=== Responsive Slider - Image Slider - Slideshow for WordPress === Contributors: Huge-IT Donate link: https://huge-it.com/slider/ Tags: slider, wordpress slider, image slider, responsive slider, slider plugin, Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.8.1 Stable tag: 4.0.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Slider Huge-IT is an awesome WordPress Slider Plugin with many nice features. Just need to install and build slider in a few minutes. == Description == https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIcsrVHNDWo Slider - Image Slider ### Check out useful links and demo page, get support or contribute for Slider * [Wordpress Slider](https://huge-it.com/slider/) * [Slider Demo](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-1-mixed-slider/) * [Slider FAQ](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-faq/) * [Slider User Manual](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-user-manual/) * [Slider Support](https://huge-it.com/contact-us/) * [Slider Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/slider-image) * [Slider GitHub Project](https://github.com/Huge-IT/slider-image) The slider is the best solution for those who wants to demonstrate images and videos in a superb way: you can reach this result due to the Huge-IT Slider. When to create the Slider Huge-IT takes into consideration not only the design but the functionality as well. So let’s enjoy the Slider which has been made by following the latest design tendency. Creating Slider with Huge-IT is easy, it works very fast. You can add images from computer, and upload a bunch of new images from Media Library at once. Arrange the Slider according to your taste easily by drag and drop function. It is very simple to create slider for your WordPress site, you can add videos and images, as well as, add a slider to the posts, pages and template files. The slider allows to have unlimited amount of images/videos with their titles and descriptions. The slider uses auto generated shortcodes for making it easier to add it to the custom location. Huge-IT Slider aims to make your website more attractive and good-looking. The slider has many functions, you can create slider not only with photos, but also with videos from the most popular resources such as Youtube and Vimeo. Add for your slider title and information, select how to demonstrate the slider and choose one of the sixteen arrows for the navigation. ### The main features * Unlimited amount of images to be added. * Wit the slider you can add for the images/videos title and description * Possibility to add URL to tailor specific pages. * Possibility to use different slider for different pages * Auto generated shortcode for the easier process of adding the slider to the posts/pages/template * The Slider descriptions and titles can include hyperlinks * Possibility to add slider in widgets right from the widgets admin panel * Possibility to use unlimited slider in one page. * Smart target feature of the slider is that inner links will open within the page, whereas outsourced links will open in a new page. * Plugin supports HTML in the titles and descriptions. * Drag and Drop functionality: Drag and drop images to rearrange their sequence * Ability to build quality, responsive WordPress slider in a seconds * Slider looks great on various devices **Upgrade to [WordPress Slider Pro](https://huge-it.com/slider) to add some more features:** * Video Slider - YouTube & Vimeo sites * Posts Slider ( content slider ) * Supports 16 different Navigation Buttons * 9 different positions for Slider Title and Description within image * Ability to change colors of title and description * Ability to change font size of Title and Description on image * Full Design Management * Plugin provides with the support, upon request within 24 hours * Provides attractive and stunning interface ### More about options Plugin supports all the necessary features to create your desired. Slider allows to choose such kind of features like slider width and height, one of the amazing 16 effects, decide the pause time, position, loading icon, navigation type, pause on Hover or Video Auto Play. **Width and height** Slider width and height is for making the image size within the slider more accurate. What you need is just give the right size for the images of the Slider Plugin. **What are the Slider effects for** After choosing width and height look how many effects we have to make your slider more beautiful. Suggests to select among 16 interesting effects for showing the slider images and videos. **About pause time** The aim of the pause time is for setting the time on slider to pause. Just write a number for selecting the right time to pause the slider images and videos. **About change speed** This option allows you to choose the speed time that you like to have for your slider images. Just write the speed time and enjoy the result. **What is loading icon for** If you would like to have loading icon on your slider then click on the loading icon and select on. You can disable the loading icon on the images/videos as well. **Navigation type** Plugin offers three type of navigation's, which are the following: Dots, Thumbnails and No Navigation. When to choose the dots you see some circles on