=== WordLift - AI powered SEO === Author URL: https://wordlift.io Plugin URL: https://wordlift.io Contributors: wordlift, insideout10, ziodave Tags: schema.org, semantic seo, seo, artificial intelligence, ai, linked data, semantic web, content recommendation, related posts, timeline, knowledge graph, interactive map Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 5.2 Requires PHP: 5.3 Stable tag: 3.22.3 License: GPLv2 or later WordLift brings the power of Artificial Intelligence to optimize SEO and organize content. Attract new readers and get their true attention. == Description == #### WordLift - AI-Powered SEO [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPp13Y4T00U]
> **WordLift** is a lightweight plugin that brings **state-of-the-art semantic technologies** to the hands of any bloggers and publishers.
> **WordLift**, without requiring any technical skills, helps you produce richer content and organize it around your audience.
> **WordLift** is **available to all for a monthly fee**. Find out more and [get your activation key](https://wordlift.io) directly on our website.
**WordLift** helps you organize posts and pages adding facts, links and media to build **beautifully structured websites**, for both humans and search engines.
**WordLift** lets you create, own and publish your own [knowledge graph](https://wordlift.io/blog/en/knowledge-graph-seo/).
**WordLift** publishes your content as [Linked Open Data](https://wordlift.io/blog/en/entity/linked-data/) following Tim Berners-Lee‘s Linked Data Principles.
= Features = **WordLift** is a plug-in for online content creators to: * Support your writing process with **trustworthy and contextual facts**
* Enrich content with **images**, **links** and **interactive visualizations**
* Keep readers engaged with relevant **content recommendations**
* Produce content compatible with **schema.org markup**, allowing search engines to **best index and display your website**.
* Engage readers with **relevant content recommendations**
* Create your own **personal Wikipedia**
* Publish metadata to **share, sell and distribute content**
= WordLift brings to your publishing workflow = _____________ * The technology to **self-organize content** using publicly or privately available [knowledge graphs](https://wordlift.io/blog/en/knowledge-graph-seo/)
* An easy way to **build datasets** and **full data ownership**
* Support for creating web content using **contextually relevant information**
* Valued and **free to use photos and illustrations** from the Commons community ranging from maps to astronomical imagery to photographs, artworks and more
* New means to drive business growth with **meaningful content discovery paths**
* Content tagging for **better SEO**
= Supported languages = _____________ WordLift currently supports 32 languages: Chinese, Danish, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Albanian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian. The Plug-in is built on **open source software**. == Installation == 1. Upload `wordlift.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Extract the files in the wordlift subfolder 3. Activate the plug-in using a [WordLift key](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/key-concepts.html#wordlift-key). You receive this key from us after purchasing the monthly service from [our website](https://wordlift.io). Once you have received the key go to the WordPress administration menu, click on Plugins / Installed Plugins. Then click on Settings on the WordLift plugin and follow the guided setup process. > #### WordLift - Activating the Plugin > To activate the plugin you will need a *WordLift key*.
> **WordLift** is now available to all for a monthly fee.
> Find out more and [get your activation key](https://wordlift.io) directly on our website.
== Frequently Asked Questions == > Find here the Frequently Asked Questions. Also look into our docs: http://docs.wordlift.io/ = Who is WordLift for? = **WordLift** is for all *bloggers*, *journalists*, and *content marketers* publishing and fighting for readers’ attention on the web.
**WordLift** democratizes the field, bringing to the hands of all web content creators the technology that web publisher giants such as *Google*, *Facebook* and the *BBC* are using to organize and monetize their content.
**WordLift** helps you create richer and more engaging content, optimizes it for all search engines and efficiently organizes your content creation process, allowing you to reach and speak directly to your tribe.
= Why shall I use WordLift? = Organizing web content around an internal vocabulary rather than traditional web pages helps both users and machines finding and accessing it, improving navigation, content re-use, content repurposing, and search engine rankings.
**WordLift** **organizes** content, reducing the complexity of content management and content marketing operations, letting bloggers and site owners focus on stories and communities.
**WordLift** **enriches** your content with *contextual information*, *links*, and *media*, from custom vocabularies and/or the wealth of open data available on the web, bringing your user experience to a new level of engagement.
**WordLift** **connects** content with cross-media *discovery* and *recommendations* widgets, increasing content quality, exposure, trustworthiness and readership engagement.
**WordLift** **optimizes** content, complementing the offer of plug-ins such as *SEO Ultimate* or *Yoast*, automatically adding schema.org markups to your text, allowing all search engines to properly index your pages and deliver more traffic to your site.
= Can you prove that WordLift improves the online visibility of websites? = We are on a mission **to improve the visibility of websites**. Testing the product’s assumptions by looking at the web metrics with a methodical approach, is a crucial part of our product development.
We recently presented **a research study** and proved that **our semantic markup, annotations and widgets improve the number of visitors, the pageviews, the time spent on page and the duration of a session with a double digit growth** on an editorial website with around 150.000 monthly visitors.
While not all websites are created equal, you can [download the result of this study](https://wordlift.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/wordlift-proceedings-paper-SEMANTiCS2017.pdf) and start testing WordLift yourself. It does work!
= How does it work? = To know more about how **WordLift** works, please [watch the step-by-step video tutorials](https://wordlift.io/how-it-works) on our [website](https://wordlift.io).
**WordLift** works in subsequent stages.
1. The first step provides a **full text analysis** and suggests concepts and relationships found in open vocabularies (such as *DBpedia*, *Wikidata*, *GeoNames*, etc) to help writers **classify** and **enrich** their content and structure it for search engines like Google, according to schema.org vocabulary.
2. Writers can then create new entities, to complement the ones suggested automatically, and to be published as part of a **proprietary vocabulary**, acting both as a **reference** and a **search magnet** for their readers, according to the editorial plans.
3. **WordLift** also assists writers suggesting **links**, **media** and providing a set of powerful **visualization widgets** to connect and recommend alternative content, to boost readers’ engagement.
4. Finally **WordLift** provides means to record all these relationships in a graph database allowing search queries like *“find all contents related to concept_y and relevant for target_z”*.
= What are the languages supported by WordLift? = WordLift currently supports 32 languages: Chinese, Danish, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Albanian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian. = Is there a free trial? = Yes! All of our subscriptions come with a **14-day free trial**. If after two weeks you are not happy with WordLift, [contact us](mailto:support@wordlift.io) and we will cancel your subscription, no questions asked. In addition, with the purchase of our 6-month or 12-month packages, we offer free additional months. [Check it out](https://wordlift.io/pricing/)! = Who owns the structured metadata created with WordLift? = **You do!** We believe content creators should retain the commercial value of their content and all the data they create and exploit it through **new business models** based on **content syndication**, **data-as-a-service** and a stronger **relationship with their audience**.
