Home for sale

We are offering the following
2009 Foals and mares for sale:
We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and have access to Interact

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Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
Dam: Miss Dandy King (F1)

2009 Stud Colt

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Sire: David Jr. (F2)
 Dam: Kachina's Vanita (F2)

2009 Filly

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Sire: Kachinas Zorro (F3)
Dam: Pepsi's Quest (F1)

2009 Filly

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Dam: Kachina's Honey Dott (F2) 

2000 Mare

exposed to QAR King of Goers
for a 2010 foal

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Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
Dam: Kachina's Cameo (F3)

2009 Stud Colt
Mare also for sale
see Mare Page
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Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
Dam: Kachina's Sierra (F3)

2009 Filly


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Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
     Dam: Kachina's Bell (F4)

2009 Filly

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Dam: Kachina's Spice (F3)
2003 Mare with a grade appaloosa filly
and exposed to Kachina's Zorro for a 2010 foal
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Sire: Kachina's David Jr. (F2))      Dam: Kachina's Black Lace (F3)

2009 Filly
Mare also for sale

click to enlarge
Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
 Dam: Kachina's Sherry (F2 )

            2009 Filly

Click to enlarge
Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
Dam: Kachina's Foxy (F3)

2009 Filly

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Dam: Kachina's Cinnamon ( F3)

2006 Mare exposed to QAR King of Goers for  a 2010 foal


Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
Dam: Kachina's Patina (F3)

2009 Filly

click to enlarge   

Sire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
Dam: Kachina's Wiggy (F3)

2009 Foal to Come

click to enlargeSire: Kachina's Zorro (F3)
Dam: Kachina's Gigi (F4)

2009 Colt
click to enlarge
Dam: Kachinas Abby(F3)

2002 Mare exposed to QAR King of Goers for a 2010 foal

For more information and prices, please contact us!