O Me, O My, It's 50 Years Now

To the tune of "The Homework Song"

The following song was written by Carolyn Vanderveen and Bernie Van Raalte and performed by the elementary students of Parkland Immanuel Christian School. It's intended as a light hearted look at the Canadian Reformed community over its first 50 years.

O me, o my, it's fifty years now
Since the church was instituted
We are here to celebrate
Because of this important date.

It was on a summer day
July the 9th it was they say
Oh, nineteen fifty was the year
And we are here to shout and cheer!

Van Popta was the first to come
De Jong, de Bruin, van Beveren.
There's Snip and Kampen, Aasman too-oo
Dominees for me and you!

Twenty seven years went by
The grand-kids came by and by
God blessed us with a Christian school
We all agree that it is cool!

(Girls) Oh, children, praise and shout!
(Boys) Oh people, let your praise ring out!

(Boys) It was on a summer day
July the 9th it was they say
Oh, nineteen fifty was the year
And we are here to shout and cheer!

(Girls) Oh, chrildren, praise and shout!
Oh, people, let your praise ring out

(Girls) O me, o my it's fifty years now
Since the church was instituted
We are here to celebrate
Because of this important date

(Girls) Praise and adore Him
Praise and adore Him
Praise and adore Him
Children let your praise ring out.

In eighty-one it was the year
With seven hundred people here
Each bench was full we had to split
There was no room, no spot to sit!

Praise Him and adore Him
Oh, praise Him and adore Him
Halle, Halle lu jah!!
Oh, praise the Lord,
Oh, praise the Lord
Oh, praise the Lord
Oh praise
Praise ye the Lord

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