You can open your datasets to the public, attaching to it a free or a commercial licence. Otherwise, use your data to feed **chat bots** on Facebook Messenger or Telegram, providing live feed updates on your activity and/or automatic customer service in real time. = What happens if I stop using WordLift? = 1. If you stop paying for your subscription, but keep the plugin on your site, all the entities, metadata and pages you created with wordlift will still be available on your site - you won't be able to update it any longer, but they will still work just fine as they were at the moment you removed the key. The data you’ve created belongs to you and you can always request to us a data dump that is available in various machine-readable formats.
2. if you deactivate the plugin instead, the vocabulary (metadata, entity and pages) will disappear from your dashboard, but everything you created is stored in your website Database in WordPress, and you will be able to download it, transfer it or re-activate it again anytime from the plugin menu.
3. Turning off WordLift on our side, it would be like turning off all the keys and un-publish all the linked data you’ve created, not the plug-in itself, so it will be like #1 - you could get the data back from us and re-publish it as [linked data](https://wordlift.io/blog/en/entity/linked-data/) on your own infrastructure.
4. WordLift's technology is entirely open source: it takes development skills, infrastructure and some wisdom to nicely bring all the pieces together without our support.
5. Your vocabulary (article metadata and entities) are published as [linked data](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/key-concepts.html#linked-open-data) and you can always request a data dump in any of the following formats: RDF/XML, Turtle, N3, JSON-LD.
> Find more FAQ in our [Wiki](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/faq.html#why-is-it-important-to-organize-my-content-and-publish-it-as-linked-data).
== Screenshots == 1. The Setup Wizard. 2. The slick [WordLift Edit Post Widget](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/analysis.html#wordlift-edit-post-widget). 3. The WordLift Edit Post Widget explained. 4. The WordLift Event Entity. 5. The WordLift Place Entity. 6. The [Navigator Widget](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/discover.html#the-navigator-widget) providing content-recommendations. 7. The [Faceted Search Widget](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/discover.html#the-faceted-search-widget). 8. The [Chord Widget](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/discover.html#the-chord-widget). 9. The WordLift Dashboard. Your [knowledge graph](http://docs.wordlift.io/en/latest/key-concepts.html#knowledge-graph) at a glance. == Changelog == = 3.22.3 (2019-09-13) = * Fix: Fix initial state of link switch in Button Drawer (Gutenberg). = 3.22.2 (2019-09-12) = * Fix: Button Drawer raising an error in Gutenberg. = 3.22.1 (2019-09-12) = * Fix: WordLift Icon missing in Gutenberg. = 3.22.0 (2019-09-12) = * Enhancement: [#934](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/934): Display entity content within context cards type * Enhancement: [#602](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/602): Improve the Batch Analysis. * Enhancement: [#404](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/404): Enhanced Navigator Widget = 3.21.4 (2019-08-28) = * Fix: [#945](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/945): Faceted Search results do not change when posts clicked. = 3.21.3 (2019-08-19) = * Fix: [#943](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/943): Faceted Search caching issues. = 3.21.2 (2019-08-13) = * Fix: Supporting unregisteredAttributes with attributes in Gutenberg. * Enhancement: Additional filters for Navigator: `wl_navigator_data_post`, `wl_navigator_data_entity` and `wl_navigator_data_placeholder`. * Enhancement: Add a caching layer to Faceted Search AJAX requests. = 3.21.1 (2019-07-03) = * Fix: [#932](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/932): Remove the Analytics Settings from the Plugins screen. * Fix: [#931](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/931): Chrome downloads the RDF file when clicking on "View Linked Data". * Fix: [#926](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/926): Add a filter to disable WordLift's version output. * Fix: [#924](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/924): Conflict with AMPforWP Wizard installation. * Fix: [#923](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/923): Dashboard v2 Entity Count may consume too much memory. * Fix: [#913](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/913): Do not publish the local permalink if not configured. * Fix: [#930](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/930): WordLift text editor freezes when user has a apostrophe in the name. = 3.21.0 (2019-06-03) = * Enhancement: [#889](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/889): Add Entity for Gutenberg. * Enhancement: [#914](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/914): Add a `can_see_wl_classification_box` filter. * Fix: [#916](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/916): Current entity shows in the content analysis. = 3.20.2 (2019-05-13) = * Fix: [#912](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/912): Annotations cannot be selected in Gutenberg and WP 5.2. * Fix: [#911](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/911): Add GTM compatibility. = 3.20.1 (2019-05-06) = * Fix: [#908](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/908): Entities in GA isn't working when GA is loaded via GTAG. * Fix: [#907](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/907): Link in Search Rankings tile do not work. * Fix: [#906](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/906): Search Rankings timeout after 5 secs. * Fix: [#903](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/903): Link switch doesn't work in classification box. = 3.20.0 (2019-03-25) = * Enhancement: [#894](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/894): Push entity-related events to GA. * Enhancement: [#892](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/892): Write JSON-LD of local entities bound to taxonomy terms. * Enhancement: [#887](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/887): Add the GMT offset to dates in JSON-LD. * Enhancement: [#882](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/882): Add greek among the supported languages. * Enhancement: [#881](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/881): Polylang 2.5 plugin compatibility. * Enhancement: [#879](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/879): Dashboard Overhaul, Phase 1. * Enhancement: [#868](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/868): Remove `wlSettings` from WP Rocket inline optimization. * Enhancement: [#867](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/867): Faceted Search AMP. * Enhancement: [#866](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/866): Navigator AMP. * Enhancement: [#861](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/861): Arabic can be added as supported language. * Enhancement: [#851](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/851): add a filter to allow 3rd parties to change the TinyMCE editor id via JavaScript. * Enhancement: [#850](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/850): allow 3rd parties to change the site URL and post permalink. * Enhancement: [#835](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/835): Add the all entity types metabox. * Enhancement: [#761](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/761): Search Rankings dashboard page. * Enhancement: [#728](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/728): Gutenberg Integration. * Enhancement: [#713](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/713): Allow to configure the target country. * Fix: [#901](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/901): Script error on /wp-admin/admin.php?page=filter_urls_form&id=1. * Fix: [#896](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/896): AMP Validation fails with Faceted Search Widget (QA). * Fix: [#895](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/895): AMP validation fails with Navigator widget (QA). * Fix: [#888](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/888): Remove `wordCount` from `WebPage` JSON-LD. = 3.19.6 (2019-03-05) = * Enhancement: [#875](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/875): Provide 16:9, 4:3 and 1:1 images also for embedded media. * Enhancement: [#872](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/872): Allow binding a taxonomy term to an entity. * Fix: [#886](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/886): Before calling `get_role` check that the role exists. * Fix: [#870](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/870): PHP errors: file_put_contents(/tmp) and mkdir permission denied. * Fix: [#865](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/865): Content Egg's angular clashes with WordLift's angular. = 3.19.5 (2018-10-01) = * Enhancement: [#858](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/858): WMT and SDTT complain about wrong `@type` for `location` bound `Place`s. * Enhancement: [#855](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/855): Rebuild compatibility with Polylang plugin. = 3.19.4 (2018-09-18) = * Enhancement: [#848](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/848): add a filter to allow 3rd parties to change the TinyMCE editor id. * Enhancement: [#847](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/847): add a filter to allow 3rd parties to force the classification to load. * Enhancement: [#843](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/843): add a window global object with WLP version. * Enhancement: [#842](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/842): Exclude WordLift public bundle from WP Rocket defer. * Enhancement: [#830](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/830): Improve image markup on AMP pages to enhance the appearance in Google Search results. * Fix: [#846](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/846): on deactivate ensure to delete the wl-api option. * Fix: [#841](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/841): UTF-8 BOM sequence in paths. = 3.19.3 (2018-08-16) = * Enhancement: [#839](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/839): Add a setting to limit the scope for the Select in edit post screen. * Enhancement: [#837](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/837): Use 300 width images in faceted search and navigator. * Fix: [#840](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/840): wl-api referenced using siteurl instead of homeurl. * Fix: [#832](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/832): angularjs may conflict with other plugins. * Fix: [#831](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/831): Allow navigator on pages. * Fix: [#699](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/699): Font Awesome on the front-end may conflict with themes. = 3.19.2 (2018-07-10) = * Fix: [#825](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/825): faceted search loads large images while it could load thumbnails. * Fix: [#824](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/824): LocalBusiness entity type not recognized by the AutoComplete * Fix: [#823](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/823): logo not available in referenced publisher. * Fix: [#821](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/821): wordlift-public.css is included but file empty. * Fix: [#820](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/820): wl-api lost when plugin deactivated and activated back again. * Fix: [#814](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/814): Enforce styles in TinyMCE. = 3.19.1 (2018-06-28) = * Enhancement: [#815](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/815): Add wl_schemas hook. * Enhancement: [#813](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/813): Disable logging by default. * Enhancement: [#671](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/671): Add WordLift JSON-LD markup to AMP pages. * Fix: [#819](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/819): When a post is converted into entity, ShareThis social sharing icons are duplicated. * Fix: [#818](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/818): Deleted entities appear as numbers in metaboxes. = 3.19.0 (2018-05-26) = * Enhancement: [#801](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/801): Using _vocabulary_ as slug conflicts with the Vocabulary archive page. * Enhancement: [#795](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/795): Display latest blog posts from our Website. * Enhancement: [#787](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/787): Add schema:recipeInstructions and schema:recipeYield to the linked dataset. * Enhancement: [#786](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/786): Add schema:name and schema:alternateName to linked dataset. * Enhancement: [#767](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/767): Develop a mechanism to get feedback after deactivation of the plugin. * Enhancement: [#597](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/597): Publisher's Logo width and height. = 3.18.6 (2018-05-26) = * Enhancement: [#467](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/467): Manually select an entity. * Fix: [#806](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/806): Image in JSON-LD is null. = 3.18.5 (2018-05-25) = * Fix: [#810](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/810): SDTT doesn't load or parse the JSON-LD. = 3.18.4 (2018-05-23) = * Fix: [#808](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/808): JSON-LD returning null elements. = 3.18.3 (2018-04-23) = * Fix: [#802](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/802): Use set user language (user locale) as base for WordLift translations in backend. * Fix: [#800](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/800): Use wl-api instead of wp-admin/admin-ajax.php for json-ld calls. * Fix: [#797](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/797): Assign the default Article taxonomy term to existing posts. * Fix: [#794](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/794): Vocabulary only shows # and A. * Fix: [#793](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/793): HTML encoded entities in JSON-LD. * Fix: [#792](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/792): WordLift enqueues a custom jQuery UI CSS. * Fix: [#791](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/791): Notice on Vocabulary Menu. * Fix: [#790](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/790): Two glossary widgets on the same page are not working as expected. = 3.18.2 (2018-03-28) = * Enhancement: [#788](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/788): Add hook to `save_form_data` for wl metaboxes. * Fix: [#789](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/789): Entities set to draft when associated articles or entities are set to draft. * Fix: [#778](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/778): Vocabulary Shortcode doesn't sort alphabetically. = 3.18.1 (2018-03-27) = * Fix: [#785](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/785): Entity properties: Adding additional sameAs creates readonly input field. * Fix: [#784](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/784): Accents not showing up properly on setup wizard. * Fix: [#783](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/783): Navigator garbled on mobile views. * Fix: [#782](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/782): Nested spans when using shift + return. * Fix: [#780](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/780): Missing colons cause issue with minifier. * Fix: [#779](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/779): Remove logger from `Wordlift_Install`. = 3.18.0 (2018-03-20) = * Enhancement: [#772](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/772): Vocabulary Widget: allow entity grouping by category. * Enhancement: [#771](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/771): Allow markup in text annotations. * Enhancement: [#770](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/770): Autocomplete field: `urldecode` entity permalinks from dbpedia. * Enhancement: [#769](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/769): Move `wl_insert_triples` at the end of `get_insert_triples`. * Enhancement: [#768](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/768): Refactor `wordlift_core_install.php`. * Enhancement: [#760](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/760): Add a reference to the articles being annotated with an entity in the rdf graph. * Enhancement: [#759](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/759): Add support for offers and performer on entities type Event. * Enhancement: [#757](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/757): PHP 7.2 compatibility. * Enhancement: [#715](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/715): Image storage strategy. * Enhancement: [#634](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/634): Add bulgarian translations. * Enhancement: [#325](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/325): Disable importing SVGs from analysis. * Fix: [#777](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/777): WordLift Entities-Box: Wrong Link in "Open in vocabulary". * Fix: [#776](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/776): JSON-LD generation raises a warning. * Fix: [#774](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/774): Changes on Author from vocabulary not updated in JSON-LD markup of existing posts. * Fix: [#773](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/773): PHPUnit compatibility issue with php 7.2. * Fix: [#752](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/752): 2nd level properties not added to the cloud dataset. * Fix: [#702](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/702): When a post is deleted the wl_relation_instances table isn't updated. * Fix: [#681](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/681): Permalink in vocabulary editor returns to editor. = 3.17.3 (2018-02-14) = * Fix: [#766](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/766): Performance loss on Cache update due to `wp_set_post_lock`. = 3.17.2 (2018-01-24) = * Fix: [#758](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/758): amp_post_template_css causes PHP Warning. = 3.17.1 (2018-01-15) = * Fix: [#756](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/756): Analysis results corrupted when text contains a script tag. = 3.17.0 (2018-01-15) = * Enhancement: [#750](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/750): Add filters to allow adding custom schema.org properties. * Enhancement: [#726](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/726): Set correct post types to Batch Analysis. * Enhancement: [#724](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/724): Batch Analysis updates train. * Enhancement: [#723](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/723): Batch Analysis extend link option with first only. * Enhancement: [#722](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/722): Batch Analysis hooks for entities added to a post. * Enhancement: [#721](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/721): Batch Analysis minimum occurrences filter. * Enhancement: [#720](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/720): Batch Analysis post submission