=== Wordfence Security - Live Traffic Admin Widget === Contributors: zoranc Donate link: http://bit.ly/1dIyktC Tags: wordfence widget, live traffic,real time, widget, wordfence, admin widget, stats widget, statistics, traffic, user tracking Author URI: http://zoranc.co/ Plugin URI: http://zoranc.co/wordfence-security-live-traffic-admin-widget/ Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.9 Stable tag: 1.0.1 License: GPLv2 == Description == Monitor your site's real-time live traffic from the Main Dashboard page. This is a Wordfence extension and as such it does require Wordfence Security to be installed in order for it to function properly. Embed the Wordfence Live Traffic page into an admin widget alongside a few quickmenu actions. You can quickly enable/disable the Live Traffic scripts right from within the admin widget. == Installation == Installation procedure and the documentation for this plugin is hosted on the [official Wordfence Security Live Traffic Admin Widget forum](http://store.zoranc.co/support/topic/live-traffic-widget-admin-installation-guide/). == Frequently Asked Questions == For documantation, support questions, feedback and ideas, please use the [official Wordfence Security Live Traffic Admin Widget forum](http://zoranc.co/support/wordfence-security-live-traffic-admin-widget). == Changelog == = 1.0.1 = * Added A check for liveTrafficEnabled wfConfig * Added Enable/Disable liveTrafficEnabled wfConfig * Improved support for translations so you can quickly enable/disable the Live Traffic scripts right from within the widget. = 1.0.0 = Initial Release == Screenshots == 1. Wordfence Security Live Traffic Admin Widget view on the main dashboard page