Providence Canadian Reformed Church follows a Reformed style of worship.
To understand Reformed worship, one must understand God's covenant, that
is, His special relationship with His people. A worship service is a
meeting of the Lord and His people. The intent is to praise God; He is the
focus of the service. Central to the worship service is the preaching of
the Word of God, congregational singing, and prayer.
Two worship services are held every Sunday.
- 10 AM: In the morning service a passage from the Bible is explained.
- 3 PM: The Heidelberg Catechism is used as a guide to teach Scriptual doctrine.
- Additional services are held to celebrate Good Friday, Christmas, and New Year's. The Good Friday service is held at 10 AM, the Christmas day service at 10 AM, and the New Year's Eve service at 7:30 PM.
- The Lord's Supper / Holy Communion is celebrated on the second Sunday of every other month; in January, March, May, July, September, and November. The celebration is open to communicant members of the congregation, and previously admitted guests.
We always welcome visitors. If you're coming in the morning service, maybe you can join our host family for coffee and/or lunch after church.
- Catechism classes are held on Tuesday nights for the young people; adult catechism classes are held as needed. Contact: Rev. Aasman (459-9060)
- The Praise the Lord Choir, organized jointly with members of Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church and St. Albert Canadian Reformed Church, holds public concerts in the winter and spring of each year, and a mass concert every three years. Contact: Korien Sampson (939-4005)
- Young People's Society meets for Bible study every second Sunday night, and for various other activities on various other days. Contact: Katherine Wiersema
- Men's Fellowship is held on the first Saturday of each month. Contact: Sheldon Kok (452-7457)
- Women's Society "Lydia" meets every second Wednesday evening.
- Sunday Night Young Adults Bible Study. Contact: Darren deVries
- Tuesday morning Bible study is held at Immanuel Canadian Reformed Church every Tuesday at 9:30 AM. Child care is provided. Contact: Akkelene Duker (486-6088)
- Wednesday night Bible study is held every second Wednesday. Contact: Martin van der Ahé (452-4211).
- Marriage classes: Every February, couples who plan to marry are invited to attend a series of classes which are geared to preparing them for marriage. Topics include communication, building relationships, overcoming conflict, financial planning, etc. Contact: Rev. Aasman (459-9060)
Through assessments:
- Mission Brazil
- Mission Smithers
- Canadian Reformed Theological College
Through collections:
- Manna - Canadian Reformed Society for World Relief. Among other activities, Manna supports 60 orphans at the Mufu Children's Home in Kenya.
- Mission Aviation Fellowship
- Middle East Reformed Fellowship
- Word and Deed Ministries - an international reformed relief organization
- Children of Light Canada - supporting needy Christian children in West Timor, Indonesia
- Rehoboth Christian Ministries - programs and care for the mentally handicapped
- Urban Mission - mission to Chinese immigrants in greater Vancouver
- The Bible League - producing and distributing Bibles in over 80 countries
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