selection filters. * Enhancement: [#719](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/719): Batch Analysis must set the default entity term. * Enhancement: [#717](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/717): AutoFix interpolation errors resulting from Batch Analysis. * Enhancement: [#716](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/716): Batch Analysis should invalidate caches. * Enhancement: [#682](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/682): Capture the web site URL. * Enhancement: [#587](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/587): Vocabulary Widget. * Fix: [#743](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/743): New permalink structure not reflected in JSON-LD. * Fix: [#729](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/729): Batch Analysis - Infinite loop when post content is not set. = 3.16.5 (2018-01-08) = * Fix: [#753](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/753): JSON-LD doesn't show up in SDTT. = 3.16.4 (2017-12-14) = * Enhancement: [#739](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/739): Change the color/background of the wizard's "grab a key" button and link it to the Pricing page. * Enhancement: [#736](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/736): Add an option to link only the first entity occurrence. * Enhancement: [#735](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/735): Remove the number of occurrences and sort by occurrences descending. * Enhancement: [#599](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/599): Revising the order of the proposed entities in the WordLift Edit Widget. * Fix: [#733](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/733): JSON-LD shouldn't load on non-entity pages. = 3.16.3 (2017-11-28) = * Fix: [#711](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/711): Performance issues with content_filter. = 3.16.2 (2017-11-23) = * Fix: [#709](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/709): Missing links on front-end. = 3.16.1 (2017-11-21) = * Fix: [#707](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/707): Performance degrades in combination with Yoast. = 3.16.0 (2017-11-16) = * Enhancement: [#627](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/627): Set minimal supported wordpress version to 4.4. * Enhancement: [#626](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/626): Cache JSON-LD, introduce an explicit caching layer. * Enhancement: [#518](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/518): Add the type when 2 or more entities have the same title. * Enhancement: [#514](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/514): Add the occurrences of an entity within an article by default in Content Classification. * Enhancement: [#488](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/488): Make Download Data more user-friendly. * Fix: [#666](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/666): Chord shortcode uses a non existing post status of "published". * Fix: [#531](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/531): When adding the second chord widget the page messes up. = 3.15.6 (2017-11-15) = * Fix: [#701](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/701): Early rewrite rules flushing causes infinite loop. * Fix: [#700](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/700): WP live previews don't run when classification box is closed. = 3.15.5 (2017-11-14) = * Fix: [#698](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/698): `flush_rewrite_rules` called at every request. = 3.15.4 (2017-11-13) = * Fix: [#693](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/693): Remove requirement for mbstring. * Fix: [#691](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/691): Check WL compatibility with UX builder part of Flatsome themes. * Fix: [#689](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/689): Heavy query on image attachments. * Fix: [#687](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/687): Test failure with WP 4.8.3. * Fix: [#686](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/686): `Wordlift_Listable` flushes the cache at every post. * Fix: [#685](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/685): `flush_rewrite_rules_hard` causes a large number of SPARQL queries. * Fix: [#683](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/683): Incompatibility with Formidable Forms. = 3.15.3 (2017-10-20) = * Enhancement: [#670](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/670): Allow filtering logging levels. * Fix: [#677](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/677): Sometimes authors are not correctly matched with their entities. * Fix: [#676](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/676): Entity type permalinks no longer work. * Fix: [#674](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/674): Improve the performance of get_entity_post_by_uri. * Fix: [#673](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/673): Query error on edit screen. * Fix: [#672](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/672): Local Business repeated twice in Create New Entity. * Fix: [#669](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/669): WordLift is constantly validating the key. * Fix: [#668](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/668): View Linked Data on a post shows a 500. * Fix: [#667](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/667): Hardcoded entity post types. * Fix: [#665](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/665): startDate and endDate are not recorded on some Events. * Fix: [#663](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/663): Terms query may slow down site. * Fix: [#662](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/662): Old articles appear in Vocabulary. = 3.15.2 (2017-10-16) = * Fix: [#659](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/659): Check WL compatibility with ACF. * Fix: [#654](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/654): Entity Link always returning the last blog post. = 3.15.1 (2017-10-12) = * Enhancement: [#642](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/642): Allow to disable JSON-LD. * Fix: [#652](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/652): When the user does not choose a publisher WordLift picks up the first one from the list. * Fix: [#647](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/647): Related posts contains duplicates. * Fix: [#646](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/646): Suggested images are missing after the update. * Fix: [#644](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/644): Entities not showing in the classification box. = 3.15.0 (2017-10-05) = * Enhancement: [#625](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/625): Add a WordPress filter to allow customers to extend the post types that can be turned into entities. * Enhancement: [#608](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/608): Integrate the Autocomplete widget. * Enhancement: [#607](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/607): Autocomplete API. * Enhancement: [#596](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/596): Allow regular posts/pages to be entities. * Enhancement: [#595](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/595): Import may fail with many posts/entities. * Enhancement: [#584](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/584): Adding aliases as link TITLE attributes. * Enhancement: [#583](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/583): Add sameAs to schema.org/publisher in JSON-LD. * Enhancement: [#574](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/574): WL currently adds links on headings. * Enhancement: [#493](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/493): Prevent analysis in html tags: `button`. * Fix: [#628](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/628): Check the status of Content Classification in the WordLift editor. * Fix: [#610](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/610): Typo in xsd:dateTime. = 3.14.7 (2017-10-03) = * Fix: [#633](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/633): Colon in html messes the analysis. = 3.14.6 (2017-09-11) = * Fix: [#613](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/613): A slash too much for Angular geolocation library. * Fix: [#611](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/611): WordLift slowing down RSS feed. = 3.14.5 (2017-08-31) = * Enhancement: [#606](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/606): Batch Analysis on all posts. = 3.14.4 (2017-08-30) = * Fix: [#527](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/527): Error fetching angular-animate.min.js. = 3.14.3 (2017-08-10) = * Enhancement: [#603](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/603): Rebuild the relations table. = 3.14.2 (2017-08-10) = * Enhancement: [#601](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/601): Improve the Batch Analysis service. = 3.14.1 (2017-07-30) = * Fix: [#594](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/594): Recipes appear as Things in the classification box. * Fix: [#593](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/593): Recipes mentioned in posts/pages do not appear in the JSON-LD. = 3.14.0 (2017-07-18) = * Fix: [#582](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/582): Empty area on Timeline w/o events. * Fix: [#581](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/581): Date Picker doesn't open. * Fix: [#577](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/577): Faceted Search posts' list doesn't show * Fix: [#526](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/526): Multisite network activation fails to create the entity types on newly created subsites. * Enhancement: [#565](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/565): Allow