=== Status and Order Tracking === Contributors: Rustaurius, EtoileWebDesign Donate Link: http://www.etoilewebdesign.com/plugin-donations/ Tags: order tracking, status tracking, order management, order status, woocommerce order tracking, order shortcode, order management system, order tracking system, status tracking system, status tracking software, delivery, deliveries, ship, shipping, ship orders, track, tracking, purchase orders, order processing, inventory management, customer orders, ticket tracking, support tickets, support ticket, tickets, helpdesk, help desk, help desk software, support software Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 5.2 License: GPLv3 License URI:http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Order tracking and status management plugin letting you post order updates and project status updates, with WooCommerce sync and email notifications == Description == Status Tracking Demo Project Status Demo Order tracking and status tracking software that allows you to quickly and easily manage the status of your orders, projects, shipments, or any other item, by posting order tracking updates or tickets that can be viewed through the front end of your WordPress site, for easy order management. All this is done via a series of easy-to-use order shortcodes. Includes Gutenberg blocks for displaying tracking and order forms! = Order Tracking Key Features = * Order tracking features including the ability to update the status of orders, projects, or any other item * Set up searchable orders or ticket numbers for customers. Order management made simple. * Order status notifications that automatically send an alert email to a customer whenever an order is created or updated * Order tracking statuses: Create custom statuses tailored to your business * Order management made easy: Choose what order tracking information gets displayed in the results when you place the order shortcode on a page With WooCommerce Integration! See the "WooCommerce Order Tracking" section below for full details and features. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LB4SDsJUYQE] It's the simplest status tracking system and order tracking system around, and works great for managing projects within companies as well! Zendesk IntegrationMore details coming soon, the the tutorial on our website for more information on how to set it up! `[tracking-form] ` Simply insert the above shortcode on any page and the order tracking form will be displayed. It's order tracking software that's easy to use via the WordPress admin panel and completely customizable with CSS. Statuses and projects can be inputted and updated manually, or entered by uploading a spreadsheet. You can also accept payment for orders through PayPal. Status tracking options are available to decide what information is displayed, to style the order tracking form, to import and export items/orders/projects via spreadsheet, to send out order status update emails, order alerts and more! Order management has never been this simple = WooCommerce Order Tracking = Turn on the included WooCommerce tracking integration (premium) to automatically create new orders in our plugin whenever someone checks out via your WooCommerce shop! With this you can provide WooCommerce order updates straight from within our plugin, allowing you to take advantage of our additional WooCommerce tracking features, such as custom fields to provide specific info for your customers. * WooCommerce order tracking integration in which, for every new order created via WooCommerce checkout, a new order is created in the Status Tracking plugin * WooCommerce tracking made easy with automatically-assigned order number (with options for prefix and suffix) * Possibility to have a WooCommerce order update alert and email automatically sent to customer with this order number * WooCommerce tracking updates: When an order is updated in WooCommerce, it is also automatically updated in Status Tracking, and vice versa * WooCommerce status notifications: Possibility to have an email automatically sent to customer on order update / status change The Status Tracking plugin isn't just for order management and order alerts. It also works great as a project management tool. By making use of some of the premium features, such as Sales Reps, you can set up project managers and assign specific projects to them. You can also create customers and assign specific projects and project managers to those customers. And, with the available labelling options, you can customize the wording of your forms and tracking pages to cater to the project management experience. = Additional Order Tracking and Order Status Features = * Hide or delete orders * Responsive and customizable CSS * Create different locations to associate with your statuses for your order updates * Custom order alert emails that can be associated with different statuses, such as for order processing, shipments, project