World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 11:09:51 (GMT -0600)

Totals for Summary Period: Mar 17 2012 to Mar 24 2012

Requests Received During Summary Period            2198
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        13612085
Average Requests Received Daily                     275
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 1701511

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 7.05  6.15       837721      155 | Mar 17 2012
 7.37  7.61      1035292      162 | Mar 18 2012
18.06 22.08      3006059      397 | Mar 19 2012
 7.87  7.92      1077628      173 | Mar 20 2012
12.69 13.08      1780589      279 | Mar 21 2012
31.62 29.75      4050256      695 | Mar 22 2012
 9.69  8.36      1138093      213 | Mar 23 2012
 5.64  5.04       686447      124 | Mar 24 2012

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 1.77  1.50       204584       39 |  00
 2.14  2.18       297401       47 |  01
12.69  8.08      1100407      279 |  02
 3.55  1.42       192851       78 |  03
 2.64  2.03       275689       58 |  04
 5.23  7.24       985532      115 |  05
10.46  4.17       567581      230 |  06
 1.50  1.57       213669       33 |  07
 9.33 21.40      2913630      205 |  08
 2.73  1.94       264537       60 |  09
 3.00  2.66       362278       66 |  10
11.01  2.49       338790      242 |  11
 3.41  6.26       852332       75 |  12
 1.32  1.11       150625       29 |  13
 3.69  4.65       632618       81 |  14
 1.82  1.26       171756       40 |  15
 4.50  5.29       719955       99 |  16
 2.87  1.55       211042       63 |  17
 3.69  4.63       629613       81 |  18
 1.18  0.85       115338       26 |  19
 2.14  2.91       396662       47 |  20
 1.59  1.26       171742       35 |  21
 2.91  2.13       289283       64 |  22
 4.82 11.42      1554170      106 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.09  0.11        15183        2 | ar    Argentina
 2.55  3.81       518347       56 | at    Austria
 0.09  0.11        15183        2 | be    Belgium
 1.41  4.03       548124       31 | ca    Canada
 0.14  0.26        36058        3 | ch    Switzerland
 0.55  0.63        85956       12 | cn    China
 0.09  0.01         1550        2 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.86  0.77       105271       19 | de    Germany
 0.41  0.05         6914        9 | hu    Hungary
 0.05  0.11        14408        1 | in    India
 2.46  3.70       504021       54 | it    Italy
 0.23  0.12        16651        5 | jp    Japan
 0.14  0.30        41510        3 | md    Moldova
 6.82  1.33       180650      150 | mx    Mexico
 0.23  0.32        43949        5 | nl    Netherlands
10.60 15.06      2049641      233 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.09  0.01         1567        2 | sc    Seychelles
 0.23  0.07        10195        5 | se    Sweden
 0.68  0.52        70573       15 | ua    Ukraine
33.39 49.59      6750596      734 | com   Commercial
 2.18  1.90       258668       48 | net   Network
 0.41  0.52        70853        9 | org   Non-Profit Organization
36.31 16.65      2266217      798 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
36.31 16.65      2266217      798 | Unresolved
 0.09  0.11        15183        2 |
 2.55  3.81       518347       56 | at.fastdsl.lbc
 0.09  0.11        15183        2 | be.didici
 1.27  1.49       203124       28 | ca.capitalhealth
 0.14  2.53       345000        3 | ca.mun.engr
 0.14  0.26        36058        3 | ch.bluewin.cust.107-92
 0.55  0.63        85956       12 |
 0.05  0.10        13551        1 | com.2savvyturf
 0.23  0.22        29423        5 | com.alexiadns
 1.09  0.23        31197       24 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.27  0.60        81306        6 | com.as13448
11.24 12.32      1676677      247 |
 0.05  0.00          200        1 | com.crimea.80.245
 0.91  1.05       143260       20 | com.ctinets
 0.05  0.01          802        1 | com.dcgrid
 0.27  0.31        42296        6 | com.exabot
 0.05  0.10        13551        1 | com.giga-dns.static.193.200.241
 4.23  2.97       404260       93 | com.googlebot
 0.23  0.50        68612        5 | com.ip-pool.inaddr
 0.05  0.00          200        1 | com.kimsufi
 1.00  1.84       250562       22 | com.leaseweb
 3.46 19.89      2706976       76 | com.lightspeedsystems
 0.05  0.10        13551        1 | com.linode.members
 0.14  0.20        27895        3 | com.lipperhey
 3.46  2.13       290066       76 |
 0.18  0.01          800        4 | com.sapienzaconsulting
