World Wide Web Access Statistics for
Last updated: Sat, 12 May 2012 06:53:58 (GMT -0600)
Totals for Summary Period: May 5 2012 to May 12 2012
Requests Received During Summary Period 3177
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 22939626
Average Requests Received Daily 397
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 2867453
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
11.84 11.38 2610054 376 | May 5 2012
14.07 13.39 3070866 447 | May 6 2012
12.46 12.08 2770439 396 | May 7 2012
13.25 13.87 3180665 421 | May 8 2012
16.05 16.48 3781455 510 | May 9 2012
17.00 18.90 4335727 540 | May 10 2012
12.62 11.47 2630666 401 | May 11 2012
2.71 2.44 559754 86 | May 12 2012
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
3.53 3.53 809750 112 | 00
5.48 7.14 1637645 174 | 01
2.20 1.72 394658 70 | 02
4.19 4.93 1130374 133 | 03
3.59 2.99 686177 114 | 04
5.04 5.22 1197116 160 | 05
8.03 3.48 798983 255 | 06
4.31 4.00 918424 137 | 07
4.03 5.30 1216784 128 | 08
3.37 2.54 581708 107 | 09
3.87 3.48 798376 123 | 10
6.89 7.47 1713427 219 | 11
2.64 4.05 929835 84 | 12
3.21 2.65 607112 102 | 13
5.41 5.26 1205873 172 | 14
3.15 3.14 721100 100 | 15
3.59 3.14 719310 114 | 16
3.71 2.87 657599 118 | 17
2.55 2.62 601637 81 | 18
2.23 2.27 521694 71 | 19
4.63 4.91 1125800 147 | 20
6.14 6.28 1440387 195 | 21
3.34 6.26 1436299 106 | 22
4.88 4.75 1089558 155 | 23
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.22 0.01 2200 7 | ar Argentina
0.13 0.00 800 4 | be Belgium
0.13 0.00 800 4 | br Brazil
0.06 0.01 1550 2 | cz Czech Republic
0.13 0.13 28679 4 | de Germany
0.76 0.08 19019 24 | fr France
0.06 0.06 14326 2 | jp Japan
0.13 0.12 28652 4 | nl Netherlands
0.06 0.07 15183 2 | no Norway
13.03 16.90 3877566 414 | ru Russian Federation
0.31 0.26 58908 10 | sc Seychelles
0.03 0.06 13551 1 | se Sweden
7.24 3.58 820697 230 | ua Ukraine
48.63 59.98 13758640 1545 | com Commercial
0.13 0.16 36865 4 | edu Educational
8.50 4.49 1030380 270 | net Network
1.13 1.40 320710 36 | org Non-Profit Organization
0.13 0.16 36865 4 | info
19.20 12.53 2874235 610 | unresolved
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
19.20 12.53 2874235 610 | Unresolved
0.22 0.01 2200 7 |
0.13 0.00 800 4 | be.ugent.atlantis.test
0.13 0.00 800 4 |
0.06 0.06 14326 2 | com.advanticaeyecare
0.38 0.37 85944 12 | com.alexiadns
0.28 0.20 45303 9 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
0.16 0.30 67755 5 | com.as13448
34.21 44.33 10168694 1087 |
0.06 0.07 15215 2 |
0.06 0.06 14326 2 | com.ctinets
0.03 0.06 13551 1 | com.giga-dns.static.193.200.241
2.27 4.15 952116 72 | com.googlebot
0.03 0.06 13551 1 | com.ivegotafang
0.35 0.18 41751 11 | com.kimsufi
4.09 2.49 570053 130 |
1.76 2.26 518347 56 |
0.69 0.69 157586 22 | com.sixmart
0.16 0.30 67755 5 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
0.35 0.45 103835 11 | com.thunderstone
0.82 0.81 186238 26 | com.virginmedia.cable.newt
1.89 1.22 279968 60 | com.wowrack
0.98 1.93 442326 31 |
0.06 0.01 1550 2 | cz.seznam
0.03 0.06 13551 1 | de.fastwebserver.silver
0.06 0.06 14326 2 | de.netestate
0.03 0.00 802 1 | de.your-server.clients.
0.13 0.16 36865 4 | edu.columbia.cs.hacktory
0.76 0.08 19019 24 | fr.dedibox
0.13 0.16 36865 4 | info.pureserver
0.06 0.06 14326 2 | jp.or.coara
0.03 0.06 14408 1 | net.1e100
0.13 0.00 800 4 | net.actaccess.static.66.20.36
0.28 0.33 76713 9 | net.allstream.dedicated
0.06 0.07 15183 2 | net.arcor-ip.pools
0.25 0.25 57304 8 | net.bezeqint.dcenter.static
1.20 1.19 272194 38 | net.bezeqint.static
0.13 0.06 14726 4 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc
0.09 0.12 27895 3 | net.coolhousing.78.194.236
4.66 0.57 131309 148 | net.hostinglotus
0.09 0.18 41510 3 | net.hostnoc.static
0.06 0.06 13751 2 | net.mark-itt.etth
0.25 0.31 70935 8 | net.midco
0.03 0.04 8099 1 | net.shawcable.wp
0.94 0.94 214560 30 | net.sistrix.crawler
0.13 0.07 15157 4 | net.steephost.unknown.91.207.4
0.16 0.24 55836 5 | net.steephost.unknown.91.207.6
0.13 0.12 28652 4 | nl.chello
0.06 0.07 15183 2 | no.actis
1.13 1.40 320710 36 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
0.03 0.00 807 1 | ru.corbina.broadband
13.00 16.90 3876759 413 |
0.31 0.26 58908 10 | sc.whois
0.03 0.06 13551 1 | se.tralex.176.74.192
0.06 0.07 15183 2 |
0.13 0.24 54204 4 |
0.03 0.06 13551 1 |
6.99 3.16 724208 222 |
0.03 0.06 13551 1 |
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
50.87 73.36 16827819 1616 | /
0.13 0.01 2072 4 | /ELTC.ico
0.22 7.21 1654855 7 | /ELTC.swf
0.03 0.00 100 1 | /Videos/Alberta/TravelAlbertaVideo.html
2.11 7.53 1727572 67 | /about.html
2.08 3.18 728958 66 | /cross.html
0.03 0.17 38646 1 | /details.html
2.01 1.95 447715 64 | /dictionary.html
0.28 0.51 117284 9 | /eventslist.html
0.03 0.00 100 1 | /icons/blank.gif
0.03 0.00 100 1 | /images/logo/ELTCredLogo.JPG
0.19 0.26 60012 6 | /ourbuild.html
0.06 0.32 73531 2 | /question.html
0.38 0.50 115048 12 | /volunteer.html
38.84 4.14 948776 1234 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
0.19 0.01 3332 6 | Code 400 Bad Request
1.57 0.28 63602 50 | Code 403 Forbidden
0.54 0.02 5100 17 | Code 408 Request Time-out
0.22 0.29 65631 7 | http:/
0.19 0.26 59373 6 | http:/
This summary was generated by