World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 12 May 2012 05:06:10 (GMT -0600)

Totals for Summary Period: May 5 2012 to May 12 2012

Requests Received During Summary Period            2288
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       592366262
Average Requests Received Daily                     286
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                74045783

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
14.34 15.31     90662523      328 | May  5 2012
12.37 22.15    131199520      283 | May  6 2012
 9.13 11.48     68026020      209 | May  7 2012
20.89 12.20     72294507      478 | May  8 2012
12.81 15.21     90092971      293 | May  9 2012
17.70 11.91     70551176      405 | May 10 2012
11.36 11.66     69083204      260 | May 11 2012
 1.40  0.08       456341       32 | May 12 2012

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 3.67  0.12       694437       84 |  00
 6.08  0.29      1696048      139 |  01
 3.72  0.15       899596       85 |  02
 4.72  3.72     22018679      108 |  03
 6.03  0.27      1576874      138 |  04
 3.45  0.12       733501       79 |  05
 6.95  3.69     21876677      159 |  06
 2.88  0.08       492941       66 |  07
 5.24  0.19      1108991      120 |  08
 3.89  3.69     21845598       89 |  09
 6.91 64.06    379487607      158 |  10
10.75  0.53      3112090      246 |  11
 3.32 11.36     67316457       76 |  12
 3.06  3.66     21701049       70 |  13
 3.54  3.65     21627675       81 |  14
 4.33  3.69     21870102       99 |  15
 2.88  0.10       614814       66 |  16
 2.75  0.11       639945       63 |  17
 2.58  0.10       563597       59 |  18
 3.50  0.10       574549       80 |  19
 2.27  0.08       472883       52 |  20
 2.23  0.07       388898       51 |  21
 2.53  0.09       541691       58 |  22
 2.71  0.09       511563       62 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.09  0.00          600        2 | ar    Argentina
 0.17  0.01        31727        4 | bd    Bangladesh
 0.04  0.00          200        1 | be    Belgium
 0.04  0.00          200        1 | br    Brazil
 0.26  0.02       100822        6 | ca    Canada
 0.09  0.00        11558        2 | cc    Cocos (Keeling) Islands
 0.26  0.01        74826        6 | cn    China
 0.13  0.01        50411        3 | co    Colombia
 0.17  0.00         3920        4 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.09  0.00        11913        2 | de    Germany
 0.26  0.00         4704        6 | fr    France
 0.13  0.01        71311        3 | il    Israel
 0.13  0.01        50411        3 | in    India
 0.61  0.02       106802       14 | jp    Japan
 0.17  0.00         3025        4 | nl    Netherlands
 0.17  0.01        47434        4 | pl    Poland
 0.04  0.00        29437        1 | ro    Romania
 2.58  0.12       683701       59 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.09  0.00        11913        2 | sc    Seychelles
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | th    Thailand
 7.04 14.51     85955082      161 | ua    Ukraine
 0.13  0.01        77721        3 | uk    United Kingdom
47.77  1.79     10618879     1093 | com   Commercial
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | edu   Educational
17.92  0.80      4732246      410 | net   Network
 0.87  0.02       102194       20 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.22  0.01        43150        5 | info  
20.41 82.64    489519829      467 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
20.41 82.64    489519829      467 | Unresolved
 0.09  0.00          600        2 |
 0.17  0.01        31727        4 |
 0.04  0.00          200        1 | be.ugent.atlantis.test
 0.04  0.00          200        1 |
 0.13  0.01        50411        3 |
 0.13  0.01        50411        3 |
 0.09  0.00        11558        2 | cc.d-book
 0.04  0.00        23444        1 |
 0.22  0.01        51382        5 |
 0.13  0.01        50411        3 |
 1.62  0.05       307961       37 | com.advanticaeyecare
 0.39  0.01        58978        9 | com.alexiadns
 0.87  0.04       246953       20 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.17  0.01        44492        4 | com.as13448
15.12  0.62      3669436      346 |
 1.97  0.05       276290       45 | com.googlebot
 0.48  0.00         8624       11 | com.hostthename
 0.17  0.00         1998        4 | com.kimsufi
 0.87  0.03       153261       20 | com.leaseweb
15.95  0.73      4303644      365 |
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | com.ono.user.dyn.87.126.202
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | com.rankpay
 1.62  0.05       292171       37 |
 0.26  0.02       100822        6 |
 0.09  0.00        11558        2 | com.serverloft
 1.49  0.02       138526       34 | com.sixmart
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | com.studiofaca
 0.13  0.00         2226        3 | com.super-goo
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
 1.31  0.06       357874       30 | com.virginmedia.cable.newt