deadlines, etc. * Assign a specific WordPress user account to a sales rep, so they can log in and manage all of their orders * Assign a specific WordPress user account or Front-End Only Users account to a customer, so they can log in and view all of their orders * Options for AJAX order tracking results, results in a new window, setting time zone, date formatting and much more! * Require users to enter email address to view order update information = Premium Order Tracking Features = Status Tracking premium offers many additional features to enhance your order status tracking experience and offer the best in order management. You can accept payment for orders as well as integrate status tracking into your existing WooCommerce shop. You can add custom fields to gather more information from customers submitting orders as well as provide more specific details via the order shortcode and in order alert emails. For even more refined order management, you can also create sales reps and assign a specific WordPress user account to each, so that they can log in and see/manage only their orders. Further premium features include: * PayPal integration to allow order payment * WooCommerce integration to import WooCommerce orders * [customer-order] shortcode, to let customers create their own orders which admins can then update * Allow customers and sales reps to download / export their orders straight from the front end * Assign orders to customers and sales reps for enhanced status management * Dozens of styling and labelling options to enhance the order tracking experience * Require login for WordPress or Front-End Only Users before viewing an order status * Custom fields for orders, customers and sales reps to display information such as weight, estimated delivery, price etc. * Import and export orders to Excel * Let sales reps manage only their orders [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsrJT1O0X0] With Status Tracking, you can keep your customers up to date with their order delivery status. Whether it's for WooCommerce tracking or use as a standalone status tracking solution, the included feature set will take care of all your order tracking needs. You can send a shipping email when the order is placed or is ready, and let your customers track shipping in the easiest way possible. The following shortcodes allow you to accomplish this: = Order Shortcodes = * [tracking-form] * [customer-form] * [sales-rep-form] * [customer-order] (Premium) For further information about Status Tracking and purchasing options, please visit our WooCommerce order status plugin homepage. = Status Tracking Additional Languages = Thanks to the generous contribution of many of those who use our order tracking and status tracking plugin, we're able to include translation files for the following languages: * Arabic (thanks to Webgear Media) * Italian (thanks to MD Ariful) * German (thanks to Benko) * Lithuanian * Norwegian (thanks to EinarSkaug) * Persian (thanks to Poorya Zeynalzadeh) * Polish (thanks to Jakub G.) * Portugese (thanks to Jaoa) * Spanish (thanks to Pablo M.) * Turkish * Vietnamese For help and support, please see: * Our FAQ page, here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/order-tracking/faq/ * Our installation guide, here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/order-tracking/installation/ * Our documentation, here: http://www.etoilewebdesign.com/plugins/order-tracking/documentation-order-tracking/ * Our tutorial videos, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEndQUuhlvSqa6Txwj1-Ohw8Bj90CIRl0 * The Status Tracking support forum, here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/order-tracking ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Installation == 1. Upload the 'order-tracking' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress or 1. Go to the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress and click 'Add New' 2. Search for 'Status Tracking' and select 'Install Now' 3. Activate the plugin when prompted = Getting Started = 1. Create a status: * The plugin comes with a few default statuses. To create your own, click on 'Tracking' in the WordPress admin sidebar menu * Go to the 'Statuses' tab. The 'Add New Status' area will be under the main 'Statuses' table. * Fill in all the fields and click the 'Add Status' button 2. Create a location: * Go to the 'Locations' tab. The 'Add New Location' area will be under the main 'Locations' table. * Fill in all the fields and click the 'Add Location' button 3. Create a sales rep: * Go to the 'Sales Reps' tab. The 'Add a New Sales Rep' area will be on the left. * Fill in all the fields (if desired, you can choose a WordPress user account to associate the sales rep with, so they can log in to WordPress and manage just their orders/statuses) * Click the 'Add New Sales Rep' button 4. Create a customer: * Go to the 'Customers' tab. The 'Add a New Customer' area will be on the left. * Fill