your slider that shows how many photos do you have on your slider If you would like to see all the photos under the slider then select thumbnails icon. Choose no navigation if you want the images of slider to be changed by clicking on it. **What is pause on hover for** Click on the icon pause on Hover if you want the navigation to be stopped when the mouse pointer is on the slider images. **About autoplay** Click on video auto play if you want to start the slider videos automatically when you enter the website. ### Unlimited Amount Of Images Create a slider with unlimited number of images, make your slider look rich and perfect, create as many slider as you want. All these are possible with Huge-IT Slider Plugin. ### Custom Options For Each Slider You can adjust each slider by using Current Options. This options give the opportunity to see all the customization options such as resizing, navigation, speed, loading icon, animations and many other interesting options. ### Fully Responsive Responsive design is a must have, in order to be available for all the visitors. Plugin can be used on different mobile devices, as the slider is much more flexible for any screen sizes. Major feature – responsiveness also is in the title and description of the slider. ### Title And Description You can add Title and Description for all the images within the slider it will beautifully overlay on the slider image with the slightly transparent background. ### Custom URL For Each Slide When adding an image in Slider, you can make it so it links to a specific page. URL link for each image, and works on image click. ### Dosen Of Style Options In general options of Huge-IT Slider you can find various settings, which will help you to make slider look and function even better. ### Post Slide Using Post Slide you can slide your posts in our beautiful slider using posts by category or just recent posts from all categories. ### Youtube Slide Slide all your YouTube videos using our fancy Slider plugin.Easily add the links of the youtube videos into the Slider Plugin, do some adjustments and enjoy watching them and scrolling with beautiful effects. ### Vimeo Slide Create a slider with your Vimeo videos. It’s very easy – insert the video link into the slider and slide each video with different effects and other modern features. ### 16 Navigation Buttons Style We have collected a large selection of different navigation arrow types for the slider, in order to fit any design of your website. ### Thumbnails Navigation Navigate images and videos in slider using thumbnail images, with this superb feature you can see previous and next slides before sliding. ### Navigation Dots Styles When you choose dots to slide the images within the slider in you are able make some color and position customization from the slider General Options. **[Demo 1 Mixed Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-1-mixed-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper)** Mixed Slider is the way to show images and videos in one slider. Your rich content, consisting of videos and images will look amazing all together collected in one slider, using beautiful effects and other options make your website look unrepeatable. **[Demo 2 Youtube Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-2-youtube-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper)** Slider for YouTube videos, presentation of unlimited number of YouTube videos in one Slider. Slightly make your preferable customization on slider and enjoy scrolling YouTube links in powerful slider plugin. **[Demo 3 Vimeo Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-3-vimeo-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper)** Our well know Vimeo source can be integrated in slider. Using Vimeo links collect all of your favorite videos in one Slider and nicely scroll them. Make changes on slider to give your videos more specific view and enjoy. **[Demo 4 Post Sliders](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-4-post-sliders/#plugin_demo_wrapper)** Post Slider will hep you to watch your best posts with our best slider. Use different effects and all slider tools for sliding a sertain category of the posts, or just last posts. **[Demo 5 Thumbnail Navigation](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-5-thumbnail-navigation/#plugin_demo_wrapper)** Navigate by thumbnails is modern and convenient demonstration for your website slider. It allows to see the thumbnails of your other slides, and by sliding you may follow and learn which slide is coming next. > #### Demos. > >[Mixed Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-1-mixed-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper) > >[Youtube Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-2-youtube-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper) > >[Vimeo Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-3-vimeo-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper) > >[Post Sliders](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-4-post-sliders/#plugin_demo_wrapper) > >[Thumbnail Slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-5-thumbnail-navigation/#plugin_demo_wrapper) > #### FAQ & User Manual > >[FAQ](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-faq/) > >[User Manual](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-user-manual/) If you think, that you found a bug in our [WordPress Slider](https://huge-it.com/slider) plugin or have any question contact us at [info@huge-it.com](mailto:info@huge-it.com) == Installation == ### Uploading in WordPress Dashboard 1. First download the ZIP file from Wordpress website 2. Log in to your website administrator panel 3. Go to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard, click “Upload Plugin” 4. Upload [WordPress Slider](https://wordpress.org/plugins/slider-image/) ZIP file by choosing it from your computer 5. Click **Install Now** button 6. Then click **Activate Plugin** button. 