World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 02:33:09 (GMT -0700)

Totals for Summary Period: Jan 7 2012 to Jan 14 2012

Requests Received During Summary Period            2629
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        19106971
Average Requests Received Daily                     329
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 2388371

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
15.79 15.64      2988092      415 | Jan  7 2012
16.20 16.90      3228276      426 | Jan  8 2012
14.72 14.68      2804647      387 | Jan  9 2012
14.64 14.62      2793689      385 | Jan 10 2012
16.74 18.10      3457878      440 | Jan 11 2012
 9.81  9.11      1740297      258 | Jan 12 2012
11.22 10.25      1958405      295 | Jan 13 2012
 0.87  0.71       135687       23 | Jan 14 2012

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 2.78  1.86       355180       73 |  00
 3.35  2.14       408444       88 |  01
 3.23  3.15       601912       85 |  02
 4.91  4.76       909422      129 |  03
 2.17  1.58       300956       57 |  04
 7.11  8.39      1603453      187 |  05
 3.92  4.09       781568      103 |  06
 2.70  1.89       361478       71 |  07
 4.91  4.98       950981      129 |  08
 4.03  3.91       746306      106 |  09
 5.25  5.55      1061038      138 |  10
 2.89  2.36       450929       76 |  11
 1.90  1.48       282203       50 |  12
 2.66  4.23       808838       70 |  13
 4.68  4.93       942463      123 |  14
 4.56  4.58       874398      120 |  15
 4.83  5.18       989622      127 |  16
 3.58  3.63       693084       94 |  17
 4.98  5.27      1006984      131 |  18
 5.17  5.50      1050867      136 |  19
 4.41  4.86       929033      116 |  20
 5.67  5.16       985059      149 |  21
 7.53  8.76      1673965      198 |  22
 2.78  1.77       338788       73 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 4.11  5.28      1007996      108 | be    Belgium
 0.34  2.80       534408        9 | ca    Canada
 0.04  0.00          200        1 | cn    China
 0.15  0.02         3096        4 | cz    Czech Republic
 2.13  2.71       518323       56 | es    Spain
 0.08  0.08        15182        2 | fr    France
 2.13  2.71       518323       56 | it    Italy
 2.05  2.64       503998       54 | nl    Netherlands
 0.04  0.07        13551        1 | pt    Portugal
 0.08  0.07        14325        2 | ro    Romania
13.50 17.44      3332017      355 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.08  0.06        12354        2 | se    Sweden
 0.11  0.15        27876        3 | ua    Ukraine
46.14 43.68      8346057     1213 | com   Commercial
 3.92  4.07       778045      103 | net   Network
 0.57  0.76       145252       15 | org   Non-Profit Organization
24.53 17.46      3335968      645 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
24.53 17.46      3335968      645 | Unresolved
 4.11  5.28      1007996      108 | be.telenet.access
 0.34  2.80       534408        9 | ca.eastlink
 0.04  0.00          200        1 | cn.ha.zz
 0.38  0.04         7928       10 | com.2dayhost
 0.49  0.52        99493       13 | com.alexiadns
 0.53  0.52        99036       14 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.38  0.71       135510       10 | com.as13448
27.73 26.92      5142669      729 |
 0.30  0.30        58211        8 | com.botje
 0.08  0.15        27959        2 | com.calpop
 0.08  0.08        15182        2 | com.cinfuserver
 2.13  2.71       518323       56 |
 5.17  2.75       525103      136 | com.googlebot
 0.08  0.00          800        2 |
 0.04  0.07        13551        1 | com.ivegotafang
 0.34  0.47        89502        9 | com.justquaconnect.46.21.144
 0.27  0.16        30964        7 | com.kimsufi
 0.68  1.02       195017       18 | com.leaseweb
 0.15  0.00          800        4 | com.midwestmalls.static.dia
 2.55  1.98       378762       67 |
 0.15  0.00          800        4 | com.networksolutions
 0.11  0.22        41510        3 | com.nitewatcher
 2.13  2.71       518323       56 | com.ono.user.dyn.234.120.137
 0.08  0.15        27959        2 | com.opentransfer.rev
 0.04  0.07        13551        1 | com.rosehosting
 0.15  0.00          900        4 |
 0.68  0.61       116316       18 | com.softlayer.reverse.14-static.239.23
 0.08  0.13        25117        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.175-static.145.253
 0.19  0.35        67755        5 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
 0.42  0.54       103899       11 | com.thunderstone
 0.08  0.00          400        2 | com.tulipconnect.del
 0.15  0.15        28650        4 | com.virginmedia.cable.newt
 0.08  0.08        15182        2 | com.virginmedia.cable.perr
 0.34  0.17        32560        9 | com.wowrack
 0.08  0.07        14325        2 |
 0.15  0.02         3096        4 | cz.seznam
 2.13  2.71       518323       56 | es.jazztel.dynamic.87.217.67
 0.08  0.08        15182        2 | fr.dedibox
 2.05  2.64       503998       54 | it.libero.27-151
 0.08  0.07        14325        2 | it.telecomitalia.retail.1-87-r
 2.24  2.86       546199       59 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.87  0.09        17956       23 | net.e-zidor
 0.23  0.29        55750        6 | net.gameservers
 0.08  0.01         1606        2 | net.getresolved
 0.04  0.07        13551        1 | net.hostnoc.static
 0.15  0.16        30364        4 | net.midco
 0.04  0.38        73431        1 |
 0.15  0.19        36859        4 | net.pilsfree
 0.11  0.01         2329        3 |
 2.05  2.64       503998       54 | nl.telfort.ip
 0.57  0.76       145252       15 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
 0.04  0.07        13551        1 |
 0.08  0.07        14325        2 | ro.canals
13.50 17.44      3332017      355 |
 0.04  0.06        11566        1 | se.tdc.addr.4.106.131
 0.04  0.00          788        1 | se.tdc.addr.6.106.131
 0.08  0.07        14325        2 |
 0.04  0.07        13551        1 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
55.23 69.44     13267343     1452 | /
 0.04  0.00          518        1 | /ELTC.ico
 0.11  2.71       517243        3 | /ELTC.swf
 0.04  0.06        11485        1 | /Videos/
 0.08  0.00          200        2 | /Videos/Alberta/TravelAlbertaVideo.html
 2.28  8.60      1643604       60 | /about.html
 0.08  0.00          200        2 | /cams/
 2.43  3.81       728758       64 | /cross.html
 2.43  2.31       440710       64 | /dictionary.html
 0.72  1.23       234668       19 | /eventslist.html
 0.11  0.01         1044        3 | /icons/blank.gif
 0.61  0.79       150130       16 | /ourbuild.html
 0.57  5.76      1101465       15 | /question.html
 0.04  0.23        44709        1 | /stdreg05.html
 0.65  1.37       261924       17 | /volunteer.html
34.35  3.65       697886      903 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
 0.23  0.03         5084        6 | Code 403 Forbidden

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0