empty vocabulary path on compatible Permalink configuration. * Enhancement: [#562](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/562): Annotate archival content using my vocabulary. * Enhancement: [#561](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/561): Add the capability to create new entities in the vocabulary. * Enhancement: [#551](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/551): Make Chord compatible with AMP. * Enhancement: [#546](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/546): Extend the JSON-LD and allow customizations. * Enhancement: [#536](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/536): Hide labels that do not have associated entities in the Faceted Search Widget. * Enhancement: [#533](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/533): Add the schema:wordCount property to schema:Article. * Enhancement: [#524](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/524): Adding support for schema.org/Recipe. * Enhancement: [#481](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/481): Improve authors. * Enhancement: [#468](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/468): schema.org/WebSite markup. * Enhancement: [#379](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/379): Overlaps should prefer local entities. = 3.13.3 (2017-07-12) = * Enhancement: [#558](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/558): Link to the settings page in the message about unset key. * Enhancement: [#412](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/412): Add a toggle to disable WordLift's analysis on certain pages/post. = 3.13.2 (2017-07-09) = * Fix: [#575](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/575): Cron is unreliable on some web sites. * Fix: [#576](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/576): Error 404 on a WooCommerce Product Page. * Fix: [#571](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/571): Faceted Search not displaying correctly. * Fix: [#568](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/568): Trying to get property of non-object in class-wordlift-sharethis-service.php. = 3.13.1 (2017-06-29) = * Fix: [#569](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/569): Explicitly enabling an entity link doesn't work. = 3.13.0 (2017-06-22) = * Feature: [#550](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/550): Limit the number of entities. * Fix: [#541](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/541): AMP version of a page with a map displays a gray box. * Feature: [#537](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/537): Translate all labels in plugin languages in the Faceted Search Widget. * Feature: [#534](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/534): Inform the editor when a subscription is not active. * Feature: [#522](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/522): Check Widgets compatibility with AMP. * Feature: [#513](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/513): Synonyms in JSON-LD. * Feature: [#485](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/485): Add the possibility to configure NOLINK by default. * Feature: [#477](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/477): Preserve alternative labels when an entity is saved in the local vocabulary. * Feature: [#330](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/330): External Entities not recognised when adding an extra paragraph on long articles. = 3.12.4 (2017-06-15) = * Feature: [#563](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/563): Allow rebuilding entities only. = 3.12.3 (2017-06-07) = * Fix: [#556](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/556): SPARQL queries fail. * Fix: [#555](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/555): In WP backend "View Linked Data" and "Test Google Rich Snippets" buttons to be shown. * Fix: [#554](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/554): The WordLift's Editor is picking up old description in "Entity Description. = 3.12.2 (2017-06-01) = * Fix: [#549](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/549): Make WL compatible with WP 4.8. * Fix: [#543](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/543): Entities not published to the Linked Data Store. * Fix: [#528](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/528): fsockopen loops indefinitely. = 3.12.1 (2017-05-15) = * Feature: [#535](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/535): Incorrect text-annotation styles in editor. = 3.12.0 (2017-05-03) = * Feature: [#516](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/516): Visual Composer tags appearing in the article's description. * Feature: [#512](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/512): Entity type listing page shows an "access not allowed" in wordpress versions before 4.7. * Feature: [#511](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/511): Add support for the about property. * Feature: [#503](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/503): Text domain is missing in calls to _x translation API. * Feature: [#501](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/501): PHP7 Compatibility Check. * Feature: [#490](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/490): Adding the "WordLift Entities Cloud" as shortcode. * Feature: [#487](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/487): Adding support for editing categories when using Quick Edit from the Vocabulary. * Feature: [#484](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/484): Check compatibility with WordPress Multisite configurations. * Feature: [#457](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/457): When the plugin is installed in a directory not named "wordlift" initializaton hook ignored. * Feature: [#453](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/453): Need to show alert and have recovery plan when setting/activation fail to get dataset uri. * Feature: [#451](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/451): Improve schema:Article markup. * Feature: [#418](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/418): Do not allow activating WordLift on incompatible WP's versions. * Feature: [#403](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/403): Adding legalName for Organization and LocalBusiness. * Feature: [#376](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/376): Enable revisions for entities. * Feature: [#323](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/323): Content dynamically posted should follow both a chronological or a relevancy order. * Feature: [#212](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/212): Adding support for the Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on WordLift Entity Pages. = 3.11.3 (2017-04-23) = * Fix: [#521](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/521): Performance Issues on Ajax End-Point. * Fix: [#520](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/520): Selected entities lost with IE11 and Edge. = 3.11.2 (2017-03-19) = * Fix: [#497](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/497): Aggressive caching may serve old files. * Fix: [#496](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/496): WL highlight classes conflict with themes. * Fix: [#495](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/495): Additional left padding on entity tiles. = 3.11.1 (2017-03-17) = * Fix: [#494](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/494): Cached Html Templates. = 3.11.0 (2017-03-06) = * Feature: [#489](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/489): Revise title and description for the timeline widget. * Feature: [#482](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/482): Global timeline doesn't include events bound to pages. * Feature: [#442](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/442): Enable WordPress Category to Organise WordLift Entities. * Feature: [#426](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/426): Related articles needs to be limited and/or paginated. * Feature: [#335](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/335): Allow more actions on entity tiles within the disambiguation widget. * Feature: [#427](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/427): Add Publisher field to WordLift Setting page. * Feature: [#398](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/398): SEO improvement: providing control over title and description of WordLift Archive pages. * Feature: [#355](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/355): Creating a Tag-Like Widget for articles. * Fix: [#383](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/383): Chord - text overlapping issue. * Fix: [#469](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/469): Chord Rendering Problem on Firefox. * Fix: [#464](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/464): Extend Wordlift_Log_Service's log to support arrays. = 3.10.0 (2017-01-30) = * Feature: [#371](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/371): Extending the list of properties for schema-org:Article. * Feature: [#358](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/358): Application Key Not Set - Messaging improvement is needed. * Feature: [#350](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/350): Entity Annotation Loop. * Feature: [#345](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/345): Entity suggested when analyzing the entity content itself. * Feature: [#305](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/305): Entity Types' widget should be flat. * Feature: [#291](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/291): The calendar for startDate and endDate of an event cannot be used for historical events. * Feature: [#254](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/254): Timeline visualization problem. * Fix: [#448](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/448): JSON-LD not loaded with WP Fastest Cache plugin. * Fix: [#447](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/447): Enqueue of styles and JS should be more selective and limited to content editing screens. * Fix: [#446](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/446): Return value of wl_schema_get_value not always check to not be null. * Fix: [#444](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/444): Typo on the dashboard. * Fix: [#438](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/438): Autocomplete fails in metaboxes. * Fix: [#437](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/437): Some found entities lack the related text annotation. * Fix: [#278](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/278): When creating a new entity the duplicate warning appears for entity that have been trashed. = 3.9.8 (2017-01-29) = * Fix: [#462](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/462): Find duplicated entities. = 3.9.7 (2017-01-26) = * Fix: [#461](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/461): Entities highlighted in front-end. = 3.9.6 (2017-01-24) = * Fix: [#443](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/443): Chord height is fixed when global is true. * Fix: [#383](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/383): Chord - text overlapping issue. = 3.9.5 (2017-01-22) = * Fix: [#282](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/282): Wrong entity URL. = 3.9.4 (2017-01-12) = * Fix: [#439](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/439): Entity preview is redirected to a Post. = 3.9.3 (2017-01-04) = * Fix: [#431](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/431): WP 4.2 yields "Call to undefined function is_subdomain_install" when saving a post. = 3.9.2 (2017-01-01) = * Fix: [#430](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/430): Fix analysis selectors in WP 4.5 and lower. = 3.9.1 (2016-12-29) = * Feature: [#429](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/429): German missing in supported languages' list. = 3.9.0 (2016-12-29) = * Feature: [#425](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/425): Move the traslator server-side. * Feature: [#417](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/417): Integrate e2e tests in WordLift. * Feature: [#408](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/408): Remove the Caching submodule. * Feature: [#397](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/397): Review WordLift's setup process. * Feature: [#395](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/395): Author missing from entities edit pages. * Feature: [#376](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/376): Enable revisions for entities. * Feature: [#349](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/349): Remove all non supported languages from the Settings. * Fix: [#391](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/391): Html code messed u when using WordLift on previous posts and with Twitter embeds. * Fix: [#353](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/353): Responsive not working on the Vocabulary page on WordPress. * Fix: [#341](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/341): Special characters do not display correctly in LodLive. * Fix: [#306](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/306): Entities from the internal vocabulary are not properly detected from the analysis. = 3.8.1 (2016-12-09) = * Fix: [#415](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/415): WordLift not working after updating to WP 4.7. * Fix: [#410](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/410): Triples not showing on the WordLift dashboard. * Fix: [#406](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/406): JSON-LD response corrupt. = 3.8.0 (2016-11-10) = * Feature: [#372](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/372): The layout of the Navigator messes up with long entity titles. * Feature: [#365](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/365): Stop words are analyzed too. * Feature: [#310](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/310): Favour json-ld in place of microdata. * Fix: [#386](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/386): Linked data not saved. * Fix: [#393](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/393): JSON-LD problem with OSDS. = 3.7.1 (2016-10-28) = * Fix: [#382](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/382): Analysis errors on coffee-brewing-methods.com. = 3.7.0 (2016-10-23) = * Fix: [#351](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/351): Text annotations missing for found entities. * Fix: [#363](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/363): Synonyms associated to other entities. * Fix: [#368](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/368): Adding unneeded p tag for entity properties. * Feature: [#370](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/370): Upgrade to TimelineJS 3.x. * Feature: [#369](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/369): Remove the unused In-Depth file. * Feature: [#354](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/354): Improve the navigator Widget by adding links to the images. * Feature: [#352](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/352): Improve design of the TimeLine Widget. = 3.6.0 (2016-09-25) = * Feature: [#125](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/125): Personalise the entity path. * Feature: [#230](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/230): Download your data. * Feature: [#338](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/338): Custom domains and dataset names * Feature: [#339](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/339): Improving the Import/Export of the user Vocabulary. * Feature: [#342](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/342): Data migration. * Feature: [#343](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/343): Disable Wikipedia images. * Feature: [#346](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/346): Add Telephone and URL properties. * Fix: [#340](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/340): Incompatible date widget. * Fix: [#347](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/347): Annotations mysteriously disappeared. * Fix: [#346](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/346): Double link in front-end entities. = 3.5.4 (2016-09-07) = * Fix: [#265](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/265): Entity type:Person are being created before actually saving an organization's entity. * Fix: [#336](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/336): Navigator widget doesn't show at the end of the article unless it is also in the middle. = 3.5.3 (2016-08-31) = * Fix: [#262](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/262): Posting a site URL on Google+ uses an entity title instead of the post title. * Fix: [#329](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/329): Allow to disambiguate more than one occurrences for the same entity in bottom / up disambiguation mode. * Fix: [#333](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/333): Germanic umlaut causing troubles when saving sameAs links. * Fix: [#334](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/334): New Entities/Thing created without the sameAs attribute are duplicated as Entities/Person. = 3.5.2 (2016-07-16) = * Fix: [#285](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/285): Avoid unexpected alerts after content disambiguation. * Fix: [#319](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/319): Fix chord widget content filtering limit. * Fix: [#315](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/315): Activation on large web sites fails. = 3.5.1 (2016-06-16) = * Feature: [#312](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/312): Reduce chord entities threshold to improve widget usability. = 3.5.0 (2016-05-16) = * Fix: [#300](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/300): Ensure only published entities are returned as facets by faceted search widget. * Fix: [#299](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/299): Featured images are now properly updated on RL. * Feature: [#295](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/295): New UI refinements. * Feature: [#297](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/297): Detect classification scope from current entity type. * Feature: [#284](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/284): Disambiguation widget UI refactoring. * Feature: [#289](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/289): Introduced html static templates for angularjs layer components. * Feature: [#288](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/288): Removed selected entities tags from disambiguation widget. * Feature: [#283](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/283): Dbpedia topics are now mapped also on a custom taxonomy. * Feature: [#229](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/229): Add article classification. * Feature: [#294](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/294): Fix disambiguation failure use case. * Feature: [#280](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/280): Fix disambiguation failure use case. * Feature: [#279](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/279): Disambiguation fixed for entities with escaped chars contained in the uri. * Feature: [#276](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/276): Fix facets layout with entities long titles. * Feature: [#275](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/275): Exclude posts without featured image from navigator results. * Feature: [#274](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/274): Simplify facets layout