 3.76  0.07       402850       86 | com.wowrack
 0.09  0.00        12729        2 |
 1.22  0.03       183994       28 |
 0.17  0.00         3920        4 | cz.seznam
 0.09  0.00        11913        2 | de.netestate
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | edu.columbia.cs.hacktory
 0.26  0.00         4704        6 | fr.dedibox
 0.13  0.01        71311        3 |
 0.13  0.01        50411        3 |
 0.17  0.01        32027        4 | info.onlinehome-server
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | info.pureserver
 0.09  0.00        11909        2 | jp.naver
 0.09  0.01        49785        2 |
 0.44  0.01        45108       10 | jp.or.coara
 0.22  0.00        25740        5 | net.acndigital
 0.04  0.00          200        1 | net.actaccess.static.66.20.36
 0.17  0.01        32026        4 | net.arcor-ip.pools
 6.03  0.35      2065942      138 | net.bezeqint.dcenter.static
 3.50  0.19      1105817       80 | net.bezeqint.static
 1.62  0.05       307961       37 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc
 0.17  0.00          800        4 | net.cox.ok.ok
 0.35  0.01        64052        8 | net.gameservers
 2.10  0.01        44500       48 | net.hostinglotus
 0.26  0.01        43342        6 | net.hostnoc.static
 0.79  0.02       144037       18 | net.optonline.static
 0.09  0.01        58873        2 | net.qwest.phnx
 0.74  0.02       132849       17 |
 0.13  0.01        50411        3 |
 0.74  0.03       171959       17 | net.sistrix.crawler
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | net.terago.ptr
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | net.totbb.dynamic.adsl.237.70.52
 0.83  0.08       450368       19 |
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | net.zsttk.bbcustomer
 0.17  0.00         3025        4 | nl.chello
 0.87  0.02       102194       20 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
 0.17  0.01        47434        4 |
 0.04  0.00        29437        1 | ro.limehost
 0.04  0.00          764        1 | ru.ertelecom.188-114.233
 0.44  0.03       167445       10 | ru.ertelecom.samara.pppoe
 0.04  0.00        29436        1 | ru.ertelecom.saratov.109-75.195
 0.04  0.00        29436        1 | ru.ertelecom.saratov.dynamic
 0.04  0.00        29436        1 | ru.ertelecom.saratov.pppoe
 0.74  0.04       239760       17 | ru.hostkey
 0.17  0.00         3152        4 | ru.mail
 1.05  0.03       184272       24 |
 0.09  0.00        11913        2 | sc.whois
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 |
 7.04 14.51     85955082      161 |
 0.13  0.01        77721        3 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
21.15  0.88      5208264      484 | /
 0.04  0.00          518        1 | /ELTC.ico
 3.85  0.36      2103040       88 | /ESLblog/
27.75  1.68      9942624      635 | /ESLblog/index.php
 0.26  0.00         4008        6 | /ESLblog/templates/default/img/back.png
 0.35  0.00         5392        8 | /ESLblog/templates/default/img/emoticons/smile.png
 0.26  0.01        39840        6 | /ESLblog/templates/default/img/s9y_banner_small.png
 0.13  0.00          722        3 | /ESLblog/templates/default/img/xml.gif
10.23  0.04       234365      234 | /ErrorPages/404.html
 0.35  0.00        12848        8 | /SchoolHouse.ico
 0.44  0.01        81766       10 | /TV/
 0.31 32.58    192992674        7 | /TV/EQ.mpg
 0.31 21.26    125965952        7 | /TV/KDP.mpg
 0.31  0.00         1400        7 | /TV/SR.mpg
 0.31  0.00         1400        7 | /TV/T1.mpg
 0.31  0.00         1400        7 | /TV/T2.mpg
 0.31  0.00         1400        7 | /TV/TA.mpg
 1.31  0.11       637536       30 | /about.html
 0.66  0.02        92730       15 | /activities/raftrace/raftrace.html
 0.52 42.53    251949936       12 | /alberta.mpg
 0.79  0.11       678276       18 | /background.jpg
 1.05  0.03       202798       24 | /banner.html
 0.17  0.01        66860        4 | /banner2c4b.swf
 1.31  0.04       224299       30 | /cross.html
 1.09  0.03       170620       25 | /dictionary.html
 0.66  0.01        58500       15 | /eltcrcmt.html
 0.66  0.03       151104       15 | /eventslist.html
 1.18  0.11       647396       27 | /idioms.html
 0.13  0.00        11142        3 | /images/logo/ELTCredLogo2.JPG
 0.09  0.00         1338        2 | /images/toeic1.gif
 0.83  0.03       179759       19 | /ourbuild.html
 0.70  0.04       211138       16 | /volunteer.html
 2.80  0.01        51142       64 | Code 301 Moved Permanently
17.44  0.05       305828      399 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
 0.09  0.00         1370        2 | Code 400 Bad Request
 0.74  0.00        20270       17 | Code 403 Forbidden
 0.44  0.00         3000       10 | Code 408 Request Time-out
 0.31  0.00         3500        7 | Code 500 Internal Server Error
 0.17  0.01        44492        4 | http:/
 0.04  0.00        11123        1 | http:/
 0.17  0.01        44492        4 | http:/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0