in all the fields (if desired, you can choose a WordPress or FEUP user account to associate the customer with) * Click the 'Add New Customer' button 5. Create new orders: * Go to the 'Orders' tab. The 'Add New Order' area will be on the left. * To manually create a new order, fill in all the fields and click the 'Add New Order' button * To import via spreadsheet, scroll down to the 'Add/Update Orders from Spreadsheet' section, choose a file from your computer and then click the 'Add New Orders' button 6. Order tracking forms: * Place the [tracking-form] shortcode in the content area of any page you've created. This will allow your visitors to enter their Order Number and get information about their status/order. * Use the [customer-form] shortcode to allow a visitor to input their customer ID and see all their orders * Use the [sales-rep-form] shortcode to allow a sales rep to input their sales rep ID and see all the orders assigned to them 7. Customer order submission form (premium): * Place the [customer-order] shortcode in the content area of any page you've created to allow visitors to submit their own orders 8. Customize your status tracking experience by making use of the many available settings and options, status change email notifications, choosing what order information to display, requiring email confirmation, WooCommerce integration (premium) and more. For a list of specific features, see the Status Tracking description page here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/order-tracking/. For help and support, please see: * Our FAQ page, here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/order-tracking/faq/ * Our documentation, here: http://www.etoilewebdesign.com/plugins/order-tracking/documentation-order-tracking/ * Our tutorial videos, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEndQUuhlvSqa6Txwj1-Ohw8Bj90CIRl0 * The Status Tracking support forum, here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/order-tracking -------------------------------------------------------------- == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is there a Premium version available? = Yes, it was released November 2014. Premium features include PayPal integration, WooCommerce integration, access to the [customer-order] shortcode, ability to require customers to log in before viewing statuses, custom fields, the ability to import and export orders to Excel, the ability to assign orders to customers and sales reps, and the ability to automatically send an email to a customer whenever an order is created or updated. There are also dozens of extra styling and labeling options. For more information go to: = How do I add the tracking form to the front-end? = You can add a status tracking form by putting the following shortcode on whatever page you’d like your tracking form to be: [tracking-form]. = What attributes does the [tracking-form] shortcode accept? = To show all orders that have been entered, you can add "show_orders='Yes'" to the tracking-form shortcode. You can specify the label for the field and the value of the submit button with the attributes ‘order_field_text’ and ‘submit_text’ respectively. = How do I customize the tracking form? = There is a text area where you can add Custom CSS to customize the form in the admin menu under “Options”. = How do I access an uploaded excel file? = To access the upload directory, it's: (yourdomainhere.com)/wp-content/plugins/order-tracking/order-sheets/ = Can I modify the date and hour? = Yes, under “Options” you can set the Timezone for your orders. = What are the columns for the spreadsheet and is it possible to add more information? = Additional information about an order can be added using custom fields, or by using the "Public Notes" at the moment. The columns that can be uploaded currently are: Number, Name, Order Status, Location, Display, Public Notes, Private Notes, Email, Show in Admin Table, Sales Rep ID as well as those with the same name as a custom field (ex: "Specs"). = Is it possible to delete data of an incorrect order completely? = If you click the checkbox beside the incorrect order and select "Delete" that should get rid of the order. = Is it possible to change the position of the status to show only the most recent? = It's not currently possible to load only the most recent status, but we’re keeping this in mind as a future feature. = How do I translate the plugin into my language? = A great place to start learning about how to translate a plugin is at the link below: Once translated, you'll need to put the translated mo- and po- files directly in the lang folder and make sure they are named properly for your localization. If you do translate the plugin, other users would love to have access to the files in your language. You can send them to us at Contact@EtoileWebDesign.com, and we’ll be sure they’re included in a future release. = How do I change the title of “Order Form Instructions”? = You