Dear brothers, the steering committee has chosen time management as the first topic for good reason. This is an excellent topic to start with because it will make us think about how important our time is and how many needs there are in our life for our time. Whether we are young or old, single or married, we all have the same amount of time in our lives to do all we can for God's honor and glory. How we manage this time over our lives is critical in leading a Christian life. We must remember at all times what a sacrifice God made for us through His Son. This in mind we should at all times during our life do all we can for His honor and glory out of thankfulness for what He has done for us. Let us also keep in mind that God will direct our path, and that we must go to Him for all our help.
How big is the issue of time management?
Where is our time needed?
- Church, school, work, rest, Scripture, prayer, marriage, family, friends
Where is our time needed most?
- For the advancement of God's kingdom?
What do you have a hard time finding time for?
Balancing our time
We need to prioritize by following Jesus' example. We never read in the Bible of Jesus hurrying or rushing through the day, or working continuously day and night without proper refreshment or rest. Often the big difference between one person and another is how they spend their time.
We need to make decisions on how to balance/prioritize:
- Work (money)
- Personal study time
- Resting time (hobbies, vacations, recreation etc.)
- Church
- Home (wife, family)
It seems as if work is what is always tearing us away from other important things, but work is also important, for we need work (money) for living (food, shelter), for the poor and needy, for the church needs (building, minister), and for school.
We can see that with our money (through working) we can serve God with these gifts which is a blessing. Now we can say that if we had money without working, we would have more time for other things in our lives. So money management goes hand in hand with time management.
Discuss these 3 examples:
- Work vs. TV
- Work vs. pornography, drugs, gambling
- Work vs. sports, recreation
Perhaps it's not fair to line up everything verses 'work', but since we do spend many hours working, it becomes a big part of time management, but certainly feel free to compare other topics an how much time we spend with each. For example, sitting in church vs. sitting in front of TV.
To prioritize our time we can use these 5 areas of importance. Our top priorities are to
- Love God
- Love others
- Work
- Do good works
- Rest
Making the right decision is very difficult, but in order to make sure we don't make the wrong decisions we can follow these guidelines:
- Live by the Word of God
- Learn and follow the Bible
- Don't put God to a test
- Don't put yourself in a position that requires a miracle for an answer. For example, Satan tempted Jesus to jump off the temple to see if God would perform a miracle to save Him.
- Always worship God and serve Him only
- No other gods
- Never stop working for God's glory
Verses from the Bible on time management
- Psalm 1:2-3 - Meditating day and night... and whatever he does prospers
- Luke 8:14 - Choked by life's worries, riches, and pleasures they realize they are no longer growing and maturing
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-14 - A time for everything
- Ecclesiastes 8:5-6 - A proper time for everything
- Hosea 10:12 - It is time to seek the Lord
- I Corinthians 8:29 - Time for doing the Lord's work is short
- Psalm 31:15 - All events and circumstances of life are in God's hands
- Matthew 22:36-57 - Love your God
- Proverbs 23:4-5 - Hard work, don't wear yourself out
- Isaiah 40:29-31 - God gives rest to the weary
- Matthew 16:24 - "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
- Ephesians 5:15 - "Be careful how you live - not as unwise, but as wise..."
- Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - Teach and talk with your children - they need our time as well
- Luke 10 - Jesus is with Martha and Mary, and points out that Mary had made the right decision on what was most important
- Matthew 6:19-21 - "Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not steal. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also."
Questions for discussion
- What is the number one priority that need our time?
Knowing that the only thing we take out of this world will be our soul, how much time should we place on purifying our soul? How much time should we spend on influencing our neighbour so they too will understand the value of purifying their soul? Or are we so consumed with supporting a lifestyle or other personal ambitions that everything you are doing will be lift behind?
- How far do we push ourselves? What is too much or too little?
- We all need rest, is there such thing as good tired and bad tired?
- What are examples of wasted time?
- Can we manage our time over our entire lives? Are there tings we can do earlier in our lives to help free up time later in life? Are there things we would have done when we were younger?
- How do you rest best? What relaxes your mind/body? How much should we spend on recreation/hobbies?
- Describe one very good decision you have made. What factors in making your decision contributed to its success?
- Describe on "lousy" decision you have made. What caused you to make this decision? What consequences have you had to bear because of it? Would you make a different decision if you had to do it over again?
- What are 3 principles did Jesus apply when tempted to make the wrong decisions?
- Every decision is at least a spiritual decision. Do you agree, disagree? Why or why not?
- Every decision is at least a financial decision. Do you agree, disagree? Why or why not?
- How do your dreams and hopes for your children reflect your own priorities? Do they reveal any "weak spots" or "blind spots" in your thinking?
- Read Matthew 22:36-38. What is, and should be, the significance of this command on the way we prioritize the use of our time and money? Give an example.
- What is one areas of your relationship with God in which you are not doing all that you should (e.g. Bible study, prayer, worship, sharing?) What is something practical you are willing to do to improve your relationship with Him?
- What "good work" do you think God may be calling you to do?
- Is rest a priority with you, or do you feel guilty when you relax? Read Matthew 11:28-30. What is Christ's position on rest?
- How does "the world" compete in your life with biblical priorities? Give and example.
- How does "money" compete in your life with biblical priorities? Give an example.
- One of the greatest reasons people cannot mobilize themselves is that they try to accomplish great things. Most worthwhile achievements are the result of many little things done in a single direction. Can you give an example in which you have tackled a project so big that you never get it off the ground? What factors kept you from success? What is the best way to make progress?
- Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. So many of us are pushing hard all the time. Life seems to be a struggle. It's as though we are trying to put "two tons of fertilizer in a one-ton truck." According to this passage we can see that a sovereign God is in control of an ordered world. Do we, or do we not, have enough time to do everything God wants us to do? How should we approach our days if God is in fact, in control?
- Read Proverbs 16:3. What do you think it means to "commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed"?