World Wide Web Access Statistics for
Last updated: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 02:14:57 (GMT -0700)
Totals for Summary Period: Jan 7 2012 to Jan 14 2012
Requests Received During Summary Period 1650
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 672084277
Average Requests Received Daily 206
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 84010535
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
22.42 14.69 98739324 370 | Jan 7 2012
14.36 13.73 92282849 237 | Jan 8 2012
12.67 10.17 68371276 209 | Jan 9 2012
14.36 20.58 138339888 237 | Jan 10 2012
13.15 20.53 137998281 217 | Jan 11 2012
10.91 10.14 68121457 180 | Jan 12 2012
11.03 10.13 68096072 182 | Jan 13 2012
1.09 0.02 135130 18 | Jan 14 2012
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
3.52 0.08 546573 58 | 00
3.64 0.08 545512 60 | 01
2.91 0.06 432891 48 | 02
4.85 0.13 894053 80 | 03
4.12 0.09 576205 68 | 04
2.97 0.06 435520 49 | 05
3.39 0.09 636722 56 | 06
7.82 0.19 1254929 129 | 07
3.64 0.07 488360 60 | 08
6.55 0.15 991488 108 | 09
5.70 0.13 878975 94 | 10
6.79 23.97 161099928 112 | 11
2.73 33.84 227442594 45 | 12
4.79 15.75 105840329 79 | 13
2.91 4.38 29464348 48 | 14
4.18 9.98 67101182 69 | 15
3.76 10.42 69999922 62 | 16
3.76 0.08 520465 62 | 17
5.15 0.10 682248 85 | 18
3.33 0.06 388411 55 | 19
3.70 0.08 535386 61 | 20
3.58 0.07 497764 59 | 21
2.73 0.06 379420 45 | 22
3.52 0.07 451052 58 | 23
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.06 0.00 13295 1 | ar Argentina
0.18 0.00 33369 3 | be Belgium
0.24 0.00 32626 4 | br Brazil
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | cz Czech Republic
0.30 0.00 14703 5 | de Germany
2.30 0.05 307920 38 | es Spain
0.06 0.00 30037 1 | fr France
2.61 0.16 1056780 43 | il Israel
2.42 0.05 330166 40 | it Italy
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | nl Netherlands
0.06 0.00 24886 1 | pk Pakistan
2.24 0.04 296802 37 | ro Romania
2.42 0.09 597096 40 | ru Russian Federation
0.61 0.02 125450 10 | se Sweden
0.06 0.00 24885 1 | sk Slovak Republic
0.55 0.01 70923 9 | ua Ukraine
0.18 0.00 15082 3 | us United States
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | za South Africa
44.12 0.94 6337129 728 | com Commercial
8.55 0.19 1245600 141 | net Network
1.94 0.04 269070 32 | org Non-Profit Organization
30.91 98.38 661225089 510 | unresolved
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
30.91 98.38 661225089 510 | Unresolved
0.06 0.00 13295 1 |
0.18 0.00 33369 3 | be.telenet.access
0.24 0.00 32626 4 | br.srv.marketingrapido
0.61 0.01 80220 10 | com.alexiadns
0.06 0.00 200 1 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
0.61 0.02 111230 10 | com.as13448
19.52 0.50 3350678 322 |
2.30 0.05 307925 38 |
0.30 0.01 87285 5 | com.giga-dns.static.178.238.232
4.30 0.11 731228 71 | com.googlebot
0.06 0.00 400 1 |
0.36 0.00 33025 6 | com.kimsufi
0.18 0.01 64000 3 | com.m5media1
0.06 0.00 200 1 | com.midwestmalls.static.dia
7.33 0.09 592809 121 |
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | com.ono.user.dyn.215.160.120
2.24 0.04 296797 37 | com.ono.user.dyn.234.120.137
0.12 0.01 48805 2 | com.opentransfer.rev
0.18 0.00 1890 3 | com.picsearch
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | com.rosehosting
0.06 0.00 200 1 |
0.18 0.01 50411 3 | com.teksavvy.cable
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
0.55 0.01 45235 9 | com.virginmedia.cable.newt
4.30 0.06 393706 71 | com.wowrack
0.12 0.00 12729 2 |
0.48 0.01 94787 8 |
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | cz.casablanca
0.30 0.00 14703 5 | de.your-server.clients.