can edit “Order Form Instructions” on the “Options” page. They can also be set as an attribute, instructions set as an attribute will take priority. = How do I change the label “Order Number” field to, for example, “Job Number” in the front end display? = To change the label, try adding these attributes into your shortcode: [tracking-form order_field_text='Job Number' field_names='Order Number=>Job Number'] = Is there a way to modify multiple field labels? = You can change the field labels by using the "Labeling" area of the "Options" tab. = My order graph is not displaying properly, all of the statuses are overlapping. How do I fix this? = Make sure that you set the column “Percentages” on the order statuses page. If the problem persists you can also try editing the spacing using CSS on the “Options” page in the “Custom CSS” box. For a more in depth list, please visit our FAQ page: For more questions and support you can post in the support forum: = Videos = Tutorial Part 1 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YySDJa69HAE] Tutorial Part 2 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdfsGa0You0] Premium Features [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsrJT1O0X0] == Screenshots == 1. Sample status tracking start page 2. Sample order information with graphic and note 3. Customer form with results and email confirmation required 4. Sales rep tracking form results 5. Customer order form to allow customers to create orders 6. Order information page with payment button and location map 7. The 'Round' tracking graphic 8. The 'Streamlined' tracking graphic 9. Set up as a project status tracking tool 10. Project status project manager view 11. Project status customer view 12. The Status Tracking plugin dashboard 13. The admin order creation area 14. The "Basic" area of the "Options" tab 15. The "Premium" area of the "Options" tab 16. The payment options for payments through PayPal 17. The labelling options for the different text areas 18. The styling options to control fonts, colors, and spacing == Changelog == = 2.11.13 = - Correcting notices = 2.11.12 = - Making it so that, when someone submits an order via the customer-order shortcode on the front end, if the order_status attribute is being used to automatically set a status, then the email for that status is sent to the customer. - Made the custom notes front end updating work with the ajax, so it updates dynamically without reloading the page. = 2.11.11 = - Removing deprecated create_function = 2.11.10 = - Corrected an issue that was causing the "Skip All" button to not work in the tutorial that displays on plugin activation. = 2.11.9 = - Correcting issue in which certain WooCommerce orders would become hidden if the trial expired and you were using custom statuses that didn't exist in WooCommerce. = 2.11.8 = - Adding in a check for when to run the new guided setup = 2.11.7 = - Added in a guided setup on plugin activation = 2.11.6 = - Updated the review ask pop-up = 2.11.5 = - Added a skip button to the tutorial that shows when the plugin is first activated - Corrected issue that was causing the review request to pop back up even after a review had been left or feedback sent = 2.11.4 = - Corrected issue with Gutenberg blocks not displaying in new WordPress 5.0 = 2.11.3 = - Updating a few incorrect variable names = 2.11.2 = - Fixed an error where an order was not searchable after being placed via WooCommerce = 2.11.1 = - Fixed an error where new WooCommerce orders didn't have statuses with "Replace WooCommerce Statuses" turned on = 2.11.0 = - This is a big update with many new features, corrections, revised admin styling, etc., so please take caution and test before updating on a live site (or wait a few days before updating in case some minor corrective updates need to be put out) - Added in easy-to-use Gutenberg blocks for the tracking form, customer form, sales rep form and customer order form - The Options pages have a brand new and easy-to-use design! - Completely redesigned order create/edit screen. More intuitive, allowing you to more quickly and efficiently create and edit orders. - Redesigned "Emails" tab in the plugin admin, making it more clear and easy to use - Added in many new labelling options - Added ability to edit statuses - Added ability to edit locations - Added in new WooCommerce integration features, including: - The ability to show tracking information directly on the WooCommerce order history page - The ability to replace the available statuses on the WooCommerce order edit screen with the statuses from our plugin - The ability to assign a status from our plugin to existing WooCommerce statuses (e.g. unpaid order, on-hold order, completed order, refunded order, etc.) - Added in the ability for sales reps to see orders automatically on the front-end when logged in (i.e. without having to put in their sales rep number) - Updated the layout of the Statuses and Locations tabs, making