7. You can see the slider plugin installed on Wordpress left menu. ### Using The WordPress Plugin slider Dashboard 1. Go to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard 2. Search for 'Slider Huge-IT' 3. Click **Install Now** button 4. Then click **Activate Plugin** button 5. You can see the plugin installed on Wordpress left menu ### Using FTP 1. Download the ZIP file from Wordpress website 2. Extract the **slider** directory to your computer 3. Upload the **slider** directory to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory 4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard 5. You can see the plugin installed on Wordpress left menu Now you can set your slider options, images and use our slider. If you think, that you found a bug in our [WordPress Slider](https://huge-it.com/slider) plugin or have any question contact us at [info@huge-it.com](mailto:info@huge-it.com) == Screenshots == 1. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-1-mixed-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Demo 1 mixed slider. 12. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-1-mixed-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Demo 1 mixed slider. 13. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-2-youtube-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Demo 2 Youtube slider. 14. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-3-vimeo-slider/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Demo 3 Vimeo slider. 2. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-4-post-sliders/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Demo 4 Post slider. 3. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/wordpress-slider-demo-5-thumbnail-navigation/#plugin_demo_wrapper) - Demo 5 Thumbnail slider. 4. [WordPress Slider](https://wordpress.org/plugins/slider-image) - Slides admin page. 5. [WordPress Slider](https://huge-it.com/slider) - Sliders admin page. 6. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/slider) - Post Slider. 7. [WordPress slider](https://huge-it.com/slider) - Widget Slider. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to get a copy of most recent version slider? = * Pro users can get update versions contacting us by info@huge-it.com. * Free version users will find update notification in their wordpress admin panel. = I have paid for pro version and didn’t get the link or file to update. = * If you made purchase slider and didn’t get the file, or file was corrupt, contact us by info@huge-it.com and send “order number”, we will check and send you the file as soon as possible. = Have purchased pro version slider still get the announcement to buy the commercial version to change settings. What to do? = * This can happen because of your browser’s cache files in slider. Press ctrl+f5 (Chrome, FF) in order to clean them, if you use safari, etc., clean from browser settings = Will I lose all my changes that I made in free version, if I update to pro version? = * All kind of changes made in free version slider will remain, even if you delete the plugin. = How to change “New Slider” name? = * In order to change name just double click on it’s name (on top tabs). = I have already purchased Multi Site version, how do I upgrade it to Developer version, without buying it again? = * If you have any pro version our plugin of our products and want to upgrade it, you do not need to buy the new slider once again, you only need to pay the difference price. For that simply contact info@huge-it.com or our online chat and we will help you to pay the difference. = Is it possible to show portrate and landscape images with correct proportions? = * Yes in pro version of slider there is a function called Image Behavior. This option can make images in natural size with background. the color of background is also adjustable. = Can I stop auto slide? = * Auto slide is not stoppable, but putting a huge number on "pause time" option will force visitors slide manually. = Can I have full width slider? = * If you put size on slider it won't be more than your entry-content size. make sure that your entry-content is also full-width. = Is the payment for plugin one-time of per month,year..? = * The payment for Pro license is one-time and for life. = How to install the PRO version? = In order to install pro version, simply follow these steps: * 1) delete your free version. * 2) install the zip file | Plugins > add new > upload plugin * 3) clean your cache files |ctrl+f5| Don’t be afraid of deleting free version, because you will NOT lose your created sliders. = I’ve bought the commercial