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This information is strictly anonymous and contains no personally, or otherwise, identifiable data." }, { "key": "visitor_address_source", "section": "section_defaults", "sensitive": false, "type": "select", "default": "AUTO_DETECT_IP", "value_options": [ { "value_key": "AUTO_DETECT_IP", "text": "Automatically Detect Visitor IP" }, { "value_key": "REMOTE_ADDR", "text": "REMOTE_ADDR" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP", "text": "HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "text": "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_X_FORWARDED", "text": "HTTP_X_FORWARDED" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_X_REAL_IP", "text": "HTTP_X_REAL_IP" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_X_SUCURI_CLIENTIP", "text": "HTTP_X_SUCURI_CLIENTIP" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP", "text": "HTTP_INCAP_CLIENT_IP" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_X_SP_FORWARDED_IP", "text": "HTTP_X_SP_FORWARDED_IP" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_FORWARDED", "text": "HTTP_FORWARDED" }, { "value_key": "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "text": "HTTP_CLIENT_IP" } ], "link_info": "https://icwp.io/dn", "link_blog": "", "name": "Visitor IP Address", "summary": "Which Address Is Yours", "description": "There are many way to detect visitor IP addresses. Please select yours from the list." }, { "key": "block_send_email_address", "section": "section_defaults", "sensitive": true, "default": "", "type": "email", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Report Email", "summary": "Where to send email reports", "description": "If this is empty, it will default to the blog admin email address." }, { "key": "enable_upgrade_admin_notice", "section": "section_general_plugin_options", "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "In-Plugin Notices", "summary": "Display Plugin Specific Notices", "description": "Disable this option to hide certain plugin admin notices about available updates and post-update notices." }, { "key": "display_plugin_badge", "section": "section_general_plugin_options", "default": "N", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/5v", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/wpsf20", "name": "Show Plugin Badge", "summary": "Display Plugin Badge On Your Site", "description": "Enabling this option helps support the plugin by spreading the word about it on your website. The plugin badge also demonstrates to visitors that you take your website security seriously." }, { "key": "enable_xmlrpc_compatibility", "section": "section_defaults", "default": "N", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "XML-RPC Compatibility", "summary": "Allow Login Through XML-RPC To By-Pass Login Guard Rules", "description": "Enable this if you need XML-RPC functionality e.g. if you use the WordPress iPhone/Android App." }, { "key": "importexport_enable", "section": "section_importexport", "premium": true, "default": "Y", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/do", "link_blog": "https://icwp.io/dp", "name": "Allow Import/Export", "summary": "Allow Import Of Options To, And Export Of Options From, This Site", "description": "Uncheck this box to completely disable import and export of options." }, { "key": "importexport_masterurl", "section": "section_importexport", "default": "", "type": "text", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Auto-Import URL", "summary": "Automatically Import Options From This Site", "description": "Supplying a valid site URL here will make this site an 'Options Slave' and will automatically import options daily." }, { "key": "importexport_whitelist", "section": "section_importexport", "transferable": false, "sensitive": true, "default": [], "type": "array", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Export Whitelist", "summary": "Whitelisted Sites Which Do Not Need The Secret Key To Export Options", "description": "Each site on this list will be able to export options from this site without providing the secret key. Take a new line for each URL." }, { "key": "importexport_whitelist_notify", "section": "section_importexport", "sensitive": true, "default": "N", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Notify Whitelist", "summary": "Notify Sites On The Whitelist To Update Options From Master", "description": "When enabled, manual options saving will notify sites on the whitelist to export options from the Master site." }, { "key": "importexport_secretkey", "section": "section_importexport", "transferable": false, "sensitive": true, "default": "", "type": "noneditable_text", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Secret Key", "summary": "Import/Export Secret Key", "description": "Keep this Secret Key private as it will allow the import and export of options." }, { "key": "delete_on_deactivate", "section": "section_general_plugin_options", "default": "N", "type": "checkbox", "link_info": "", "link_blog": "", "name": "Delete Plugin Settings", "summary": "Delete All Plugin Settings Upon Plugin Deactivation", "description": "Careful: Removes all plugin options when you deactivate the plugin." }, { "key": "google_recaptcha_style", "section": "section_third_party_google", "premium": true, "default": "light", "type": "select", "value_options": [ { "value_key": "light", "text": "Light Theme" }, { "value_key": "dark", "text": "Dark Theme" }, { "value_key": "invisible", "text": "Invisible" } ], "link_info": "https://icwp.io/dq", "link_blog": "", "name": "reCAPTCHA