{ "slug": "audit_trail", "properties": { "slug": "audit_trail", "name": "Audit Trail", "show_module_menu_item": false, "show_module_options": true, "storage_key": "audit_trail", "tagline": "Get a view on what happens on your site, when it happens", "show_central": true, "access_restricted": true, "premium": false, "run_if_whitelisted": true, "run_if_verified_bot": false, "run_if_wpcli": true, "order": 110 }, "sections": [ { "slug": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "primary": true, "title": "Enable Audit Contexts", "title_short": "Audit Contexts", "summary": [ "Purpose - Specify which types of actions on your site are logged.", "Recommendation - These settings are dependent on your requirements." ] }, { "slug": "section_audit_trail_options", "title": "Audit Trail Options", "title_short": "Options", "summary": [ "Purpose - Provides finer control over the audit trail itself.", "Recommendation - These settings are dependent on your requirements." ] }, { "slug": "section_change_tracking", "hidden": true, "title": "Change Tracking", "title_short": "Change Tracking", "summary": [ "Purpose - Track significant changes to your site.", "Recommendation - Keep this Reporting feature turned on." ] }, { "slug": "section_enable_plugin_feature_audit_trail", "title": "Enable Module: Audit Trail", "title_short": "Disable Module", "summary": [ "Purpose - The Audit Trail is designed so you can look back on events and analyse what happened and what may have gone wrong.", "Recommendation - Keep the Audit Trail feature turned on." ] }, { "slug": "section_non_ui", "hidden": true } ], "options": [ { "key": "enable_audit_trail", "section": "section_enable_plugin_feature_audit_trail", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/5p", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Enable Audit Trail", "summary": "Enable (or Disable) The Audit Trail module", "description": "Un-Checking this option will completely disable the Audit Trail module" }, { "key": "audit_trail_auto_clean", "section": "section_audit_trail_options", "default": 14, "min": 1, "type": "integer", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a2", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Auto Clean", "summary": "Enable Audit Auto Cleaning", "description": "Events older than the number of days specified will be automatically cleaned from the database" }, { "key": "audit_trail_max_entries", "section": "section_audit_trail_options", "premium": true, "default": 1000, "min": 0, "type": "integer", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Max Trail Length", "summary": "Maximum Audit Trail Length To Keep", "description": "Automatically remove any audit trail entries when this limit is exceeded." }, { "key": "enable_audit_context_users", "section": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a3", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Users And Logins", "summary": "Enable Audit Context - Users And Logins", "description": "When this context is enabled, the audit trail will track activity relating to: Users And Logins" }, { "key": "enable_audit_context_plugins", "section": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a3", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Plugins", "summary": "Enable Audit Context - Plugins", "description": "When this context is enabled, the audit trail will track activity relating to: WordPress Plugins" }, { "key": "enable_audit_context_themes", "section": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a3", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Themes", "summary": "Enable Audit Context - Themes", "description": "When this context is enabled, the audit trail will track activity relating to: WordPress Themes" }, { "key": "enable_audit_context_posts", "section": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a3", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Posts And Pages", "summary": "Enable Audit Context - Posts And Pages", "description": "When this context is enabled, the audit trail will track activity relating to: Editing and publishing of posts and pages" }, { "key": "enable_audit_context_wordpress", "section": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a3", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "WordPress And Settings", "summary": "Enable Audit Context - WordPress And Settings", "description": "When this context is enabled, the audit trail will track activity relating to: WordPress upgrades and changes to particular WordPress settings" }, { "key": "enable_audit_context_emails", "section": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a3", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Emails", "summary": "Enable Audit Context - Emails", "description": "When this context is enabled, the audit trail will track activity relating to: Email Sending" }, { "key": "enable_audit_context_wpsf", "section": "section_enable_audit_contexts", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/a4", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/a1", "name": "Shield", "summary": "Enable Audit Context - Shield", "description": "When this context is enabled, the audit trail will track activity relating to: Shield" }, { "key": "enable_change_tracking", "section": "section_change_tracking", "default": "disabled", "type": "select", "value_options": [ { "value_key": "disabled", "text": "Disabled" }, { "value_key": "enabled", "text": "Enabled" }, { "value_key": "enabled_with_email", "text": "Enabled With Email Reports" } ], "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Enable Change Tracking", "summary": "Track Major Changes To Your Site", "description": "Tracking major changes to your site will help you monitor and catch malicious damage." }, { "key": "ct_snapshots_per_week", "section": "section_change_tracking", "type": "integer", "default": 7, "min": 1, "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Snapshot Per Week", "summary": "Number Of Snapshots To Take Per Week", "description": "The number of snapshots to take per week. For daily snapshots, select 7." }, { "key": "ct_max_snapshots", "section": "section_change_tracking", "type": "integer", "default": 28, "min": 1, "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Snapshot Per Week", "summary": "Number Of Snapshots To Take Per Week", "description": "The number of snapshots to take per week. For daily snapshots, select 7." }, { "key": "ct_last_snapshot_at", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "integer", "default": 0 } ], "definitions": { "audit_trail_default_max_entries": 100, "audit_trail_table_name": "audit_trail", "audit_trail_table_columns": [ "id", "rid", "wp_username", "ip", "context", "event", "category", "message", "immutable", "meta", "created_at", "deleted_at" ], "table_name_changetracking": "changetracking", "table_columns_changetracking": [ "id", "data", "meta", "created_at", "deleted_at" ], "events": { "plugin_activated": { "context": "plugins" }, "plugin_deactivated": { "context": "plugins" }, "plugin_file_edited": { "context": "plugins" }, "theme_activated": { "context": "themes" }, "theme_file_edited": { "context": "themes" }, "core_updated": { "context": "wordpress" }, "permalinks_structure": { "context": "wordpress" }, "post_deleted": { "context": "posts" }, "post_trashed": { "context": "posts" }, "post_recovered": { "context": "posts" }, "post_updated": { "context": "posts" }, "post_published": { "context": "posts" }, "post_unpublished": { "context": "posts" }, "user_login": { "context": "users" }, "user_registered": { "context": "users" }, "user_deleted": { "context": "users" }, "user_deleted_reassigned": { "context": "users" }, "email_attempt_send": { "context": "emails" }, "email_send_invalid": { "context": "emails" } } } }