license of the plugin installed the file but the Plugin seems to be still in free version slider, what to do? = After installation of pro version, in General Options all your changes will be saved! If you still see “free version” notification after installation of pro version. * 1) try to clean your cache files if this will not help * 2) delete, and install the plugin again = Slider moves/jumps for the first seconds, while site is loading, why? = * That is standard loading process. Our slider is made so it waits until all your page components will be loaded then it loads itself. That’s why we created loading icons which will cover that movement moment. Please put it ON from Current Options. = How can I add title/description/dots out of the slider under it or below it? = * All attributes, like title, description or dots will be inside the slider, because out area doesn't belong to the slider. The only way you may configure that look: If you add smaller image set up larger slider and select option "Natural" for Image Behavior. This way you will have empty space around the image = The slider images are white, why? = * This is most common theme conflict problem. * There are errors in site/theme, or some other external reason, our support team fix this very quickly, if you contact info@huge-it.com = How do I change the slide transition effect? = * In the admin panel of Slider plugin, detect the option under the “Current Slider Options” , called “Effect”. In this section users can select one of the 16 transition effects to showcase the slider beautifully. = How can I make Slider Plugin Responsive? = * Huge-IT Slider plugin has a responsive design and layout. If slider does not appear 100% responsive on your device, then there might be some conflict with another plugin or the current theme you are running. Please, contact the support team via the following email address: info@huge-it.com and we will gladly solve the problem. = How can I change the height and width of Slider plugin? = * On the Slider page, under the “Current Slider Options” find Width and Height options. This is the area where users may select the necessary size of slider images. = How do I change the order of the slides in my slider? = * Huge-It plugin allows to change the sequences of the images sliders using Drag and Drop options. = How to insert a slider into a post or a page? = * What you need to do is copy the shortcode and paste it into the WordPress post or page. Or you can simply add the slider on the working area of any post/page where you can find a button named slider, by clicking on it you can add your desired slider right to the post/page, as well as footer and header of your website. = How many images can I add into the Slider plugin? = * Slider plugin allows to add unlimited number of images in both free and paid versions. = Can I add videos into the Slider Plugin? = * Yes, the plugin allows to add unlimited amount of videos from two sources Youtube and Vimeo. This fature is available in paid version of the plugin, yet we are open for any help and suggestion in this regards. = Why do I need the loading icon function? = * In slider admin panel users can enable the Loading Icon,which will show a loading icon whenever the slider takes time to load images.This is a good solution when there are many big images to be loaded. = How to navigate the images in the Slider? = * Enable Show Navigation Arrows from General Option, after which select one of the sixteen navigation arrows under the “Navigation Arrow Styles” for the slider. = How to change the slider position on my web page? = * On the admin panel, under the Current Slider Options select the position among Right, Left or Center. = Can I customize the title of the image slider? = * In the General Options find "Title Styles", it allows to change the title width, title font size and text color, alter title background color, border size and border color. = Does the slider plugin allow to have additional navigation styles? = * Go to the slider admin area and select Navigate By: Dots, Thumbnails, or None. = Can I change the thumbnails navigation styles? = * In order to change the thumbnails navigation styles - go the General Options, select the "Navigation Thumbnails Styles" and change the Slider thumbnail height, thumbnails background color, set the amount of the thumbnails images. = How to change the dots/bullets position? = * In general settings under the "Navigation Dots Styles" you can change the navigation dots/bullets position and color. = How can I add slider in the widgets? = * Find the slider in available widgets’ list, add it to your desired widget section by using drag and drop function or the drop down menu. Now, in the chosen section select your slider from Huge IT Slider drop down menu and save. After which watch the beautiful slider on your frontend. = Can I add a description for my slider images? = * Yes, slider plugin allows writing a unique description for your images. = How to do more styling in the description? = * Go to General Options and find "Description Styles" , where you can change description width, text color, font size, background color, border size, color and radius. = What to do if the Slider Plugin stop functioning? = * If the plugin does not work correctly on