***CHANGELOG*** Version 2.4 - 25 June 2017 * Fix - Removed display:none; property on single_variation_wrap into variable.php template. * Fix - Direct variation link issue arised after 2.3.9 Version 2.3 - 08 April 2017 * version 2.3.9 - fixed debug error on wooswatches tab. * version 2.3.8 - fixed bug with direct variation link. * version 2.3.7 - fixed debug error. - fixed debug error on [product_page ] shortcode. - fixed direct variation link incompatibility issue with WC 3.0 . * version 2.3.6 - Removed plugin update library. Use http://envato.github.io/wp-envato-market/ instead. - Fixed Js output bug on simple products. - Fixed debug errors on single product page. * version 2.3.5 - Bug fixed with previous release. * version 2.3.2 - Fixed debug erros. * version 2.3.1 - Fixed bug related to previous release. * Fixed WooCommerce 3.0 Compatiblity Issue Version 2.2 - 04 Octomber 2016 * version 2.2.9 - Fixed debug errors on my account page. * version 2.2.8 - Added- rel="nofollow" to filter widget links. * version 2.2.7 - Added- wcva_after_attribute_swatches hook Tweak- Change in textblock CSS * version 2.2.6 - Fix- Filter widget swatches showing css output. * version 2.2.5 - Fix- hover image not getting removed under product/attributes. * version 2.2.4 - Fixed bug with previous update. * version 2.2.3 - Removes unavailable options in default dropdowns and disables unavailable option swatches. * version 2.2.2 - Replaced smallipop with powerTip, Show shop swatches in related products and you may also like. * version 2.2.1 - Replaced minitip with smallipop,Fixed bug with previous version. * Fix - Swatches not showing under private mode. * Added - Inbuilt swatches product filter. * Added - Shop swatches now works with global values as display type. * Added - wcva_show_hidden_dropdown hook to show dropdowns along with swatches. * Added - Option to change hover image size. Version 2.1 - 07 September 2016 * version 2.1.8 - Fixed minor css bug. * version 2.1.7 - Disables unavailable options. * version 2.1.5 - removed disabled="disabled" attrabute on add to cart button. - Fix for debug errors related to shop swatches. - CSS tweak for round swatches. * version 2.1.4 - Fixed shop hover swatch border issue. - Fixed shop swatches wrong order issue. * version 2.1.3 - Added border on hover on shop swatches. - Fixed bug with direct variation link. - Fixed below name CSS issue. - Fixed shop hover image dimension issue. * version 2.1.2 - some CSS tweak,fixed fatal error due to class conflict. * version 2.1.1 - added class to hidden select element,option to replace hover with click on shop swatches. * Added option to disable tooltip on iOS devices to avoide double click. * Added wcva_attribute_swatch_display_type and wcva_attribute_swatch_image hook. * Added inbuilt direct variation link feature. * Added textblock option as attribute display type. Version 2.0 - 28 june 2016 * Version 2.0.4- Fixed debug errors. * Version 2.0.3- Fixed debug errors, remove "disable [product_page ] shortcode support checkbox" from plugin settings page. * Version 2.0.2- Added wcva_attribute_display_type hook. * Version 2.0.1- Added wcva_swatch_image_url and wcva_hover_image_url hook. * Improvement in page loading speed. * Fixed bug with global display type. Version 1.9 – 29 february 2016 * Added feature to manage attribute options globally. Version 1.8 - 25 february 2016 * Added possiblity to manage attribute options globally. Version 1.8 - 30 january 2016 * 1.8.1- fixed attribute label translation issue with WPML,removed custom label option. * Fixed CSS issue related to "attribute name below swatch". * Fixed compatibility issues with Woocommerce 2.5. Version 1.7 - 10 december 2015 * Fixed compatiblity issues with WP 4.4. * Improvement in frontend single product page css. * Fixed shop hover image change issue with virtue,pinnacle theme. * Moved plugin settings to Woocommerce/settings/swatches tab from Woocommerce/settings/products/display Version 1.6 - 10 october 2015 * 1.6.8 - added optional tooltip on swatches. * 1.6.7 - made button classes unique to avoid conflict on attribute edit page,fixed one debug error. * 1.6.6 - fixed bug that makes attribute label selected on click,fixed bug related to default options. * 1.6.5 - fixed bug related to different term slug and term name,some changes in automatic plugin update related code to improve performance. * 1.6.4 - fixed custom label text bug,added option to use custom product page swatches height/width. * 1.6.3 - fixed wp_debug error,fixed bug related to global attributes. * 1.6.2 - Change in purchase code verification code, added [product_page] shortcode support, fixed conflict issue due to space,rowurldecode,minor changes in product-frontend.js file. * 1.6.1 - Fixed bug related to previous release. * Fixed compatibility issues related to woocommerce 2.4.X * Fixed variation description related issue. * Fixed issue related to special characters. * Added automatic update feature. Version 1.5 - 23 august 2015 * Verified compatibility with latest wordpress 4.3 and woocommerce 2.4.5 Version 1.4 - 17 January 15 * Added Direct Variation link Support on Shop Swatches. * Added Option to change the location of Shop Swatches. * Moved Shop swatches settings from general to products tab. Version 1.3 - 30 December 14 * Version 1.3.1 - Added rowurlencode to backend lable test. * Displays Swatches below each product on shop/category/tag pages. * Changes product image on swatch hover. Version 1.2 - 20 December 14 * version 1.2.1 - Fixed Small Issue with Greek Language. * Fixed Compatibility Issue with YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier. * Fixed Compatibility Issue with Multiple Images Per variation Plugin. * Fixed Image Zoom Compatibility Issue with IDSTORE,LEGENDAV,AVADA Theme. Version 1.1 - 11 november 14 * version 1.1.5 - Some changes in plugin code , no change in features. * version 1.1.4 - Fixed issue with decimal values , Removed Admin attribute header preview. * version 1.1.3 - Fixed bug related to global color or image. * version 1.1.2 - Support attribute name to be displayed under swatch. * version 1.1.1 - added title hover to swaatches. * Fixed compatibility issue with IE 11. * Improved Front-end Compatibility with Major themes. * Little tweak in admin side code. * Improved CSS. * Verified Compatibility with wordpress 4.0 and woocommerce 2.2.8. * Verified functionality with All major browsers including IE 9,10,11. Version 1.0.8 -12 July 14 * Improvement in global Color or image per attribute. * - fixed bug related to woocommerce older versions. Version 1.0.7 -3 June 14 * replaced green border with black border on checked for image or color. * fixed issue with default option selected on product load. * Loads default select for IE11. Version 1.0.6 -24 May 14 * Fixed Compatibility issue with IE. Version 1.0.5 -18 May 14 * Replaced Common display type selection with Per attribute selection. * Improved Frontend CSS. Version 1.0.4 -17 April 14 * added color or image settings on attribute edit pages. Version 1.0.3 -15 April 14 * added radio button support . * many minor improvements Version 1.0.3 -16 April 14 * Improved theme compatibility. * Improved CSS * Removed custom label text option . Version 1.0.1 -14 April 14 * fixed bug related to variable add to cart button.