World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 12 May 2012 06:53:58 (GMT -0600)

Totals for Summary Period: May 5 2012 to May 12 2012

Requests Received During Summary Period            3177
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        22939626
Average Requests Received Daily                     397
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 2867453

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
11.84 11.38      2610054      376 | May  5 2012
14.07 13.39      3070866      447 | May  6 2012
12.46 12.08      2770439      396 | May  7 2012
13.25 13.87      3180665      421 | May  8 2012
16.05 16.48      3781455      510 | May  9 2012
17.00 18.90      4335727      540 | May 10 2012
12.62 11.47      2630666      401 | May 11 2012
 2.71  2.44       559754       86 | May 12 2012

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 3.53  3.53       809750      112 |  00
 5.48  7.14      1637645      174 |  01
 2.20  1.72       394658       70 |  02
 4.19  4.93      1130374      133 |  03
 3.59  2.99       686177      114 |  04
 5.04  5.22      1197116      160 |  05
 8.03  3.48       798983      255 |  06
 4.31  4.00       918424      137 |  07
 4.03  5.30      1216784      128 |  08
 3.37  2.54       581708      107 |  09
 3.87  3.48       798376      123 |  10
 6.89  7.47      1713427      219 |  11
 2.64  4.05       929835       84 |  12
 3.21  2.65       607112      102 |  13
 5.41  5.26      1205873      172 |  14
 3.15  3.14       721100      100 |  15
 3.59  3.14       719310      114 |  16
 3.71  2.87       657599      118 |  17
 2.55  2.62       601637       81 |  18
 2.23  2.27       521694       71 |  19
 4.63  4.91      1125800      147 |  20
 6.14  6.28      1440387      195 |  21
 3.34  6.26      1436299      106 |  22
 4.88  4.75      1089558      155 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.22  0.01         2200        7 | ar    Argentina
 0.13  0.00          800        4 | be    Belgium
 0.13  0.00          800        4 | br    Brazil
 0.06  0.01         1550        2 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.13  0.13        28679        4 | de    Germany
 0.76  0.08        19019       24 | fr    France
 0.06  0.06        14326        2 | jp    Japan
 0.13  0.12        28652        4 | nl    Netherlands
 0.06  0.07        15183        2 | no    Norway
13.03 16.90      3877566      414 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.31  0.26        58908       10 | sc    Seychelles
 0.03  0.06        13551        1 | se    Sweden
 7.24  3.58       820697      230 | ua    Ukraine
48.63 59.98     13758640     1545 | com   Commercial
 0.13  0.16        36865        4 | edu   Educational
 8.50  4.49      1030380      270 | net   Network
 1.13  1.40       320710       36 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.13  0.16        36865        4 | info  
19.20 12.53      2874235      610 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
19.20 12.53      2874235      610 | Unresolved
 0.22  0.01         2200        7 |
 0.13  0.00          800        4 | be.ugent.atlantis.test
 0.13  0.00          800        4 |
 0.06  0.06        14326        2 | com.advanticaeyecare
 0.38  0.37        85944       12 | com.alexiadns
 0.28  0.20        45303        9 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.16  0.30        67755        5 | com.as13448
34.21 44.33     10168694     1087 |
 0.06  0.07        15215        2 |
 0.06  0.06        14326        2 | com.ctinets
 0.03  0.06        13551        1 | com.giga-dns.static.193.200.241
 2.27  4.15       952116       72 | com.googlebot
 0.03  0.06        13551        1 | com.ivegotafang
 0.35  0.18        41751       11 | com.kimsufi
 4.09  2.49       570053      130 |
 1.76  2.26       518347       56 |
 0.69  0.69       157586       22 | com.sixmart
 0.16  0.30        67755        5 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
 0.35  0.45       103835       11 | com.thunderstone
 0.82  0.81       186238       26 | com.virginmedia.cable.newt
 1.89  1.22       279968       60 | com.wowrack
 0.98  1.93       442326       31 |
 0.06  0.01         1550        2 | cz.seznam
 0.03  0.06        13551        1 | de.fastwebserver.silver
 0.06  0.06        14326        2 | de.netestate
 0.03  0.00          802        1 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.13  0.16        36865        4 | edu.columbia.cs.hacktory
 0.76  0.08        19019       24 | fr.dedibox
 0.13  0.16        36865        4 | info.pureserver
 0.06  0.06        14326        2 | jp.or.coara
 0.03  0.06        14408        1 | net.1e100
 0.13  0.00          800        4 | net.actaccess.static.66.20.36
 0.28  0.33        76713        9 | net.allstream.dedicated
 0.06  0.07        15183        2 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.25  0.25        57304        8 | net.bezeqint.dcenter.static
 1.20  1.19       272194       38 | net.bezeqint.static
 0.13  0.06        14726        4 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc
 0.09  0.12        27895        3 | net.coolhousing.78.194.236
 4.66  0.57       131309      148 | net.hostinglotus
 0.09  0.18        41510        3 | net.hostnoc.static
 0.06  0.06        13751        2 | net.mark-itt.etth
 0.25  0.31        70935        8 | net.midco
 0.03  0.04         8099        1 | net.shawcable.wp
 0.94  0.94       214560       30 | net.sistrix.crawler
 0.13  0.07        15157        4 | net.steephost.unknown.91.207.4
 0.16  0.24        55836        5 | net.steephost.unknown.91.207.6
 0.13  0.12        28652        4 | nl.chello
 0.06  0.07        15183        2 | no.actis
 1.13  1.40       320710       36 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
 0.03  0.00          807        1 | ru.corbina.broadband
13.00 16.90      3876759      413 |
 0.31  0.26        58908       10 | sc.whois
 0.03  0.06        13551        1 | se.tralex.176.74.192
 0.06  0.07        15183        2 |
 0.13  0.24        54204        4 |
 0.03  0.06        13551        1 |
 6.99  3.16       724208      222 |
 0.03  0.06        13551        1 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
50.87 73.36     16827819     1616 | /
 0.13  0.01         2072        4 | /ELTC.ico
 0.22  7.21      1654855        7 | /ELTC.swf
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /Videos/Alberta/TravelAlbertaVideo.html
 2.11  7.53      1727572       67 | /about.html
 2.08  3.18       728958       66 | /cross.html
 0.03  0.17        38646        1 | /details.html
 2.01  1.95       447715       64 | /dictionary.html
 0.28  0.51       117284        9 | /eventslist.html
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /icons/blank.gif
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /images/logo/ELTCredLogo.JPG
 0.19  0.26        60012        6 | /ourbuild.html
 0.06  0.32        73531        2 | /question.html
 0.38  0.50       115048       12 | /volunteer.html
38.84  4.14       948776     1234 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
 0.19  0.01         3332        6 | Code 400 Bad Request
 1.57  0.28        63602       50 | Code 403 Forbidden
 0.54  0.02         5100       17 | Code 408 Request Time-out
 0.22  0.29        65631        7 | http:/
 0.19  0.26        59373        6 | http:/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0