your website, do not hesitate to contact Huge-IT support team via the following email address: info@huge-it.com. The support team will sort out the problem within 24 hours. If you think, that you found a bug in our [WordPress Slider](https://huge-it.com/slider/) plugin or have any question contact us at [info@huge-it.com](mailto:info@huge-it.com) == Changelog == = 4.0.6 = * 1) Applied some interface changes in admin panel for better user experience * 2) Fixed minor bugs * 3) Optimized image behaviour in frontend = 4.0.5 = * 1) Full screen option support * 2) Added thumbs positioning optons (top,bottom,left,right) * 3) Added arrows positioning (top,bottom,left,right) * 4) Added new functionality to slider supporting Drag&Drop on front end = 4.0.4 = * 1) Added 2 type social share options support including Facebook, Twitter, G+. * 2) Added 15 on hover effects for social sharing buttons. = 4.0.3 = * We have added functional lightbox to slider , allowing users to enable lightbox for sliders. = 4.0.2 = * 1) We have added a new Carousel view To slider. * 2) We have added advanced arrow options and effects for next and previous buttons. * 3) We have added image arrows option for thumbnails, allowing to have arrows on thumbnails. * 4) We have fixed the bug where with 2 shortcodes the image of thumbnails would appear blank. * 5) Fixed some UX/UI issues. * 6) Made the plugin more responsive. = 4.0.1 = **IMPORTANT! The major update of version 4.0.0. included some changes in order to optimize and meet the WordPress php standards fully. There were some reports in forum about blank page and fatal error. The issue was connected with older versions of php and database. The new version includes the following changes and fixes:** * 1) Fixed bug related to Hugeit_Slider_Slider class constructor, which caused unexpected errors in version 4.0.0. * 2) Added Huge-IT Slider Widget. * 3) Fixed an issue which caused migrations not to work in some cases. = 4.0.0 = * 1) Sanitize the user data and validated post/get calls of the plugin * 2) Refined folder and image names * 3) Fixed the issue with direct file access to plugin files * 4) Changed the code structure to be more Object Oriented, now all major functionality of plugin is stored in a single instance which is accessible via Hugeit_Slider() function, this allows other plugins/extensions to use the functionality of this plugin * 5) Removed Lazy codes both, from back and front end * 6) Removed unreadable codes, and replaced with documented codes * 7) Added additional credits where necessary * 8) Made further code optimization in order to meet required WordPress coding standards * 9) Code optimization loads the admin panel more quickly now as well * 10) Added nonces for all _POST, _GET requests * 11) Edited collation to meet WordPress standards fully * 12) Took off additional/extra indexes from tables * 13) Fixed multiple issues of CSS bugs on front end * 14) The plugin is fully responsive now * 15) Added slider background color transparency feature * 16) Added video Slide URLs to be visible in the admin panel = 3.2.3 = * Fixed the issue on mobile phones where slider disappears on iphone and windows phones. = 3.2.2 = * 1) Fixed reported bug on mobile * 2) Took off the Christmas banner. * 3) Optimized images of the plugin so it comes more light now. = 3.2.1 = * Removed sessions and nonces as reported from a user over WordPress forum and fixed the issue with errors. = 3.2.0 = * IMPORTANT: Please reverse to previous version of the slider by updating , while we investigate the conflict with reported errors. = 3.1.99 = * 1) removed some sessions and nonces as reported from a user over WordPress forum. * 2) Added the new featured plugins page to demonstrate new plugins. = 3.1.98 = * 1) Fixed reported bug on front end * 2) Updated licensing page with more vivid demonstration of all features of the plugin = 3.1.97 = * 1) Fixed CSS issues and UX experience issues * 2) Added a new plugin in the list of featured plugins * 3) Added and edited licensing page = 3.1.96 = * 1) Fixed issues with nonce tokens in the plugin for all _POST, _GET requests * 2) Fixed issue with cross site scripting (XSS) = 3.1.95 = * 1) Added duplicate button, so that users can duplicate sliders. * 2) Optimized button of the banner. * 3) Image on hover: optimized images on back end, so they load faster. = 3.1.94 = **We have made some CSS , UX/UI changes in order to make the plugin more user-friendly.** * 1) Changed the back end "add image slider" button on front. Clarified that video and post slide buttons are from Pro users only with a logo. * 2) Made text layouts responsive, so that long text appear correctly on slides. * 3) Added additional information about the shortcodes, where and how to use them, including posts/pages, templates. * 4) Added the new Responsive Slider plugin link in the list of featured plugins. = 3.1.93 = **We make additional bug fixes, perfect the code structure of plugins and try to meet all WordPress standards fully. We avoid regular updates/commits, this is why we group all the points during the week and perform updates. Please, let us know if you catch a bug or any issue after the update at info@huge-it.com** * 1) Rate Us URL leading to the review page of WordPress has been changed to lead to the