2.30 0.05 307920 38 | es.jazztel.dynamic.87.217.67
0.06 0.00 30037 1 | fr.dedibox.rev
2.61 0.16 1056780 43 |
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | it.libero.27-151
2.24 0.04 296797 37 | it.telecomitalia.retail.1-87-r
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | it.telecomitalia.retail.16-87-r
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | it.telecomitalia.retail.252-95-r
4.61 0.09 615845 76 | net.arcor-ip.pools
0.12 0.01 53847 2 | net.blackberry
0.06 0.00 30037 1 |
0.36 0.00 4764 6 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc.110-busname-atlanta.164.91
0.36 0.00 4710 6 | net.e-zidor
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | net.eircom.customer
0.73 0.01 97876 12 | net.gameservers
0.24 0.00 32626 4 | net.midco
0.18 0.00 15079 3 | net.optonline.dyn
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | net.pccwglobal.static
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | net.pilsfree
0.06 0.00 11123 1 |
0.06 0.00 11123 1 |
0.24 0.01 35679 4 |
0.06 0.00 794 1 |
0.42 0.01 83611 7 | net.securityspace
0.18 0.01 50411 3 |
0.36 0.02 100822 6 | net.telus.abhsia
0.18 0.00 15079 3 | net.triolan.109.87.241
0.12 0.01 48805 2 |
0.06 0.00 11123 1 | nl.telfort.ip
0.30 0.01 44692 5 | org.geek-tools
1.64 0.03 224378 27 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
0.06 0.00 24886 1 |
2.24 0.04 296802 37 | ro.canals
0.79 0.06 370883 13 | ru.hostkey
0.06 0.00 30037 1 | ru.u-l.customers
1.58 0.03 196176 26 |
0.12 0.00 25583 2 | se.tdc.addr.1.106.131
0.12 0.00 26397 2 | se.tdc.addr.2.106.131
0.06 0.00 16587 1 | se.tdc.addr.4.106.131
0.06 0.00 785 1 | se.tdc.addr.5.106.131
0.18 0.01 42239 3 | se.tdc.addr.6.106.131
0.06 0.00 13859 1 | se.tdc.addr.8.106.131
0.06 0.00 24885 1 | sk.demax
0.36 0.00 25830 6 |
0.06 0.00 11123 1 |
0.12 0.01 33970 2 |
0.18 0.00 15082 3 | us.pwner
0.06 0.00 11123 1 |
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
26.55 0.69 4663937 438 | /
2.36 0.17 1159212 39 | /ESLblog/
18.97 0.86 5807289 313 | /ESLblog/index.php
0.55 0.00 6012 9 | /ESLblog/templates/default/img/back.png
0.55 0.00 6804 9 | /ESLblog/templates/default/img/emoticons/smile.png
0.55 0.01 59760 9 | /ESLblog/templates/default/img/s9y_banner_small.png
14.73 0.04 244215 243 | /ErrorPages/404.html
0.55 0.00 14454 9 | /SchoolHouse.ico
0.18 0.00 18248 3 | /TV/
0.42 28.72 192992674 7 | /TV/EQ.mpg
0.42 18.74 125965952 7 | /TV/KDP.mpg
0.42 0.00 1400 7 | /TV/SR.mpg
0.42 4.33 29100996 7 | /TV/T1.mpg
0.42 20.68 139008192 7 | /TV/T2.mpg
0.42 3.53 23733164 7 | /TV/TA.mpg
0.91 0.05 318768 15 | /about.html
0.61 0.01 61820 10 | /activities/raftrace/raftrace.html
0.42 21.87 146970796 7 | /alberta.mpg
0.67 0.06 402982 11 | /background.jpg
0.91 0.02 129026 15 | /banner.html
0.91 0.02 115965 15 | /cross.html
0.85 0.01 99470 14 | /dictionary.html
0.67 0.01 42900 11 | /eltcrcmt.html
0.06 0.00 10493 1 | /events/eventslist.html
0.73 0.02 118746 12 | /eventslist.html
0.85 0.05 348544 14 | /idioms.html
0.06 0.00 24854 1 | /languages.html
0.67 0.02 104071 11 | /ourbuild.html
0.06 0.01 73372 1 | /question.html
0.06 0.00 23967 1 | /speciala.html
0.06 0.00 6744 1 | /stdreg.html
0.61 0.02 150670 10 | /volunteer.html
3.27 0.01 43116 54 | Code 301 Moved Permanently
19.88 0.04 253384 328 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
0.12 0.00 1680 2 | Code 403 Forbidden
0.12 0.00 600 2 | Code 408 Request Time-out
This summary was generated by