 2.55  3.81       518347       56 | com.scopehosts
 0.55  0.26        34852       12 | com.scoutjet
 0.73  0.09        12272       16 |
 0.18  0.01          800        4 | com.softlayer.reverse.116-static.187.228
 0.73  1.15       156358       16 | com.softlayer.reverse.168-static.219.193
 0.05  0.10        13551        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.175-static.145.253
 0.64  0.77       105031       14 | com.startdedicated
 0.05  0.01          806        1 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
 0.14  0.12        15958        3 | com.virginmedia.cable.perr
 0.14  0.02         2365        3 | com.wowrack
 0.68  0.70        95071       15 |
 0.09  0.01         1550        2 | cz.seznam
 0.05  0.10        13551        1 | de.server4you
 0.23  0.41        55863        5 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.18  0.21        28648        4 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.41  0.05         7209        9 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.41  0.05         6914        9 | hu.tanulniakarok
 0.05  0.11        14408        1 | in.airtelbroadband.182.68.87
 2.46  3.70       504021       54 | it.telecomitalia.retail.16-79-r
 0.23  0.12        16651        5 | jp.or.plala.ap.a014.s43
 0.14  0.30        41510        3 | md.moldtelecom
 6.46  0.86       117488      142 |
 0.36  0.46        63162        8 |
 0.09  0.11        15183        2 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 0.23  0.03         3932        5 | net.gameservers
 0.14  0.30        41510        3 | net.hinet.dynamic
 0.05  0.11        14408        1 | net.hostnoc.static
 0.18  0.21        28652        4 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.14  0.02         2327        3 | net.saaki
 0.50  0.06         8459       11 | net.santrex
 0.45  0.63        86118       10 | net.triolan.109.87.138
 0.32  0.32        43753        7 | net.ukrtel.pool
 0.09  0.11        14326        2 | net.verizon.fios.lsanca
 0.09  0.11        15183        2 | nl.chello
 0.14  0.21        28766        3 | nl.xd
 0.14  0.11        15101        3 |
 0.27  0.41        55752        6 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
 0.23  0.02         3113        5 | ru.ertelecom.chelny.pppoe
 0.14  0.11        15103        3 | ru.mail
10.24 14.92      2031425      225 |
 0.09  0.01         1567        2 | sc.whois
 0.05  0.01          765        1 | se.prq.cust
 0.05  0.01          775        1 | se.tdc.addr.2.106.131
 0.09  0.06         7880        2 | se.tdc.addr.22.106.131
 0.05  0.01          775        1 | se.tdc.addr.7.106.131
 0.05  0.01          772        1 |
 0.64  0.51        69801       14 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
32.44 53.88      7334530      713 | /
 0.05  0.00          518        1 | /ELTC.ico
 0.05  2.43       330931        1 | /ELTC.swf
 0.05  0.00          100        1 | /Videos/Alberta/TravelAlbertaVideo.html
 1.73  6.96       947504       38 | /about.html
 0.05  0.12        16715        1 | /banner2c4b.swf
 1.46  2.72       370112       32 | /cross.html
 1.64  1.78       241770       36 | /dictionary.html
 0.64  1.19       161428       14 | /eventslist.html
 0.09  0.01          696        2 | /icons/blank.gif
 0.41  0.66        90018        9 | /ourbuild.html
 1.68 19.96      2716947       37 | /question.html
 0.59  1.08       147676       13 | /volunteer.html
56.28  6.99       951390     1237 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
 1.05  0.21        28505       23 | Code 400 Bad Request
 0.73  0.16        22083       16 | Code 403 Forbidden
 0.09  0.00          600        2 | Code 408 Request Time-out
 0.09  0.21        28816        2 | http:/CANADA-VISIT.NET/
 0.09  0.20        27102        2 | http:/ENGLISHCANADA.NET/
 0.05  0.10        13551        1 | http:/ENGLISHLANGUAGETRAININGCOLLEGE.COM/
 0.09  0.20        27102        2 | http:/ENGLISHLANGUAGETRAININGCOLLEGE.NET/
 0.09  0.20        27102        2 | http:/ENGLISHLANGUAGETRAININGCOLLEGE.ORG/
 0.09  0.01         1604        2 | http:/VALPY.COM/
 0.09  0.21        28816        2 | http:/www.CANADA-VISIT.NET/
 0.09  0.20        27102        2 | http:/www.ENGLISHCANADA.NET/
 0.05  0.10        13551        1 | http:/www.ENGLISHLANGUAGETRAININGCOLLEGE.COM/
 0.09  0.20        27102        2 | http:/www.ENGLISHLANGUAGETRAININGCOLLEGE.NET/
 0.09  0.20        27102        2 | http:/www.ENGLISHLANGUAGETRAININGCOLLEGE.ORG/
 0.09  0.01         1612        2 | http:/www.VALPY.COM/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0