Called to be a servant in today's world
February 1, 2003 |
"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love." Galatians 5:13
Speaker: Henry Bosch (brother of Joe Bosch; on the staff of the Northern Alberta Diaconal Conference; member of Inglewood Christian Reformed Church)
Stupendous breakfast volunteers: Willa Bosch & Jessica van der Ahé
Opening reading: Titus 2
- Introduction to the theme, some gathering activities including songs.
- Large group: plenary exercise to identify who we are in life. Using a visual map, we'll take some time to share about our life's journey, and the roles we play. This is intended to help us get in touch with who we are, to get beneath the surface a bit. Might generate a discussion of our roles in today's world.
- Small group/Personal: some history and reflection on the notion of being a servant, looking at the pros and cons, our perceptions in our context. Scripture search and some reflecting on what it might be saying to us (Matthew 25:21, 20:25, Job 1:8, Ps. 103:21, Deut.10:12, Phil:2, Luke 22:26,27 etc.)
- Large group
- Identify the characteristics of a servant.
- What roles do we take on as Christian men?
- What are our personal values? Do they include the notion of servanthood?
- Do the characteristics of a servant, relate to our roles, values and what is required of us?
- Using the handout provided, identify where you are at in your various roles. What would it take to go from "leaves to fruit?" (Matt. 21:18) What are the roots of our personal tree? Do we produce fruit?
- Based on Jesus' example, particularly in His foot-washing example, what does it mean to serve today? Would you be willing to wash your friend / neighbour's stinky feet? Do you need your feet washed? By whom?
- Summary: What implications does this have for us as men, as leaders in the church and community? What are the gifts we have been given that are to be to be used as servants would, to benefit others?
- Wrap up, including some singing.