new/correct one after WP.org update of links * 2) Security update: Finalized addition of nonces for edit/create/delete requests. * 3) Fixed the issue/conflict with ?: operator where it was bringing a blank slider page on PHP versions below 5.3 * 4) Fixed the MyISAM table structure; removed the dependency on MyISAM. * 5) Added other notes page with more correct English and fixed grammar issues * 6) Took off additional/extra indexes from tables * 7) Edited collation to meet WordPress standards fully = 3.1.92 = **In the series of updates we continue to go through our plugins one by one and fix all technical issues with our code in order to meet the WordPress Coding Standards. These are the major updates that had been implemented to Slider plugin in this new version. We strongly recommend to update the plugin.** * 1) Changed function names, defines and classnames to have unique prefixes * 2) Fixed the issue where the plugin was calling files remotely * 3) Made further code optimization in order to meet required WordPress coding standards * 4) Added nonces for all _POST, _GET requests to prevent unauthorized access * 5) Removed PHP Sessions forcing PHP lines to run on all pages * 6) Sanitize the user data and validated post/get calls of the plugin = 3.1.91 = * 1) Tested and made the plugin compatible with WordPress version 4.6 * 2) Edited wrong links of banners, now leading to the correct products in the back end. * 3) Changed the expression "Free" to "Lite" as recommended in the WordPress forums * 4) Added a banner leading to social networks and video guides = 3.1.90 = * 1) We have fixed the bug on mobile devices, which was stopping image slide navigation. * 2) We have also used this bug fix opportunity to update the main banner of the plugin page in order to update the banner info and mention new features of Slider. = 3.1.89 = * Added credits and attribution in the source code referring the original authors. = 3.1.88 = * Admin bug fixed. = 3.1.87 = * Responsiveness bug fix. = 3.1.86 = * Css and javascript bugs have been fixed. = 3.1.85 = * Firefox and explorer pause on hover bug fix, enqueue update. = 3.1.84 = * Thumbnails bug fixes, border size bug fixes. = 3.1.83 = * Admin bug has been fixed = 3.1.82 = * Admin bug fixed = 3.1.8 = * Front end bug fixed. = 3.1.7 = * Mirror Bug fixed. = 3.1.6 = * Bug fixed. = 3.1.5 = * Added new feature random images = 3.1.4 = * Bug fixed. = 3.1.3 = * Back end bug fixed. = 3.1.2 = * Bug fixed. = 3.1.1 = * Front end bug fixed. = 3.1.0 = * Global bug fixed. = 3.0.9 = * Security bug fixed. = 3.0.8 = * Front end bug fixed. = 3.0.7 = * Mirror bug fixed. = 3.0.6 = * Backend bug fixed. = 3.0.5 = * Front end bug fixed. = 3.0.4 = * Mirror bug fixed. = 3.0.3 = * Conflict bug fixed. = 3.0.2 = * Alt image tag bug fixed. = 3.0.1 = * Logs errors bug fixed. = 3.0.0 = * Image alt bug fixed. = 2.9.9 = * Some mirror bug fixed. = 2.9.8 = * bug fixed. = 2.9.7 = * bug fixed. = 2.9.6 = * bug fixed. = 2.9.5 = * bug fixed. = 2.9.4 = * bug fixed. = 2.9.3 = * bug fixed. = 2.9.2 = * Added Thumbnails functionality You may choose between thumbnails or dots navigation or turn off both. Youtube update bugs have been fixed. = 2.9.1 = * Bug fixed. = 2.9.0 = * Insert from url bug fixed. = 2.8.9 = * Alt tag bug fixed. = 2.8.8 = * Front End bug fixed. = 2.8.7 = * Security bug fixed. = 2.8.6 = * String errors has been fixed. = 2.8.5 = * bug fixed. = 2.8.4 = * bug fixed. = 2.8.3 = * bug fixed. = 2.8.2 = * bug fixed. = 2.8.1 = * bug fixed. = 2.8.0 = * bug fixed. = 2.7.9 = * Security bug fixed. = 2.7.8 = * Security bug fixed. = 2.7.7 = * Bug fixed. = 2.7.6 = * Security bug fixed. = 2.7.5 = * bug fixed. = 2.7.4 = * bug fixed. = 2.7.3 = * bug fixed. = 2.7.2 = * Loading icon added and bug fixed. = 2.7.1 = * bug fixed. = 2.7.0 = * bug fixed. = 2.6.9 = * bug fixed. = 2.6.7 = * bug fixed and added alt tags. = 2.6.6 = * bug fixed. = 2.6.5 = * onclick attributes have been removed. = 2.6.4 = * some new changes. = 2.6.3 = * Bug fixed. = 2.6.2 = * bug fixed. = 2.6.0 = * bug fixed and added new features. = 2.5.5 = * add new feature for image uploader. = 2.5.4 = * Front-end bug fixed. = 2.5.3 = * bug fixed. = 2.5.2 = * bug fixed. = 2.5.1 = * added possibility to change slider options when we insert the slider Shortcode in our posts/pages. = 2.5 = * bug fixed. = 2.4.7 = * add some features. = 2.4.6 = * bug fixed. = 2.4.5 = * bug fixed. = 2.4.4 = * bug fixed. = 2.4.3 = * bug fixed. = 2.4.2 = * enabled debug's bugs fixed. = 2.4.1 = * added positioning setting. = 2.4 = * added Drag and Drop functionality. = 2.3 = * added smart target feature. = 2.2 = * added possibility to use unlimited sliders in one page. = 2.1 = * bug fixed. = 2.0 = * added widget slider. = 1.0 = * Initial version. ==Wordpress Slider step by step guide== ### Step 1. Installation of Slider plugin * To install Slider plugin go in Plugins > Add New > search for slider plugin, after you find Huge-IT Slider, click on > Install Now > as soon as slider plugin is installed, press on > Activate and slider is ready to work with. For the PRO version of slider installation is almost the same * Plugins > delete the FREE version of the slider from Wordpress > Add New > Upload Plugin> use the zip file of the Huge-IT slider which you get after the purchase, and after installation again activate the slider. After activation you can see Huge-IT Slider on the left toolbar ### Step 2. Adding Slider. * To add a Slider, go to Huge IT Slider > Slider >Add New Slider. **2.1 Click on Add Images.