them more intuitive and match the other similar tabs - Reorganized the styling options - All font size options now automatically apply a unit of 'px' if you do not specify a unit - Styling and ease-of-use changes to the custom field edit/create screen - Switched from using PHPExcel to the new PHPSpreadsheet for importing and exporting - Updated the order, layout and descriptions of several options, and made certain options only conditionally show when necessary - Minor styling updates to front-end forms - Generated new .pot file = 2.10.10 = - Fixed a versioning error that was happening with the recent update = 2.10.9 = - Changed the way widgets are loaded so that a deprecated PHP function is no longer called - Fixed an error where nothing would be saved after a file field was left blank on the customer order form - Fixed an issue where blank custom fields would still display, even when hide blank fields was selected = 2.10.8 = - Fixed an and that should have been an or for file and picture uploads = 2.10.7 = - Applied some labels to the customer and sales rep forms that weren't being applied previously = 2.10.6 = - "Track Your Order!" can now be changed in tracking emails created with Ultimate WP Mail - Fixed an error where "picture" type fields would not have an upload control on the customer order form = 2.10.5 = - Fixed an error where some labels weren't being applied to the customer form = 2.10.4 = - Fixed a "non-numeric" error for the customer and sales rep shortcodes = 2.10.3 = - Added in an Arabic translation of the plugin = 2.10.2 = - Updated the free trial button = 2.10.1 = - Fixed an error some users were having that wouldn't let them change the order information that was displayed = 2.10.0 = - We're doing a big Status Tracking admin area styling update, first up is the dashboard! = 2.9.17 = - Added an option to hide blank fields from the tracking information display = 2.9.16 = - Added in Ultimate WP Mail integration, so that order emails can be built using a visual builder instead of text-only - Added "None" as an option for the email to send for a particular status = 2.9.15 = - Minor styling updates = 2.9.14 = - Custom fields can now be set to display in their respective admin tables - Cleaned up the status tracking graphics = 2.9.13 = - Fixed an error where an order's status wasn't saving correctly on spreadsheet upload - Fixed an error where order status change emails were being sent out anytime an order's status was updated via spreadsheet, even if the status didn't change = 2.9.12 = - Added nonces to a couple of admin forms that were missing them - Fixed an issue with bulk deleting customers = 2.9.11 = - Added in an option to add a "Print" button to the tracking form - Added in a Spanish translation of the plugin - Fixed an issue where some translations were taking priority over labelling options = 2.9.10 = - Fixed a number of minor styling issues = 2.9.9 = - Maintenance release to elimindate a tonne of notices, careful upgrading on production sites as many files were updated = 2.9.8 = - Fixed an error where certain checkbox custom fields wouldn't save correctly = 2.9.7 = - Additional WooCommerce information can now gets pulled from each order - Private notes no longer get included in front-end downloads = 2.9.6 = - Added contrasting colors to order rows - Fixed a front-end excel export issue = 2.9.5 = - Minor ordering update = 2.9.4 = - Added in options to change the prefix and drop the suffix attached to WooCommerce order numbers when they get imported - Added options to allow customers and sales reps to download all of their orders via the front-end if the site admin wants = 2.9.3 = - Fixed an error where file type custom fields couldn't be uploaded on customer orders = 2.9.2 = - Updated the text domain of the plugin, to use the improved WordPress standard = 2.9.1 = - Any Zendesk field can now be automatically added to support tickets that are imported/updated = 2.9.0 = - Added Zendesk integration, so that Zendesk support users can check the status of their ticket, who it's assigned to, notes, etc. directly through your website = 2.8.22 = - Minor update to fix a versioning issue = 2.8.21 = - You can now view orders assigned to customers and sales reps in the admin by clicking on a customer or sales rep - Fixed an error where the wrong status would be in emails sent out using the bulk status update option = 2.8.20 = - Added the ability to require custom fields on the customer order form - Fixed an error where sales reps couldn't use email confirmation - Added a Persian language translation (thanks to Poorya Zeynalzadeh) = 2.8.19 = - Updated the PHPExcel version used in the plugin to increase compatibility with PHP7 = 2.8.18 = - It's now possible to delete a past status from an order from the 'Order Details' screen = 2.8.17 = - Fixed a pagination issue for the customer and sales rep shortcodes = 2.8.16 = - Fixed a couple of minor spreadsheet import issues that related