World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 02:27:49 (GMT -0700)

Totals for Summary Period: Dec 31 2011 to Jan 7 2012

Requests Received During Summary Period            2887
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        19941143
Average Requests Received Daily                     361
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 2492643

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 9.87 12.16      2424775      285 | Dec 31 2011
12.09 15.11      3013468      349 | Jan  1 2012
10.18  7.91      1576724      294 | Jan  2 2012
13.65 13.36      2665052      394 | Jan  3 2012
10.11 12.17      2426321      292 | Jan  4 2012
28.82 21.72      4331829      832 | Jan  5 2012
14.55 17.10      3410290      420 | Jan  6 2012
 0.73  0.46        92684       21 | Jan  7 2012

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 4.61  4.53       902477      133 |  00
 5.40  7.79      1553877      156 |  01
 2.91  4.34       865711       84 |  02
 2.67  2.37       471713       77 |  03
 5.09  5.12      1020457      147 |  04
 2.53  2.89       576511       73 |  05
 4.88  7.39      1473877      141 |  06
 2.36  1.55       309713       68 |  07
 2.32  1.81       361664       67 |  08
 3.84  4.04       805280      111 |  09
 4.30  4.45       887054      124 |  10
 4.95  2.96       589451      143 |  11
 5.68  9.98      1989625      164 |  12
 2.63  2.27       452076       76 |  13
 2.49  2.21       440393       72 |  14
14.58  4.33       862509      421 |  15
 2.81  2.65       528949       81 |  16
 2.46  1.73       345683       71 |  17
 3.53  6.92      1379060      102 |  18
 3.19  3.45       687014       92 |  19
 5.33  5.64      1124948      154 |  20
 3.46  3.29       656994      100 |  21
 3.67  4.06       810508      106 |  22
 4.30  4.24       845599      124 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | be    Belgium
 0.03  0.07        13551        1 | ca    Canada
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | cz    Czech Republic
 1.14  1.24       247408       33 | de    Germany
 4.02  5.34      1065296      116 | it    Italy
 0.21  0.22        43832        6 | nl    Netherlands
 0.28  0.15        30407        8 | pl    Poland
 0.14  0.15        29521        4 | ro    Romania
 5.89  7.42      1479927      170 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.42  0.44        86862       12 | sc    Seychelles
 0.17  0.52       103628        5 | se    Sweden
 0.14  0.00          800        4 | sg    Singapore
 0.03  0.14        27856        1 | ua    Ukraine
 0.83  0.86       171900       24 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.14  0.00          800        4 | za    South Africa
54.07 44.06      8785574     1561 | com   Commercial
 9.18 17.07      3403451      265 | net   Network
 0.76  1.14       228293       22 | org   Non-Profit Organization
22.41 21.03      4193387      647 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
22.41 21.03      4193387      647 | Unresolved
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | be.telenet.access
 0.03  0.07        13551        1 | ca.411
 0.76  2.77       552750       22 | com.aihit
 0.17  0.15        29416        5 | com.alexiadns
 0.24  0.15        29072        7 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 2.32  2.52       502682       67 |
 0.35  0.68       135510       10 | com.as13448
 0.76  0.08        16856       22 | com.attcompute
25.04 24.68      4921321      723 |
 0.07  0.08        15182        2 | com.cinfuserver
 0.07  0.07        14339        2 | com.comodo
 0.07  0.07        14356        2 | com.duckduckgo
 0.21  0.15        29518        6 | com.exabot
 2.77  1.64       326100       80 | com.googlebot
 0.62  0.90       179004       18 | com.justquaconnect.46.21.144
 0.14  0.07        14725        4 | com.kimsufi
 0.07  0.14        27102        2 | com.leaseweb
 2.74  1.73       344233       79 |
 0.07  0.00          400        2 | com.networksolutions
 0.03  0.07        13551        1 | com.opentransfer
11.64  1.49       297687      336 | com.paukhost
 0.03  0.07        13551        1 | com.rosehosting
 0.73  0.47        93162       21 | com.softlayer.reverse.14-static.239.23
 0.07  0.13        25117        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.175-static.145.253