** * Using Standard Media Upload option you should select the images you want to add to your slider. Images in slider can be added multiple at once, Pressing ctrl and selecting several images, add all in the slider with one click. * Let's have a look at the individual features of the images. * Title. Here you can provide a Title which will lay on the slider image. * Description. Provide the details for the slider image. This will be visible above the image, so it is advised to make it as short as possible * URL. This is an optional feature. You can provide a link on the slider to take to specific location on your website or another website. The URL should be provided in http:// form. Clicking on the image of the slider you will be straight directed to that URL link. **2.2 Video Slider (pro)** * The slider in professional version allows to add videos from Youtube and Vimeo sources. * Press on “Add Video Slide” and in the Popup paste the link of the video * Add a few configurations, such as: * Quality. This is the default quality level of the video * Volume. The default volume level of the video * Show Controls. Select if you want to see the controllers of the video in the slider * Show info. This can be the title and other layers on the video which comes from the vimeo or youtube straight on the slider ### Step 3. Current Options. **This is the free options of the slider which allow to configure most basic settings, which is important for having a nice slider in your site.** * Width. Specify the width of the slider in pixels. * Height. Specify the height of the slider in pixels. * Effects. Select the effect of the slider transition which will be applied. * Pause time. Specify the pause time for the WordPress Slider in milliseconds. * Change speed. Specify the change speed of the slider effect in milliseconds. * Slider Position. Slider can be placed on Left Right or Center within your page * Loading Icon. ON - will enable the loading spine on the place of the slider when the site is slow * Navigate By. This option allows to turn off any navigation, and make it dots or arrows * Pause on Hover. Choose whether to pause when the mouse is above the slider or leave it changing to the next image. * Video AutoPlay (PRO) This will allow the video in the slider to autoplay * Random. The option slides the image in the slider \in random order ### Step 4. Editing General Options. * To change the styles and colors of the slider you should go to Huge IT Slider > Slider Options. **4.1 Slider Styles** **The general styles of the slider which can make it look as desired>** * Background Color. Select the background color for the image in the slider, when Image Behavior is set on ”Natural” this shows some background in the slider. The color will be visible with during the slide change within specific effects. * Image Behavior. “Natural” and slider will show images in real proportions, otherwise will stretch them due to the slider size * Border size. Set the border around the slider. * Border color. Select the slider’s border color. * Border radius. Set the border radius of the slider corners. * Slider Loading Image. Pick up some loading icon for the slider loading **4.2 Description Styles** **The description of the slider lays on the slider in any position, and it has some styles options listed below:** * Description Color. Set the color for the slider image description. * Description background color. Choose the color for the cell containing the slider image description. * Description font size. Specify the font size for the slider image description. * Description border size. Specify the border for the slider image description. * Description border color. Select the border color for the slider image description. * Description border radius. Set the border radius for the slider image description cell. * Description position. Select the positioning of the description within the slider. Please make sure it does not coincide with the slider title position avoiding overlapping. **4.3 Title Styles** **Slider has a title which is accomplished with the number of style option available here:** * Title Color. Set the color for the title on the slider. * Title background color. Choose the color for the cell containing the title. * Title font size. Specify the font size for the image title of the slider. * Title border size. Set the border for the title. * Title border color. Select the border for the title. * Title border radius. Set the border radius for the title. * Title position. Define the position of the title within the slider, using the view graph. **4.4 Navigation Thumbnails Styles** **Navigation thumbnails will help to show the other images of the slider, make them looks nice by configuring several options.** * Count of Thumbs Slides. The number of the thumbnail images that are shown on the slider * Slider Thumb Height. Set the height of the thumbnail image * Thumbnails Background Color. In case if the images are different there can be background * Passive Thumbnail Overlay Color. The overlay of the image which is not selected * Passive Thumbnail Overlay Transparency. The transparency of the non selected thumbnail **4.5 Navigation Dots Styles.