World Wide Web Access Statistics for
Last updated: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 11:09:51 (GMT -0600)
Totals for Summary Period: Mar 17 2012 to Mar 24 2012
Requests Received During Summary Period 2198
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 13612085
Average Requests Received Daily 275
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 1701511
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
7.05 6.15 837721 155 | Mar 17 2012
7.37 7.61 1035292 162 | Mar 18 2012
18.06 22.08 3006059 397 | Mar 19 2012
7.87 7.92 1077628 173 | Mar 20 2012
12.69 13.08 1780589 279 | Mar 21 2012
31.62 29.75 4050256 695 | Mar 22 2012
9.69 8.36 1138093 213 | Mar 23 2012
5.64 5.04 686447 124 | Mar 24 2012
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
1.77 1.50 204584 39 | 00
2.14 2.18 297401 47 | 01
12.69 8.08 1100407 279 | 02
3.55 1.42 192851 78 | 03
2.64 2.03 275689 58 | 04
5.23 7.24 985532 115 | 05
10.46 4.17 567581 230 | 06
1.50 1.57 213669 33 | 07
9.33 21.40 2913630 205 | 08
2.73 1.94 264537 60 | 09
3.00 2.66 362278 66 | 10
11.01 2.49 338790 242 | 11
3.41 6.26 852332 75 | 12
1.32 1.11 150625 29 | 13
3.69 4.65 632618 81 | 14
1.82 1.26 171756 40 | 15
4.50 5.29 719955 99 | 16
2.87 1.55 211042 63 | 17
3.69 4.63 629613 81 | 18
1.18 0.85 115338 26 | 19
2.14 2.91 396662 47 | 20
1.59 1.26 171742 35 | 21
2.91 2.13 289283 64 | 22
4.82 11.42 1554170 106 | 23
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.09 0.11 15183 2 | ar Argentina
2.55 3.81 518347 56 | at Austria
0.09 0.11 15183 2 | be Belgium
1.41 4.03 548124 31 | ca Canada
0.14 0.26 36058 3 | ch Switzerland
0.55 0.63 85956 12 | cn China
0.09 0.01 1550 2 | cz Czech Republic
0.86 0.77 105271 19 | de Germany
0.41 0.05 6914 9 | hu Hungary
0.05 0.11 14408 1 | in India
2.46 3.70 504021 54 | it Italy
0.23 0.12 16651 5 | jp Japan
0.14 0.30 41510 3 | md Moldova
6.82 1.33 180650 150 | mx Mexico
0.23 0.32 43949 5 | nl Netherlands
10.60 15.06 2049641 233 | ru Russian Federation
0.09 0.01 1567 2 | sc Seychelles
0.23 0.07 10195 5 | se Sweden
0.68 0.52 70573 15 | ua Ukraine
33.39 49.59 6750596 734 | com Commercial
2.18 1.90 258668 48 | net Network
0.41 0.52 70853 9 | org Non-Profit Organization
36.31 16.65 2266217 798 | unresolved
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
36.31 16.65 2266217 798 | Unresolved
0.09 0.11 15183 2 |
2.55 3.81 518347 56 | at.fastdsl.lbc
0.09 0.11 15183 2 | be.didici
1.27 1.49 203124 28 | ca.capitalhealth
0.14 2.53 345000 3 | ca.mun.engr
0.14 0.26 36058 3 | ch.bluewin.cust.107-92
0.55 0.63 85956 12 |
0.05 0.10 13551 1 | com.2savvyturf
0.23 0.22 29423 5 | com.alexiadns
1.09 0.23 31197 24 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
0.27 0.60 81306 6 | com.as13448
11.24 12.32 1676677 247 |
0.05 0.00 200 1 | com.crimea.80.245
0.91 1.05 143260 20 | com.ctinets
0.05 0.01 802 1 | com.dcgrid
0.27 0.31 42296 6 | com.exabot
0.05 0.10 13551 1 | com.giga-dns.static.193.200.241
4.23 2.97 404260 93 | com.googlebot
0.23 0.50 68612 5 | com.ip-pool.inaddr
0.05 0.00 200 1 | com.kimsufi
1.00 1.84 250562 22 | com.leaseweb
3.46 19.89 2706976 76 | com.lightspeedsystems
0.05 0.10 13551 1 | com.linode.members
0.14 0.20 27895 3 | com.lipperhey
3.46 2.13 290066 76 |
0.18 0.01 800 4 | com.sapienzaconsulting
2.55 3.81 518347 56 | com.scopehosts
0.55 0.26 34852 12 | com.scoutjet
0.73 0.09 12272 16 |
0.18 0.01 800 4 | com.softlayer.reverse.116-static.187.228
0.73 1.15 156358 16 | com.softlayer.reverse.168-static.219.193
0.05 0.10 13551 1 | com.softlayer.reverse.175-static.145.253
0.64 0.77 105031 14 | com.startdedicated
0.05 0.01 806 1 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
0.14 0.12 15958 3 | com.virginmedia.cable.perr
0.14 0.02 2365 3 | com.wowrack
0.68 0.70 95071 15 |
0.09 0.01 1550 2 | cz.seznam
0.05 0.10 13551 1 | de.server4you
0.23 0.41 55863 5 | de.your-server.clients.