 1.87  2.53       503998       54 | com.softlayer.reverse.29-static.144.253
 1.87  2.53       503998       54 | com.softlayer.reverse.36-static.144.253
 0.03  0.07        14408        1 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
 0.52  0.39        77245       15 | com.wowrack
 0.07  0.07        14069        2 |
 0.73  0.38        76222       21 |
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | cz.seznam
 0.10  0.00          800        3 | de.comsitec
 0.10  0.01         2296        3 | de.mspv
 0.94  1.23       244312       27 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | it.libero.27-151
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | it.libero.28-151
 1.87  2.53       503998       54 | it.libero.29-151
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | it.telecomitalia.retail.10-79-r
 1.87  2.53       503998       54 | it.telecomitalia.retail.19-79-r
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | it.telecomitalia.retail.61-82-r
 0.87  3.11       620198       25 | net.bezeqint.dcenter.static
 3.15  7.72      1540287       91 | net.bezeqint.static
 0.28  0.03         6128        8 | net.broadviewnet.isp
 1.94  2.60       518323       56 | net.eircom.customer
 0.28  0.30        59014        8 | net.midco
 0.35  0.36        71625       10 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.17  0.08        16655        5 | net.oxyd
 1.87  2.53       503998       54 | net.pccwglobal.static
 0.14  0.18        36859        4 | net.pilsfree
 0.07  0.08        15182        2 | net.suomi.psoas
 0.07  0.08        15182        2 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.07  0.08        15182        2 | nl.chello
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | nl.chello.upc-f
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | nl.telfort.ip
 0.76  1.14       228293       22 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
 0.07  0.07        14325        2 | pl.aster.home
 0.07  0.08        15182        2 | pl.nfb
 0.14  0.00          900        4 | pl.wrotapodlasia
 0.14  0.15        29521        4 | ro.sms-host
 0.03  0.06        11566        1 | ru.corbina.broadband
 5.85  7.36      1468361      169 |
 0.42  0.44        86862       12 | sc.whois
 0.03  0.00          757        1 | se.prq.cust
 0.03  0.37        73431        1 | se.tdc.addr.1.106.131
 0.03  0.14        27856        1 | se.tdc.addr.4.106.131
 0.03  0.00          792        1 | se.tdc.addr.5.106.131
 0.03  0.00          792        1 | se.tdc.addr.7.106.131
 0.14  0.00          800        4 |
 0.03  0.14        27856        1 |
 0.83  0.86       171900       24 |
 0.14  0.00          800        4 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
48.56 64.59     12880123     1402 | /
 0.03  0.01         2212        1 | /BrochureON.png
 0.03  0.01         1865        1 | /BrochureOVER.png
 0.03  0.27        53226        1 | /Carousel.swf
 0.03  0.01         2107        1 | /CoursesON.png
 0.03  0.01         2206        1 | /CoursesOVER.png
 0.14  0.01         2072        4 | /ELTC.ico
 0.35 13.17      2627168       10 | /ELTC.swf
 0.03  0.01         2012        1 | /MoreON.png
 0.03  0.01         2187        1 | /MoreOVER.png
 0.03  0.01         2266        1 | /RegisterON.png
 0.03  0.01         2292        1 | /RegisterOVER.png
 0.07  0.00          200        2 | /Videos/Alberta/TravelAlbertaVideo.html
 1.11  4.05       808124       32 | /about.html
 0.03  0.08        16715        1 | /banner2c4b.swf
 0.07  0.00          200        2 | /cams/
 1.14  1.80       358746       33 | /cross.html
 0.03  0.01         1148        1 | /default.xml
 0.97  0.93       184930       28 | /dictionary.html
 0.59  1.25       249016       17 | /eventslist.html
 0.10  0.00          600        3 | /icons/apache_pb.gif
 0.14  0.01         1392        4 | /icons/blank.gif
 0.66  0.95       190038       19 | /ourbuild.html
 0.59  6.26      1248327       17 | /question.html
 0.03  0.05         9068        1 | /swfobject.js
 0.55  1.31       261824       16 | /volunteer.html
41.63  4.66       929746     1202 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
 0.35  0.05        10660       10 | Code 400 Bad Request
 2.56  0.45        90673       74 | Code 403 Forbidden

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0