Enhancements** * This release brings in multiple improvements to the WordPress.com connection process, to fix issues site owners may experience when first connecting their site to WordPress.com. **Enhancements** * Anti-spam: improve the flow to configure Akismet from Jetpack's Dashboard. * Blocks: add new utility to get all CSS classes for a given block. * Bruteforce Login Protection: improve Network Activation detection on Multisite networks. * Dashboard: update all illustrations to use new color scheme. * General: log XML-RPC communication errors between the site and WordPress.com. * General: use HTTPS URLs when linking to external sites when possible. * General: warn admins when about to delete another admin user that happens to be the main Jetpack admin on the site. * Sharing / Publicize: add Open Graph Meta Tags to archive pages. * Sitemaps: reduce sitemap cache duration when using Jetpack's Development mode. * Social menus: replace the outdated Medium icon with updated logo. * Stats: improve method used to enqueue JavaScript when the feature is active. * Videos: Add video settings to Jetpack's enhanced video block. * Widgets: improve the creation process and display of maps inside the Contact Info Widget. * Widgets: add more RSS feed patterns to the Social Icons Widget. * Widgets: add new `jetpack_widget_authors_params` filter to the Authors widget, to allow site owners to customize the list of authors. * WordPress.com API: add option to manage Full Site Editing. * WordPress.com Interface: allow language to be changed even if `WPLANG` constant is defined. * WooCommerce Analytics: use core WordPress function to enqueue script asynchronously. **Improved compatibility** * Ads: make sure the Ad block generates ads that are compatible with the AMP plugin. * Image CDN: update the size of images used in AMP Stories when using the AMP plugin. * Responsive Videos: improve compatibility and avoid validation errors when using the AMP plugin. * WordPress.com API: avoid errors when used in combination with the Polylang plugin. * WordPress.com API: improve compatibility with plugins that alter the behavior of search queries. **Bug fixes** * Bruteforce Login Protection: fix the display of the admin notice displayed on Multisite networks. * Contact Form: update the feedback post type capability to a valid value. * Dashboard: improve the layout of the Connection modal on mobile devices. * General: do not redirect during automatic upgrades. * Image CDN: support the `medium_large` image sizes. * Related Posts: ensure Related Posts can be displayed when using the AMP plugin and Jetpack's Sharing feature. * Search: authenticated search requests will now display non-public content. * Sitemaps: improve the display of descriptions in video sitemaps, when they include HTML content. * Stats: load RTL stylesheet for dashboard widget, to fix layout issues on RTL language sites. * WordPress.com API: fix API responses which contain malformed (non-UTF-8) data. * WordPress.com Toolbar: limit access to Stats and Plan menu items. -------- [See the previous changelogs here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/jetpack/master/changelog.txt).