0.18 0.21 28648 4 | de.your-server.clients.
0.41 0.05 7209 9 | de.your-server.clients.
0.41 0.05 6914 9 | hu.tanulniakarok
0.05 0.11 14408 1 | in.airtelbroadband.182.68.87
2.46 3.70 504021 54 | it.telecomitalia.retail.16-79-r
0.23 0.12 16651 5 | jp.or.plala.ap.a014.s43
0.14 0.30 41510 3 | md.moldtelecom
6.46 0.86 117488 142 |
0.36 0.46 63162 8 |
0.09 0.11 15183 2 | net.arcor-ip.pools
0.23 0.03 3932 5 | net.gameservers
0.14 0.30 41510 3 | net.hinet.dynamic
0.05 0.11 14408 1 | net.hostnoc.static
0.18 0.21 28652 4 | net.optonline.dyn
0.14 0.02 2327 3 | net.saaki
0.50 0.06 8459 11 | net.santrex
0.45 0.63 86118 10 | net.triolan.109.87.138
0.32 0.32 43753 7 | net.ukrtel.pool
0.09 0.11 14326 2 | net.verizon.fios.lsanca
0.09 0.11 15183 2 | nl.chello
0.14 0.21 28766 3 | nl.xd
0.14 0.11 15101 3 |
0.27 0.41 55752 6 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
0.23 0.02 3113 5 | ru.ertelecom.chelny.pppoe
0.14 0.11 15103 3 | ru.mail
10.24 14.92 2031425 225 |
0.09 0.01 1567 2 | sc.whois
0.05 0.01 765 1 | se.prq.cust
0.05 0.01 775 1 | se.tdc.addr.2.106.131
0.09 0.06 7880 2 | se.tdc.addr.22.106.131
0.05 0.01 775 1 | se.tdc.addr.7.106.131
0.05 0.01 772 1 |
0.64 0.51 69801 14 |
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
32.44 53.88 7334530 713 | /
0.05 0.00 518 1 | /ELTC.ico
0.05 2.43 330931 1 | /ELTC.swf
0.05 0.00 100 1 | /Videos/Alberta/TravelAlbertaVideo.html
1.73 6.96 947504 38 | /about.html
0.05 0.12 16715 1 | /banner2c4b.swf
1.46 2.72 370112 32 | /cross.html
1.64 1.78 241770 36 | /dictionary.html
0.64 1.19 161428 14 | /eventslist.html
0.09 0.01 696 2 | /icons/blank.gif
0.41 0.66 90018 9 | /ourbuild.html
1.68 19.96 2716947 37 | /question.html
0.59 1.08 147676 13 | /volunteer.html
56.28 6.99 951390 1237 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
1.05 0.21 28505 23 | Code 400 Bad Request
0.73 0.16 22083 16 | Code 403 Forbidden
0.09 0.00 600 2 | Code 408 Request Time-out
0.09 0.21 28816 2 | http:/CANADA-VISIT.NET/
0.09 0.20 27102 2 | http:/ENGLISHCANADA.NET/
0.09 0.01 1604 2 | http:/VALPY.COM/
0.09 0.21 28816 2 | http:/www.CANADA-VISIT.NET/
0.09 0.20 27102 2 | http:/www.ENGLISHCANADA.NET/
0.09 0.01 1612 2 | http:/www.VALPY.COM/
This summary was generated by