Our beliefs, and how we're spreading the good news
The Canadian Reformed Churches believe all that is in the Bible. We believe that this is
faithfully summarized in the eccumenical Christian confessions, namely
the Apostles'
Creed, Nicene Creed and the
Specific doctrinal issues are dealt with in the Reformed confessions.
- The
Belgic Confession states what we believe about God, man and his fall
into sin, Jesus Christ and salvation, the Church, the sacraments, the
civil government, and the last judgement.
- The Heidelberg
Catechism uses a question and answer format to explain the basics of
the Christian faith. It deals extensively with the Apostles' Creed, the
sacraments, the law, and prayer.
- The
Canons of Dort were written in reaction to the errors of the
theologian Arminius. The Canons stress the sovereignthy of God in our
salvation, and try to deal with common misconceptions about Reformed
Since we've been given the Word of God and all the promises contained in
it, the members of our church are eager to share this news with the
world. Consequently, our church has become involved in a number of
outreach projects.
We currently support evangelism efforts in Brazil. This outreach is
coordinated with attempts to bring medical assistance, poverty relief,
and other forms of help to the local Brazilian population.
In Canada we support outreach work among the native population in the
Bulkley Valley area, near Smithers, B.C. This includes preaching,
teaching, Bible study, counselling, and organizing Bible camps.
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