Leading by Example

June 1, 2002

Topic: Getting Ready to Lead by Example

Topic presentation by: Dave DeBoer


"Remember your leaders, who spoke the Word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith." Hebrews 13:7.

Christ calls men to be leaders in his church. Leadership is not something that we necessarily seek out, but we need to be prepared in case we are called. How do we go about preparing ourselves for leadership, for the office of elder or deacon? We need to see what Christ expects of the men that he appoints to office. Among the many things that Christ expects of his office bearersis providing an example worth imitating. This is something that we can strive for in our daily lives - shaping our attitudes and actions into a good example for others. This is not something that we can do perfectly. In fact we could not do it at all without the Holy Spirit working in our hearts, but by his work of regeneration, we are able to fight against sin and to get ready to lead by example.


  • Opening and Introduction.
  • Breakfast.
  • Presentation.
  • Coffee Break.
  • Questions and Discussion.


Preparing myself for leadership

  1. We need to be ready in case Christ calls us. Every man in the church must be aware of the possibility that he might receive a call.
  2. What work does Christ have in mind for the leaders in the church?
    Belgic Confession, Article 30. Christ provides ministers, elders, and deacons so that through them he can
    • preserve the true religion
    • see to it that the true doctrine takes its course
    • discipline and restrain evil men in a spiritual way
    • look after the poor and afflicted.
    Church Order, Articles 16, 22, and 23. These articles outline the duties of the three offices.
  3. How do I get ready for this kind of work? There is no special training - no school for elders and deacons. According to the ordination form, elders and deacons (and also those who are preparing themselves for these offices) must:
    • Train themselves in godliness
    • Search the Scriptures diligently.
  4. Training in Godliness
    I Corinthians 9:24ff. Paul says that we have to pummel our bodies into submission.
    Galatians 5:22ff, 2 Corinthians 6:6, Eph 4:2; 5:9, Col 3:12-15. These texts give lists of virtues that should characterize our lives. These virtues are the mark that we aim at in our training.
    I Tim 3 and Titus 1:5ff. Article 30 of the Belgic Confession speaks about "faithful men" who "are chosen in agreement with the rule that the Apostle Paul gave to Timothy", This is the mark that office bearers and would-be officebearers aim at in their 'godliness training'.
  5. Leading by Example. Scripture, in several places, urges the believers to follow the example of their leaders.
    • I Corinthians 4:15
    • I Corinthians 11:1 - follow Paul as he follows Christ
    • Philippians 3:17 - join with others as you follow
    • Philippians 4:9 - put into practice what you learn
    • I Thessalonians 1:6 - you welcomed the Spirit
    • II Thessalonians 3:7 - you know how you should follow
    • Hebrews 13:7 - imitate your leaders
    Christ uses his officers as part of a multi-media presentation. They teach with words, but they also portray with their lives the kind of example that God requires of his people. The example of the officers must:
    • Reflect the example of Christ.
    • Agree with the teaching of Christ.
  6. How do I train myself to live a life that the Holy Spirit can use to teach others?
    • Consistency! I need to practice what I preach and to give a good example at all times, not just when it is convenient.
    • Completeness! I need to submit all of my life to the Word of God, not just those areas that are easier for me.
    • Conscious Effort! I need to be aware that others are watching me, and that if I am in a position of leadership (as an elder, deacon, father, husband, or teacher), others will be powerfully affected by my example.
    • Courage (faith)! (a) I need courage to step forward and be the one who serves (Mk 9:35 - he who wishes to be first must be the very last and the servant of all), (b) I need courage to stand in the spotlight even though I know that I have many shortcomings and weaknesses, (c) I need courage to supply an example that may earn me the hatred and persecution of the world.