to custom fields = 2.8.15 = - Added a Lithuanian translation - Fixed an error where when an order's status was changed via the front-end, no email would be sent out to the order's receiver = 2.8.14 = - Fixed an error where some orders weren't submitting correctly when users who submitted orders were logged in - Fixed an error where statuses with apostrophes couldn't be deleted = 2.8.13 = - Removed a folder of unnecessary files = 2.8.12 = - Added the ability to assign an order to a customer or a sales rep via spreadsheet - When a customer leaves an order while logged in to their WP or FEUP account, their order will automatically be assigned to them if an order tracking customer exists for that user - Removed PHPMailer extension files from the plugin, as they were no longer being used = 2.8.11 = - Fixed a small Dashboard error that a number of users were experiencing = 2.8.10 = - Minor Dashboard update = 2.8.9 = - Fixed a missing JS file error = 2.8.8 = - Fixed an error where using the trial in this plugin reset the trials for a number of our other plugins = 2.8.7 = - Introducing a free new premium 7-day trial feature, which users can choose to test out before buying the premium version = 2.8.6 = - Added in a new modern looking Dashboard tab = 2.8.5 = - Fixed an error where the status and location switching inputs on the front-end weren't displaying correctly in some cases = 2.8.4 = - Added in auto-linking to sales rep form orders when a tracking page has been entered in the emails tab = 2.8.3 = - Minor update to remove some commented out code = 2.8.2 = - Minor updates to the HTML in the admin area to better reflect the plugin name = 2.8.0 = - Added a feature that has been requested by a number of users, an Status Tracking shortcode helper, which lets you build shortcodes without having to remember and manually input the attributes. This feature can be turned off via the settings page, if you'd like to keep your tinyMCE button bar free of extra buttons - Fixed an error where customer orders wouldn't show for FEUP users if they were also logged in to WordPress = 2.7.12 = - Fixed a potential conflict for users that only had sales rep privileges for editing orders = 2.7.11 = - Fixed a problem where hidden orders display whenever a bulk action is performed = 2.7.10 = - Fixed an error with the "sales-rep-form" shortcode that was reported to us = 2.7.9 = - Added in a way to display hidden orders = 2.7.8 = - Fixed an error that occured if the an order's first status was internal = 2.7.7 = - Fixed an status tracking image size issue with AJAX reloads = 2.7.6 = - Minor CSS update = 2.7.5 = - Fixed the custom field ordering on the "customer-order" form - Fixed the links for the pages in the "Orders" tab, so that you're not redirected to the "Dashboard" tab - Fixed the label for a field in the tracking widget = 2.7.4 = - Fixed an error where the payment price could be overwritten when saving orders = 2.7.3 = - Minor CSS update = 2.7.2 = - Added premium notifications for customer orders being created, and for when customer notes are updated = 2.7.1 = - Fixed an error where orders couldn't be saved if a location wasn't set = 2.7.0 = - Added in a new "Statistics" tab, to see how many orders are being viewed - Added in latitude/longitude for the "Locations" - Add a Google map that can be displayed on the tracking page, if coordinates are set for the location that an order has reached - CSV files can now be used for product imports = 2.6.25 = - Fixed the default email message, so that something an email is sent when one of the original statuses gets updated = 2.6.24 = - The [customer-form] shortcode should now link to the [tracking-form] page to show complete order information, if the "Tracking URL" field is filled in on the "Emails" tab = 2.6.23 = - Fixed a statuses error that occurred on installation - Fixed an error where all statuses could be erased accidentally = 2.6.22 = - Made it possible to re-arrange the order of custom fields by dragging and dropping them - Fixed an error where picture fields were erased when an order was updated - Fixed a couple of small UI problems = 2.6.21 = - A link to a "file" custom field type is now displayed in order emails instead of only the filename = 2.6.20 = - Minor CSS update = 2.6.19 = - Fixed an error where orders couldn't be created with certain settings selected = 2.6.18 = - Minor CSS update = 2.6.17 = - Fixed an error where sales reps were no longer able to view an order's details = 2.6.16 = - Added a color picker to color fields in the "Styling"s area = 2.6.15 = - Fixed a styling problem with the customer order form = 2.6.14 = - Fixed a mass status editing bug = 2.6.13 = - Added the ability to have custom fields in the customer-order form = 2.6.12 = - Removed the reliance on closures in the walkthrough, to make the plugin compatible with legacy versions of PHP = 2.6.11 = - Fixed a plugin permalink conflict = 2.6.10 = - Added in a walkthrough for new installations = 2.6.9 = - Updated location spreadsheet uploads so that all locations added will display = 2.6.8 = - Added location as a column that can be uploaded via spreadsheet = 2.6.7 = - Added a new "Internal" column to statuses, which can be used to create statuses that are only visible to admins and sales reps, not to customers or visitors = 2.6.6 = - Made hidden orders visible when using the "Search Orders" button = 2.6.5 = - Fixed the PayPal IPN function so that an email is sent out if the status of an order is changed after payment = 2.6.4 = - Minor CSS update = 2.6.3 = - Small fixes for the display graphic, customer and sales rep tracking forms = 2.6.2 = - Fixed a bug preventing CSS customizations = 2.6.1 = - Fixed bugs on the Dashboard and Orders tabs - Fixed a bug with the customer note button for AJAX orders - Fixed a bug with the customer form = 2.6.0 = - Added PayPal integration, so orders can be paid for via PayPal - Added a "picture" custom field type, so that an image of the product being shipped can be included - Fixed a number of small errors = 2.5.5 = - Fixed an AJAX bug which was preventing the tracking form from submitting = 2.5.4 = - Improved the sizing of the tracking graphic on page load = 2.5.3 = - Put the correct statuses back in the 'Bulk Actions' select box = 2.5.2 = - Fixed an error where new statuses wouldn't display = 2.5.1 = - Fixed an error where the last three tabs weren't displayed if another plugin wasn't installed = 2.5.0 = - Complete overhaul of the e-mails system for order updates. IMPORTANT - If you're using the plugin in production, the plugin is switching from native SMTP e-mailing to using the pluggable wp_mail function, which means that options can now be set using a third party plugin (ex: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/) - Associate messages with an order status, so that each status has a different email message sent out when an order is set to that status - Assign a WordPress or Front-End Only User (https://wordpress.org/plugins/front-end-only-users/) to a customer so that orders assigned to that customer are automatically displayed by the [customer-form] shortcode when they're logged in = 2.4.9 = - Fixed the tracking graphix for email links = 2.4.8 = - Updated labeling options - Updated "Dashboard" tab = 2.4.7 = - Shortcode variables can now be used in the email subject line = 2.4.6 = - Minor CSS update = 2.4.5 = - Minor CSS fix = 2.4.4 = - Added "Customer ID" as one of the possible fields that can be added to an email = 2.4.3 = - Minor functionality fix = 2.4.2 = - Fixed the styling functions, since a number of the settings weren't being included - Minor changes to customers and sales reps details pages = 2.4.1 = - Fixed styling customization for customer, sales rep, and customer order forms - Minor CSS fixes = 2.4.0 = - Extended custom field functionality to sales reps and customers - Changed the way statuses are displayed on the order graphic - Minor CSS fixes = 2.3.6 = - Increased security for spreadsheets being uploaded = 2.3.5 = - Made the [customer-form] shortcode compatible with the latest plugin features - Added "Sales Rep ID" as a column that could be imported = 2.3.4 = - Fixed an HTML error on the "Options" tab that was causing the page to cut off. = 2.3.3 = - Minor styling update, with small PHP updates = 2.3.2 = - Updated the mailing files, to improve the compatibility of the plugin. If mailing is working for you and important, not upgrading might be advisable. - Added a Spanish translation = 2.3.1 = - Fixed a problem with WooCommerce integration = 2.3.0 = - Completely changed the options page - Added labelling options in a simpler to use format - Added styling options - Added the ability to display all orders in a list that can be clicked on, by setting the "show_orders" attribute to "Yes" in the tracking-form shortcode = 2.2.11 = - Fixed a potential WooCommerce integration warning = 2.2.10 = - Fixed a small display bug = 2.2.9 = - Fixed an image display bug in Firefox = 2.2.8 = - Fixed a potential emailing subject and send from issue = 2.2.7 = - Updated the dashboard tab with support information = 2.2.6 = - Fixed a potential spreadsheet issue for those using it to update orders = 2.2.5 = - Fixed a small CSS overflow problem = 2.2.4 = - Fixed a possible options bug and email settings bug - Fixed a tracking graphic display bug = 2.2.3 = - CSS update that moves the plugin away from using Yahoo's Pure CSS (WARNING: if you're using your own custom CSS with this plugin, the selectors in the shortcodes are being changed) - Added new premium arrow options, improved the responsiveness of the mobile stylesheet - Fixed a bug that prevented statuses with quotes from being deleted = 2.2.2 = - Added a premium shortcode, customer-order, that allows customers to create orders = 2.2.1 = - Fixed a bug where adding a status would overwrite the old ones - Fixed a bug where adding a location would overwrite the old ones = 2.2.0 = - Added a tracking form widget - Added "Locations" premium tab - Fixed a number of update/error messages - Stopped statuses from being displayed twice when an order is edited and the status doesn't change = 2.1.4 = - Added the ability to include "Show in Admin Table" in spreadsheet uploads = 2.1.3 = - Added in a premium mobile stylesheet option - Added another premium tracking graphic option = 2.1.2 = - Added in a premium option to change the tracking graphic = 2.1.1 = - Commented out the debugging lines in the Main.php file = 2.1 = - Added the ability to automatically import WooCommerce orders - Added the ability to assign a WordPress user to a sales rep, so that the sales rep can only track their orders - Fixed an access role bug = 2.0.24 = - Fixed a potential problem with Customer email validation = 2.0.23 = - Added "Customer Notes" feature, to get information from visitors about an order - Added the ability to add more than 1 e-mail address for an order = 2.0.22 = - Added additional e-mail settings = 2.0.21 = - Fixed a small upload error = 2.0.20 = - Added the ability to put links in order notes - Added the ability to set which user role has access to the plugin - Changed the export column names, so that they match the upload columns = 2.0.19 = - Fixed an error with adding tracking numbers to URL = 2.0.18 = - Fixed an error with spreadsheet uploading of custom fields = 2.0.17 = - Fixed an error with custom fields editing = 2.0.16 = - Fixed an include call that was failing on a number of server setups = 2.0.15 = - Added the ability to include a tracking link in order e-mails = 2.0.14 = - Changed how tracking graphics are created, so that they will be compatible with more sites - Tracking pages can now be linked to with an order pre-loaded, by added an argument to the the URL - Fixed an ajax error = 2.0.13 = - Fixed an encryption/display bug = 2.0.12 = - Fixed an e-mailing bug with mass status changes = 2.0.11 = - Fixed a number of errors with the "file" custom field type = 2.0.10 = - Made it possible to align the text towards the bottom of the top information divs = 2.0.9 = - Removed two alerts which were left in from debugging = 2.0.8 = - Fixed an error with AJAX updating of the order information - Fixed an error with displaying custom fields = 2.0.7 = - Fixed an error with custom fields - Fixed an error with field re-labelling - Fixed an error with custom field labelling = 2.0.6 = - Fixed a number of warnings that would appear when fields were re-labelled = 2.0.5 = - Added a new customer orders shortcode - Added a new sales rep orders shortcode - Added an option to set the subject for order e-mails - Added an option to change the date format for fields - Included additional fields that can be included in the body of e-mails = 2.0.4 = - Included a missing file for the custom fields feature = 2.0.3 = - Fixed a spreadsheets error = 2.0.2 = - Fixed a debugging error = 2.0.1 = - Fixed a PHPExcel error = 2.0 = - MAJOR UPDATE - Added Custom Fields which can display any type of information associated with an order (weight, size, estimated delivery, etc.) - Added Customers tab, lets you create customers and assign orders to them - Added Sales Rep tab, lets you create sales rep, assign orders and customers to them - Added the ability to export orders to Excel - Added the ability to delete all orders - Included a German translation - Fixed a confirmation error = 1.6 = - Included an Italian translation - Added an optoin to require verification of the e-mail address associated with an order - Added a message for when there are no results found - In the admin area, it is now possible to search the order list by order number - Fixed an error that didn't allow the order form instructions to be changed via attribute = 1.5 = - Added a .pot file to the lang folder = 1.4 = - Added an attribute to allow admins to set the field labels for order results - Fixed an error with the order form instructions attribute = 1.3 = - Added an atribute to set the order form title - Added an option to change the order form instructions - Added an option to set the timezone order statuses are calculated for (only applies to new statuses) - Fixed an error that was limiting the number of orders displayed to 20 - Fixed an escaping error with order names and notes = 1.2 = - Made managing order statuses easier - Added an optional graphic to show the progress of orders - Update/Error messages have been fixed, so that they should now diplay = 1.1 = - Added an option to allow AJAX order retrieval - Orders can be created and updated via uploading a spreadsheet = 1.0 = - First of 2 big updates to be released in June - Order E-mails added (can send out e-mails automatically when an order is created or updated) - Allow admins to select what information is displayed when an order is searched - CSS customization through the option page - Added in "Public" and "Private" order notes - Option to open search results in a new window/tab