grid. * Feature: [#273](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/273): Remove entity type icon and counter from facets within faceted search widget to simplify the layout. * Feature: [#270](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/270): Show wl-carousel controls on mouseover only. * Feature: [#269](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/269): Fix NaN in WL dashboard. * Feature: [#268](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/268): Flaoting configurable layout is now available both for navigator and faceted search. * Feature: [#267](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/267): Force override for entities with same schema type and label within disambiguation workflow. * Feature: [#264](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/264): Improve data selection strategy for navigation widget. * Feature: [#253](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/253): Introduce navigator and faceted search configuration. * Feature: [#258](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/258): Entity titles are now also published in the graph as dc:title. * Feature: [#147](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/147): Navigator widget works also on entity pages. * Feature: [#232](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/232): Navigator widget refactoring. * Feature: [#224](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/224): Enable entity partial match in autocomplete. * Feature: [#215](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/215): Allow to create multiple entities with same label and different entity types safely (without any overlapping). * Feature: [#130](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/130): Remove angularjs bower dependency. CDN is used instead. = 3.4.0 (2016-02-12) = * Feature: [#263](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/263): Sorting and smart auto-limit added for entities in faceted search widget. * Feature: [#255](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/255): Disable entity url editing. * Fix: [#251](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/251): avoid entity duplication for entities with an updated label used in disambiguation. * Fix: [#244](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/244): Tinymce does not remain idle anymore switching between Visual and Text mode. * Feature: [#233](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/233): Add WordLift dashboard widget. * Feature: [#231](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/231): Faceted search widget is now available also for standard posts * Feature: [#223](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/223): Remove unavailable entity images from images suggestions. * Feature: [#214](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/214): Faceted search 4W revamp. * Feature: [#180](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/180): Enable minified js files for faceted search shortcode. * Feature: [#115](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/115): Filter out the current entity from the analysis results to avoid to link a given entity with itself. = 3.3.5 (2016-02-10) = * Fix: [#260](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/260): Autosave disabled for entity posts to avoid unexpected entities duplication * Fix: [#259](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/259): Fix php notice on media library * Fix: [#256](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/256): Fix compatibility issue with truemag theme = 3.3.4 (2016-02-06) = * Fix: [#252](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/252): Disable scrollInput on entities metaboxes datetimepickers * Fix: [#248](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/248): Include also LocalBusiness entities as suggestion for affiliation property for entities of type Person * Fix: [#246](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/246): Include also LocalBusiness entities as suggestion for location property for entities of type Event = 3.3.3 (2016-01-17) = * Fix: [#243](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/243): Post status for published entities is properly preserved when used to disambiguate a post draft. = 3.3.2 (2016-01-11) = * Fix: [#239](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/239): Fix disambiguation widget look & feel on WP 4.4.+ * Fix: [#237](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/237): Fix disambiguation for internal entities sameAs of other entities * Fix: [#234](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/234): Fix text annotation removing for annotation containing blank html markup * Fix: [#228](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/228): Flush properly rewrite rules on plugin activation to prevent 404 on entity pages * Fix: [#227](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/227): Change wording for invalid or missing text selection on entity creation workflow = 3.3.1 (2016-01-06) = * Fix: [#225](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/225): Return safely when get_current_screen() is not defined (yet). = 3.3.0 (2016-01-06) = * Feature: [#151](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/151): Download and save Place coordinates from RL. * Feature: [#161](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/161): Geomap shows current entity if it is a Place (or child of Place). * Feature: [#207](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/207): Add rating score and consistency check for entities. * Feature: [#209](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/209): Add thumbnail preview within the entity listing. * Feature: [#208](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/208): Add classification scopes filter - aka 4W filter - within entity listing. * Feature: [#199](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/199) & [#101](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/101): Improve new entity creation workflow usability within the content post editing. * Feature: [#171](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/171): Add related posts counter within the entity listing. * Feature: [#121](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/121): Improve UI consinstency * Feature: [#140](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/140): Add new properties for Organization = 3.2.5 (2015-12-25) = * Fix: [#221](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/221): Fix de-synch between Wordpress and RedLink when disambiguation is performed trough entity alternative title = 3.2.4 (2015-12-13) = * Fix: [#210](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/210): Restore editable annotations to allow annotations formatting. * Fix: [#194](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/194): Add zero-width no-break space after each annotation to provide a caret container. = 3.2.3 (2015-12-08) = * Fix: [#202](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/202): [PrimaShop](http://www.primathemes.com/products/primashop-for-woocommerce/) users may now enjoy header settings on entity pages. = 3.2.2 (2015-12-07) = * Fix: [#203](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/203): alternative titles are spreading to related entities, fixed. = 3.2.1 (2015-12-06) = * Fix: [#200](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/200): Fix new entity form visibility with undefined current annotation. * Fix: [#194](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/194): Make text annotations within tinymce editor not editable. = 3.2.0 (2015-12-04) = * Feature: [#196](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/196): renovate the Vocabulary icon with WordLift logo. * Feature: [#195](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/195): re-enable title duplicates notices. * Feature: [#185](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/185): cleaning up, remove the entity_view submodule. * Feature: [#184](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/184): for the joy of the 100,000+ active installs, we're now compatible with the [ShareThis plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/share-this/). * Feature: [#181](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/181): finally, you can add more titles to entities. * Feature: [#178](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/178): some renovation, add WordLift in the naming of the Metabox. * Feature: [#177](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/177): enjoy better admin notices. * Feature: [#176](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/176): cleaning up, remove the option "color coding on front-end". * Feature: [#175](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/175): cleaning up, remove SPARQL queries menu item. * Feature: [#174](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/174): cleaning up, remove performance analysis menu item. * Feature: [#173](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/173): cleaning up, remove WordLift upper-right corner icon. * Feature: [#170](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/170): disable entity editing in disambiguation widget for internal entities. * Feature: [#159](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/159): enable both date and datetime fields for the metabox. * Feature: [#149](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/149): add email and organization properties to Person. * Feature: [#143](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/143): it is now possible to specify many additional properties for addresses. * Fix: [#189](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/189): fix entity recognition when bullet points are used. * Fix: [#122](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/122): fire related posts loading on disambiguation widget