== Changelog == 5.0 Translation issue fixed Different Configuration available for different table shortcode Bug Fix SSL issue fix for style and js file Individual configurations Bug Fix Sku,price,custom_metafiled wise ordering fix And so on... 4.9 Set custom Category/Taxonomy in Search box with custom Order Post_Include feature added. Able to set specific product in table with custom order Easily. 4.8 Yoast SEO conflict Remove Custom-field spelling fix Mini-Filter fixed, Now only show available Taxonomy Advance Search box option change to select tag and customizeable 4.7 Footer Cart Customization features 4.6 Awesome Footer Cart Added Per product cart count and will update globally Cart quantity will display with per [Add to cart] button - for added item Cart quantity will display with per product - for addedToCartSelected button Adding spin for loading - add to cart. Quote Request issue fix, js issue fixed, All text - Translateable 'Products not founded' message is changeable from configure Old shortcode's feature has totally removed Added and Adding remvoe from basic tab 4.5 product_cat_ids attributes supported in new shortcode. 4.4 Table Design customizer Added Table's all element is custimzeable =4.3 (01/29/2019) = Pagination On/Off feature added =4.2 (01/24/2019) = Table head Hiding Mobile's CSS issue Fix AddToCart's vertical middle issue fixed for Responisve version MiniCart's None Issue fixed TempNumber updated - Now anybody can use any post duplicator plugin. =4.1 (01/22/2019)= More Ligthweight Table configuration saved as Table ID Use Table by Table ID Edit any table from Table ID Lessen The Shortcode Length Enable to Hide Table Header Add Custom Taxonomy By a Click easily, no need to add in shortcode Add Custom Field By a Click easily, no need to add in shortcode No need shortcode editing Able to change and customize of table's style,colum,content from custom_post type But Fix Variation wise LightBox image Display And So many many feature Update = 4.0 (01/18/2019)= Bug Fix Attribute Display in another column Variations in different column issue fixed. Light Updated Full Size image display in Light Box Return to default quantity after added to cart Uncheck automatically after added to cart = 3.9 (11/28/2018)= Shortcode Supporting in Custom Field. Default value issue fixed for Variation of product. Variations in different column issue fixed. Now able to add Attributes as Individual Column. Popup Notice Enable/Disable Feature added. = 3.8 (11/27/2018)= Cart Validation Message Compatible with all Min Max Plugin Removed default quantity from configuration page Code Optimized for better performance and speed. Load More button show/hide option = 3.7 (11/21/2018)= Advance search box's added default search order and order_by based on shortcode date and modied_date collumn added at Table Configure Page's design changed - So smart/so cool "On Back Order" available now in Table Mini cart update Advance Cart Update send 'add_to_cart','added_to_cart' event = 3.6 (10/29/2018)= Configuration's value Reset option fix when plugin update Filter Text change option of Filter Reset Button Text change option of Filter Thumbs image size issue fix Mini-cart Update automatically Fix Responsive Issue for TD's height Fix Responsive Issue for TD's width product_description issue fixed = 3.5 (10/17/2018)= Bug Fix for CSS add to cart button in shop page Bug fix for Instant search's result all check Hide Load_More Button when all "unlimited product" Load More button's bug fix, when click Search of "Advance Search" = 3.4 (10/11/2018)= Table design is updated based on new Design Trend. Product Table Sort by SKU and also able to sort by any type Custom Meta value Suppose you will able to sort by Custom Field Value Able to sort by Custom Taxonomy Front-End sorting will work properly based on Price New Table template added named "Beautiful Blacky" Documentation Updated based on new feature New and Modern design for Documentation Design is Updated for Our plugin's Dashboard part = 3.3 = Search Box's Spelling fix. Search Box's all text are changeable from Configure Page. [Type your Message] Placeholder is changeable from configure page Variations issue solved for any type variations. Table Stock column's "In Stock" and "Out of Stock" is now change able from configure page. Mini Cart's "Cart","View Cart" and "Checkout" Text also change able from configure page Bug fix = 3.2 = Categories, tags unlink bug fix, when click Search Button Ajax Action Bug fix, when Search and Load button clicked Custom Icon for Add to cart button. Such: Only Icon, No icon, with left icon, with right icon = 3.1 = YITH Quick View supported. Product displaying from publish, added post_status => 'publish' Added Custom Message at Configure page for "There is no product based on current Query." Setting product_single page link for external and grouped product Bug Fix for URL of variations product when "no_ajax_action" Link remove for Categories and Tags from Configure page [Quick Buy] Feature Added for Each Product. See in configure page "Enable Quick Buy Button" and set it as Yes to Activate. Image/Thumbs lighBox Enable Disable Features Added Mobile Responsive issue fix of "smart thin" table Template Instance Search Issue Fixed. Now "Instance Search" is case insensitive. Search Box's item sorting. Able to control from Configure page. = 3.0 = Search Button's Bug Fix Instance Search's Bug fix Live column Sorting ascending/descending Cart Removing Feature at Mini-Cart Able to change "Items/Item" text from configure Able to customize message from configure Front-end Live search also with Menu Order Able to remove Ajax Action External/Affiliate product's Issue Fix All Message customize able. New Table Template [Smart Thin] - like Excel Add to cart selected, Direct checkout page = UPTO VERSION: 2.9 = Sorting by WC Order menu Unlimited variations Supported Compatible with YITH Request Quote Pluginn (Free + Premium) Compatible with YITH Wishlist Plugin Advance Instant Search Advance Ajax Search and Filter Ajax cart, Widget cart, cart count Update Custom Message set at Order, Custom Filed for Table Column Custom Taxonomy for table colum, Search by Custom Texonomy, Category, Tag, keyword, Order Ajax Page load for pagination, Live cart option at top/bottom and auto Update Shortcode Generator from Dashboard Updated 100% Mobile Friendly Customize Default Features = 2.8 = Column is Sortable by click on column name [Product Table] menu at top of [WooCommerce] menu Any size Thumbnail accepting https://codeastrology.net/woo-product-table-pro/doc/#changelog Working on admin/style_js_adding_admin.php file