=== Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Plugin === Contributors: FARAZFRANK Donate link: http://wpfrank.com/ Tags: slider, best slider plugin, image slide show, responsive slider, wordpress image slider plugin Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 5.2.3 Stable tag: 3.3.8 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Ultimate responsive image slider plugin is by far the most advanced and responsive image slider plugin. Photo album gallery slider can be easily implemented on your website. This photo slider plugin shows your image slider in exceptionally well manner. == Description == Ultimate responsive image slider a fully responsive slider photo gallery plugin for WordPress blog users. You can add infinite image slides in a single slider using multiple image uploader. You can publish unlimited slider on your blog. The slider image gallery it creates provides a beautiful aura on your website. This responsive slider plugin has various settings like customizable height and width, auto play slides, slide thumbnails, navigation buttons and much more. You can configure each image slider gallery setting individually and accordingly to you. You can show slider within the Page or Post content. **How to use [URIS id=123] shortcode?** Copy and paste [URIS id=123] shortcode, you can publish this responsive image slider plugin on any Page or Post on your WordPress website. **Free Plugin Features:** *Fully Responsive Slider Plugin It is fully adjustable with any screen size or device resolution. * Multiple Image Uploader You can upload multiple images at the same time on your website. * Add Unlimited Image Slides Into Single Slider Add unlimited number of images to a single slider for better visibility by taking lesser place. * Show Multiple Sliders Into Single Page / Post You can put as many sliders on a single page or post as you want. * Image Slider Setting Dashboard Neat and clean admin panel to configure your responsive image slider plugin. * Enable/Disable Slider Title Show or hide your image slider title as per your requirement. * Enable/Disable Slide Title Show or hide your image slide title as per your requirement. * Enable/Disable Slide Description Decide whether you want to show or hide description text on your slide. * Enable/Disable Navigation Bullets Show or hide Navigation bullets on your photo album gallery. * Enable/Disable Slide Thumbnails Show or hide preview image (thumbnail) for your slide. * Customize Thumbnail Position (New) Put your thumbnail position on top or bottom of your gallery. * Customize Thumbnail Width And Height (New) Specify a specific width or height to your thumbnail. * Auto Height Option (New) Image slider will automatically adapt to the size of the image. * Label And Description Colour Settings (New) Give unique font color or background color according to your need. * Added Font Style (New) Give a stylish font style to your existing fonts. * Customize Slider Distance (New) Decide what will be the appropriate distance between two image slides. * Slide Scale Mode(New) Scale all images according to your size requirement. * Slider Order – Ascending , Descending and Random (New) Select from which sequence your first image slide will start. * All Major & Latest Browser Compatible (IE, Chrome, Firefox) Responsive image slider plugin is compatible with all major internet browsers. * All Major Device Support Works on smaller screen sizes, mobiles and tabs efficiently without any problem. * Multilingual Translation Ready Works with almost every available language in the world. * Drag And Drop Image Position Change image slide sequence through simple drag and drop feature. ### Check Pro Plugin Demo [Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Pro](https://wpfrank.com/demo/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/) ### Buy Pro Plugin Now [Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Pro](http://wpfrank.com/account/signup/ultimate-responsive-image-slider-pro/) If you have any question contact us at here: [Plugin Support Forum ](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ultimate-responsive-image-slider) == Installation == 1. Upload the entire **responsive-image-slider** folder to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the **Plugins** menu in WordPress admin. 3. Create new gallery, Use **[URIS id=123]** shortcode to publish your image slider into any page or post. == Screenshots == 1. Slider Preview Above Content 2. Slider Preview Between Content 3. Slider Preview Below Content With Bullets Navigation 4. Slider Preview With Thumbnail Navigation 5. Slider Preview Without Bullets & Thumbnail Navigation 6. Slider Preview With Custom Height & Width 7. Slider Preview With Custom Height & Width 8. Slider Preview With Content & Without Bullets & Thumbnail Navigation 9. Slider Preview With Thumbnail Navigation Two 10. Add Slide Images Through Plugin Media uploader 11. Slider Settings For Individual Slide Show 12. Slider Shortcode Copy Widget Within Plugin Dashboard = Docs & Support = If any support required then post your query in WordPress [Plugin Support Forum ](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ultimate-responsive-image-slider) = We Need Your Support = It is really hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you are enjoying using our Responsive Photo Gallery plugin and find it useful, then please consider to write your positive [__Feedback__](http://wordpress.org/support/view/plugin-reviews/ultimate-responsive-image-slider). Your feedback will help us to encourage and support the plugin's continued development and better user support. = Translators = Please contribute to translate our plugin. Contact at `lizarweb (at) gmail (dot) com`. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do i add image slider on website page? = Just add slider shortcode on on that page and then it will appear on that page. = Is this slider plugin responsive? = Yes, it is responsive adapt any kind of media device width. Just add slider shortcode on on that page and then it will appear on that page. = Can I Add Unlimited Slides with help of this slider plugin? = Yes, you can add Unlimited images slides in this plguin , you can easily change their layout position through drag and drop them. = Will Ultimate Responsive Image Slider Plugin work with my theme = Yes, Its work with any theme, include the wordpress twenty themes (default Themes) also. = I add and remove slider but nothing happen = May be possible that you have installed any cache plugin, please delete the old cache. = Can I able to display slider on any post or page? = Yes, just put the slider shortcode [URIS id=xyz] on your post/page. = How to add a slider into header.php or in other PHP files? = Just put this code Please use WordPress [support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ultimate-responsive-image-slider) to ask any query regarding any issue. == Changelog == = 3.3.7 = - author name update = V 3.3.6 = - Ragular check and update = V 3.3.5 = - Tested upto wp 5.2 = V 3.3.4 = - plugin will get major update soon = V 3.3.3 = - Security update = V 3.3.2 = - Banner updated = V 3.3.1 = - Admin layout updated = V 3.3.0 = - Tested upto wp 5.1 = V 3.2.16 = - Fixed issue when jQuery is loaded in footer = V 3.2.15 = - SEO Improvement - Updated Pro Banner = V 3.2.14 = - Added Check Pro Banner = V 3.2.13 = - Added Our Premium Plugins - Fixed bug when updating image URLs after website migration = V 3.2.12 = - Fixed Pro Banner Placement = V 3.2.11 = - Add Slider Text Alignment Setting - Add New Pro Banner = V 3.2.10 = - Contributor removed = V 3.2.9 = - Bug Fixed : Openhand cursor not found - Add Pro Banner = V 3.2.8 = - Pro details added - meta box labels updated - secure Urls added = V 3.2.7 = - Update Review Button - Update close icon of slider in dashboard - Bug Fixed : Autoplay Slider Speed's span not visible = V 3.2.6 = - continuty update = V 3.2.5 = - continuty update = V 3.2.4 = - Plugin size minimized and minor update = V 3.2.3 = - New plugin author assinged FARAZFRANK - Plugin minimized = V 3.2.2 = - Language files Updated - Bug Fixed: Fontawesome Fonts = V 3.2.1 = - Version Update + Compatible upto wp 4.9.8 = V 3.2.0 = - Compatible with Page elementor plugin - Version Update + Compatible upto wp 4.9.7