loading. = 3.1.8 (2015-11-30) = * Fix: [#192](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/192): fix coordinates metabox field's HTML. = 3.1.7 (2015-11-22) = * Fix: [#150](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/150): the property schema-org:author on blog post lod view goes on error. = 3.1.6 (2015-11-21) = * Fix: [#124](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/124): entity featured image updating is not properly triggered on the triple store (fix tests and apply only to published posts). = 3.1.5 (2015-11-21) = * Fix: [#124](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/124): entity featured image updating is not properly triggered on the triple store. = 3.1.4 (2015-11-20) = * Fix: [#183](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/183): new text for the admin notice regarding a missing WL key. = 3.1.3 (2015-11-18) = * Fix: [#179](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/179): faceted search not running = 3.1.2 (2015-11-16) = * Fix: [#104](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/104): cannot load more than one navigator on the same page. = 3.1.1 (2015-11-16) = * Fix: [#112](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/112): chord tooltip has white background and black font to avoid themes conflicting with the widget. = 3.1.0 (2015-11-13) = * Feature: [#145](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/145): control new entities creation from metaboxes. * Feature: [#134](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/134): scripts and styles source repository merged with PHP repository. * Feature: [#57](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/57): on the Edit Entity page the referencing posts has been restored. * Fix: [#144](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/144): changing type on WordLift doesn't reset the property list on Redlink is now fixed. * Fix: [#141](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/141): properties when published to Redlink have no links (and no meaning) is now fixed. * Fix: [#139](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/139): single founder while expecting multiple founders is now fixed. * Fix: [#138](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/138): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined is now fixed. * Fix: [#169](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/169): entities that are not events may be displayed in the timeline. * Fix: [#168](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/168): WordPress shortcodes are displayed in timelines. * Fix: [#167](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/167): schema.org markup is wrong for implicit contents. * Fix: [#166](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/166): latitude and longitude are set to zero when not specified. * Fix: [#165](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/165): entity type is lost in quickedit mode. * Fix: [#164](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/164): timeline widget is showing unrelated events. * Fix: [#163](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/163): incorrect markup for events' locations. * Fix: [#162](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/162): only dates are stored for startDate/endDate properties in linked data. = 3.0.16 (2015-11-11) = * Fix: [#152](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/152): Entity description update from disambiguation widget is now disabled in order to prevent existing entity pages content overriding. = 3.0.15 (2015-11-10) = * Fix: [#135](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/135): Sanitize filename in order to properly save entity images as entity post attachments. = 3.0.14 (2015-11-09) = * Fix: [#156](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/156): Yoast compatibility issue which caused meta values to be copied to new entities created within a post is now solved. * Fix: [#148](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/148): SEO Ultimate compatibility issue which caused meta values to be copied to new entities created within a post is now solved. = 3.0.13 (2015-10-30) = * Fix: [#128](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/128): now hashes in the text do not break anymore the annotations embedding after analysis execution. * Fix: [#95](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/95): WordPress image edit controls disappears after installing WordLift is now fixed. = 3.0.12 (2015-10-23) = * Feature: [#85](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/85): now structured data are added in the entity pages for the current entity itself * Fix: [#128](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/128): now hashes in the text do not break anymore the annotations embedding after analysis execution * Fix: [#96](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/96): garbage response from api is no more returned = 3.0.11 (2015-10-14) = * Feature: 'View Linked Data' button to visualize RDF triples with [LodView](https://github.com/dvcama/LodView) = 3.0.10 (2015-10-14) = * Fix [#119](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/119). Now public entities status is properly preserved when linked to draft posts. * Fix: install script in order to use branch-specific WP unit tests libs = 2.6.19 = * Fix: [issue 13](https://github.com/insideout10/wordlift-plugin/issues/13): authorship tagging is now shown only on single pages and posts (thanks to Kevin Polley) = 2.6.18 = * Feature: Twitter authentication is now back. = 2.6.17 = * Fix: change regular expression to add image itemprops for In-Depth articles to avoid conflicts with linked images and plugins such Nav Menu Images (thanks to Lee Hodson). = 2.6.16 = * Fix: removed useless references to jQuery UI libraries and conflicting CSS (thanks to Lee Hodson). = 2.6.15 = * Fix: PHP warning in RecordSetService (thanks to Kevin Polley), * Fix: image alt attributes were incorrectly highlighted with entities (thanks to Lee Hodson). = 2.6.14 = * Fix: post thumbnail html output even if there's no thumbnail. * Fix: adding schema.org title using the_title filter could cause issues with theme that use this function for the img tag alt attribute value. * Feature: add support for DW Focus theme. = 2.6.13 = * Fix: overlap with Facebook admin menu. = 2.6.12 = * Fix: enable authorship information only for regular posts (post type 'post'). = 2.6.11 = * Fix: the entity page might appear in the primary menu with some themes (e.g. Twenty Thirteen). * Fix: the entity page called without an entity parameter would return a warning. * Fix: a warning might appear in the entity page. = 2.6.10 = * Fix: temporary disabled twitter authentication due to API changes. = 2.6.9 = * Improvement: add better support for is_single call. = 2.6.8 = * Other: fix repository versioning. = 2.6.7 = * Fix: html tagging in the title did cause issues when the post title is being used as an html attribute. = 2.6.6 = * Other: add new keywords. = 2.6.5 = * Other: add compatibility up to WordPress 3.6. = 2.6.4 = * Fix: fix a bug that would cause the interaction count to show up in the page title. * Fix: ensure adding schema.org mark-up happens only in single post views. = 2.6.2 = * Fix: fix a bug that would cause rewrite rules to be incomplete (WordPress Framework). = 2.6.1 = * Feature: add option to disable *In-Depth* features. = 2.6.0 = * Feature: add new *In-Depth* features. = 2.5.33 = * "Registration failed: undefined (undefined)": Fixed a configuration setting that didn't allow some blogs to register to WordLift Services. (Many thanks to http://www.pruk2digital.com/ for helping us out finding this error). = 2.5.32 = * Added initial compatibility with WordPress 3.6 beta 1, * Fix an issue that displayed entities alway for the most recent post. = 2.5.31 = * Fixed a 'notice' in the WordLift Bar, * Changed the WordLift Bar to show entities from the most recent post in the home page, * Added HTML encoding of entity data on the WordLift Bar. = 2.5.30 = * WordLift Bar stays hidden for screen width <= 320px. = 2.5.29 = * WordLift Bar hides/shows automatically when the page is scrolled down. = 2.5.28 = * readme updated with links to WordLift Bar samples. = 2.5.27 = * Now featuring the experimental WordLift Bar. = 2.5.26 = * Cloud Services address changed to use standard ports to ease WordPress installations behind firewalls or proxies. = 2.5.7 = * Major release with fixes on the user registration. = 1.6 = * Fixed an issue that would prevent the plug-in from working. This upgrade is strongly recommended. = 1.5 = * Fixed an issue that would block the plug-in when discovering corrupted type formats. (NOTE: this version does not work, please upgrade to 1.6) = 1.4 = * Fixed some compatibility issues with Internet Explorer. = 1.3 = * Added support for WordPress 3.0.x = 1.2 = * The entity elements are now hidden by default. = 1.1 = * Removed the requirement for a logs folder = 1.0 = * First public release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = * First public release == More Information == WordLift is **happily developed** by [WordLift](https://wordlift.io), an innovative Italian startup founded in 2017 and based in downtown Rome. Our goal is to **help blogger, journalists and content creators connect and share experiences with their readers** as well as **structuring knowledge in machine-readable form**. For more information, contact us at [hello@wordlift.io](mailto:hello@wordlift.io). = Why we are doing this = Our mission is an *utopian one*: **organize the world general knowledge** by providing tools that everyone can use. = In open source we trust = **WordLift** is built on **open source software**.
**WordLift** uses **open source tools for natural language and semantic processing**.
= In data ownership we trust = We believe content creators should **own, retain and exploit** the **value of the metadata they create**.