** **Slider offers several navigation types, such as dots and arrows, which styles can be picked up here:** * Navigation Dots Position. Set the position for the navigation dots within the slider, it has two positions . * Navigation Dots Color. Select the dot color for the navigation. * Navigation Active Dot Color. Specify the color for the dot for the currently displayed image. * Show navigation Arrows. Select to navigate the images in the slider using arrows * Navigation Type. Select the type of the navigation arrows to be used for the website. There are 13 different types for the slider ### Step 5. Inserting the Slider. **You should use the automatically generated codes. The shortcodes of the slider are in the Usage section, Slider has 2 types of shortcodes. One for the Slider in post or page, the other one, which is php shortcode is made for a Slider integration into the template area** **5.1 Inserting the Slider into the Post or Page.** * In the Post or Page the shortcode takes the following form: [huge_it_slider id=N] , where N is the number ID of the created WordPress Slider. Copy and Paste the Shortcode into the Visual Editor of the post/page, if you forgot to copy the shortcode, the slider plugin provides a button in the post/page editor, clicking on the button will automatically add the shortcode of your Slider in the page. **5.2 Inserting the Slider into the template.** * The shortcode can be easily inserted into a template/theme which corresponds to the WordPress standards. To do so go in Appearance > Editor > choose the appropriate file, where you want to have the slider and insert the following shortcode: **** * Where N is the number ID of the created Slider. * Make sure the php shortcode of the slider is not inserted in another php code of the theme, in order the slider could function properly. **5.3 Use the Slider into the widget.** * Slider can be easily inserted into the widget area of your template and be see in the sidebar. By going into Appearance > Widgets find the Huge-IT Slider block, then drag and drop it into the right place, Save the results and watch the slider in your sidebar. ### Step 6. Some useful notes **6.1 Media Formats** * Slider plugin in Free version can accept the following media formats: jpeg, png, gif * Slider plugin in Pro version besides the formats listed above can also accept video links from YouTube and Vimeo. **6.2 Slider Background Transparency** * Slide has a background, which can be seen if you select Image Behavior - Natural from general Options, this option will show every image with its natural dimensions, and as the images are different the slider can have a background, in case if you want to back the background of the slider transparent then use the following codes: **Slider.php file** * Line 1271 .huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_ { background:; Write 0 instead of number 1 **6.3 Put two sliders side by side** * Please try to do the following: search **the .huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_ {** code in the **slider.php** file (it is approximately in the **997 line**). Press the enter and write the float: left; after the brace { and then write the width of the two sliders, which may fit your theme container on the frontend (you can change the width of the slider’s from the current options). * Huge-IT Slider Plugin suggests various effects for demonstrating your images beautifully. What you need to do is just apply one of fifteen engaging effects to slider images. * Each Slider effect has been selected carefully to supply the best solutions for your Slider images. * Slider plugin provides the option to control the quality of your videos within Slider. From admin panel you are able to show info for each slider video ticking next to Show info. * Slider plugin supplies with volume control option for each video slider gallery. Those videos within the slider could be auto played due to Video Autoplay Option. Slider speed can be changed * That is not all. The Huge-IT Slider Plugin suggests interesting solutions for Blogs. Users can utilize Post Slide option which takes the images of your blog post into the slider automatically. * You can define the place for slider on your website whether to show slider on the left/right and center. * Two types of navigation is provided by Slider plugin which follows: Dots also Navigation. Selecting one of these navigation types visitors of your website could smoothly changing images/videos of your slider. * Through Add Video Slide button you can insert various beautiful videos into slider from two famous sources like Vimeo also YouTube. After which your visitors will enjoy sliding videos on your slider. * Each image has the possibility to add additional link which will direct to another page from your slider images. * General Options provide features to select one of interesting icons for slider image/video navigation. * Slider allows to add unlimited number of images/videos into slider in free also pro version. Also plugin provides with the ability to create unlimited number of Slider. * Slider Plugin is easy to use by due to providing user-friendly admin section.