Style", "summary": "How Google reCAPTCHA Will Be Displayed By Default", "description": "You can choose the reCAPTCHA display format that best suits your site, including the new Invisible Recaptcha." }, { "key": "google_recaptcha_site_key", "section": "section_third_party_google", "sensitive": true, "default": "", "type": "text", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/shld5", "link_blog": "", "name": "reCAPTCHA Site Key", "summary": "Google reCAPTCHA Site Key - Only v2 or Invisible. v3 NOT supported.", "description": "Enter your Google reCAPTCHA site key for use throughout the plugin." }, { "key": "google_recaptcha_secret_key", "section": "section_third_party_google", "sensitive": true, "default": "", "type": "text", "link_info": "https://icwp.io/shld5", "link_blog": "", "name": "reCAPTCHA Secret", "summary": "Google reCAPTCHA Secret Key - Only v2 or Invisible. v3 NOT supported.", "description": "Enter your Google reCAPTCHA secret key for use throughout the plugin." }, { "key": "tracking_last_sent_at", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "unique_installation_id", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "text", "default": 0 }, { "key": "tracking_permission_set_at", "section": "section_non_ui", "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "installation_time", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "activated_at", "transferable": false, "section": "section_non_ui", "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "importexport_secretkey_expires_at", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "importexport_handshake_expires_at", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "importexport_last_import_hash", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "text", "default": "" }, { "key": "this_server_ip", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "sensitive": true, "type": "text", "default": "" }, { "key": "this_server_ip_last_check_at", "section": "section_non_ui", "transferable": false, "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "insights_test_cron_last_run_at", "transferable": false, "section": "section_non_ui", "type": "integer", "default": 0 }, { "key": "last_ip_detect_source", "transferable": false, "section": "section_non_ui", "type": "text", "default": "" }, { "key": "openssl_private_key", "transferable": false, "section": "section_non_ui", "type": "text", "default": "" } ], "definitions": { "survey_email": "c3VwcG9ydEBvbmVkb2xsYXJwbHVnaW4uY29t", "help_video_id": "", "tracking_cron_handle": "plugin_tracking_cron", "tracking_post_url": "https://tracking.icontrolwp.com/track/plugin/shield", "importexport_cron_name": "autoimport", "href_privacy_policy": "https://icwp.io/wpshieldprivacypolicy", "db_autoexpire_notes": 0, "db_autoexpire_geoip": 30, "db_notes_name": "notes", "db_notes_table_columns": [ "id", "wp_username", "note", "created_at", "deleted_at" ], "geoip_table_name": "geoip", "geoip_table_columns": [ "id", "ip", "meta", "created_at", "deleted_at" ], "active_plugin_features": [ { "slug": "insights", "storage_key": "insights", "load_priority": 1, "menu_priority": 5 }, { "slug": "admin_access_restriction", "storage_key": "admin_access_restriction", "load_priority": 11 }, { "slug": "ips", "storage_key": "ips", "load_priority": 15 }, { "slug": "hack_protect", "storage_key": "hack_protect" }, { "slug": "login_protect", "storage_key": "loginprotect" }, { "slug": "firewall", "storage_key": "firewall", "load_priority": 1000 }, { "slug": "user_management", "storage_key": "user_management" }, { "slug": "comments_filter", "storage_key": "commentsfilter" }, { "slug": "autoupdates", "storage_key": "autoupdates" }, { "slug": "headers", "storage_key": "headers" }, { "slug": "lockdown", "storage_key": "lockdown" }, { "slug": "events", "storage_key": "events", "load_priority": 11 }, { "slug": "statistics", "storage_key": "statistics", "load_priority": 11, "hidden": false }, { "slug": "sessions", "storage_key": "sessions", "load_priority": 5 }, { "slug": "audit_trail", "storage_key": "audit_trail", "load_priority": 11, "hidden": false }, { "slug": "traffic", "storage_key": "traffic", "load_priority": 12, "min_php": "5.4" }, { "slug": "license", "storage_key": "license", "load_priority": 10 }, { "slug": "email", "storage_key": "email" } ], "events": { "test_cron_run": { "audit": false, "recent": true }, "import_notify_sent": { "stat": false }, "import_notify_received": { "stat": false }, "options_exported": { "stat": true, "recent": true }, "options_imported": { "stat": true, "recent": true }, "whitelist_site_added": { "stat": false }, "whitelist_site_removed": { "stat": false }, "master_url_set": { "stat": false }, "recaptcha_success": { "audit": false }, "recaptcha_fail": { "audit": false } }, "wizards": { "welcome": { "title": "Getting Started Setup Wizard", "desc": "An introduction to this security plugin, helping you get setup and started quickly with the core features.", "min_user_permissions": "manage_options", "steps": { "welcome": { "security_admin": false, "title": "Welcome" }, "ip_detect": { "title": "IP Detection" }, "admin_access_restriction": { "title": "Security Admin" }, "audit_trail": { "title": "Audit Trail" }, "ips": { "title": "IP Blacklist" }, "login_protect": { "title": "Login Protection" }, "comments_filter": { "title": "Comment SPAM" }, "how_shield_works": { "title": "How Shield Works" }, "optin": { "title": "Join Us!" }, "thankyou": { "security_admin": false, "title": "Thank You!" } } } } } }