World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 17 Oct 2015 00:54:08 (GMT -0600)

Totals for Summary Period: Oct 14 2015 to Oct 17 2015

Requests Received During Summary Period            1060
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        22716029
Average Requests Received Daily                     265
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 5679007

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
21.79  8.21      1864907      231 | Oct 14 2015
36.23 69.48     15783412      384 | Oct 15 2015
41.32 22.19      5041612      438 | Oct 16 2015
 0.66  0.11        26098        7 | Oct 17 2015

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 5.19  2.39       541820       55 |  00
 1.98  1.72       390303       21 |  01
 3.49  1.96       445504       37 |  02
 3.11  1.73       392121       33 |  03
 2.26  2.43       551113       24 |  04
 1.13  0.22        50219       12 |  05
 1.70  0.25        57339       18 |  06
 3.49  1.01       229350       37 |  07
 2.83  1.38       312942       30 |  08
 2.45 25.39      5768523       26 |  09
 3.30 26.38      5992031       35 |  10
 3.96  0.72       163980       42 |  11
 3.49  2.09       474108       37 |  12
 5.38  2.02       459047       57 |  13
 1.98  3.73       847066       21 |  14
 4.15  2.57       582761       44 |  15
 8.11  3.48       790118       86 |  16
12.74  3.94       893903      135 |  17
 5.38  2.92       663324       57 |  18
 5.57  2.71       614634       59 |  19
 4.34  3.18       721721       46 |  20
 3.68  1.71       388768       39 |  21
 7.08  4.45      1010036       75 |  22
 3.21  1.65       375298       34 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.57  0.21        47950        6 | 2     
 0.28  0.32        72553        3 | at    Austria
 0.19  0.08        18654        2 | be    Belgium
 1.13  1.09       248250       12 | br    Brazil
 0.66  0.04         9098        7 | ca    Canada
 0.75  0.82       186482        8 | cn    China
 0.57  0.60       136623        6 | de    Germany
 0.19  0.02         3667        2 | jp    Japan
 0.09  0.01         3079        1 | kh    Cambodia
 0.47  0.01         2940        5 | pl    Poland
 1.13  1.08       246204       12 | ru    Russian Federation
 1.13  1.09       248250       12 | th    Thailand
 1.13  3.09       701376       12 | ua    Ukraine
40.94 61.91     14062865      434 | com   Commercial
 0.19  0.08        18654        2 | edu   Educational
 0.19  0.04         9939        2 | mil   US Military
23.02 17.89      4062865      244 | net   Network
27.36 11.61      2636580      290 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.57  0.21        47950        6 | 2
27.36 11.61      2636580      290 | Unresolved
 0.28  0.32        72553        3 |
 0.19  0.08        18654        2 | be.voo.dynamic
 1.13  1.09       248250       12 |
 0.09  0.01         3079        1 | ca.nk
 0.57  0.03         6019        6 |
 0.75  0.82       186482        8 |
 1.32  1.30       294689       14 | com.182-airtel.75.58
 0.09  0.00          588        1 | com.ahrefs
 0.28  0.15        33948        3 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.09  0.04         9327        1 |
14.43  4.09       929153      153 |
 0.09  0.01         3079        1 |
 0.28  0.04         9237        3 | com.colocrossing
 0.19  0.01         3268        2 | com.exabot
 8.02 51.32     11658390       85 | com.googlebot
 0.09  0.04         9327        1 | com.huge-dns.static
13.58  4.68      1063446      144 |
 0.09  0.00          612        1 | com.onlinehome-server
 0.19  0.04         9727        2 | com.probethenet
 0.09  0.00          200        1 |
 1.04  0.03         6468       11 | com.rr.res.rochester
 0.19  0.04         9939        2 | com.trendmicro
 0.09  0.04         9327        1 | com.webair
 0.19  0.00          400        2 | com.webazilla
 0.57  0.05        11740        6 |
 0.19  0.25        56131        2 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.28  0.34        77413        3 | de.vodafone-ip.pools.107.188
 0.09  0.01         3079        1 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.19  0.08        18654        2 | edu.umich.eecs
 0.19  0.02         3667        2 |
 0.09  0.01         3079        1 |
 0.19  0.04         9939        2 |
 0.19  0.04         9939        2 | net.007ac9.lp
 0.19  0.02         3691        2 | net.bjtelecom.static.106.120.173
 0.09  0.00          588        1 | net.fcsrv
 0.28  0.77       175344        3 | net.kyivstar
 1.13  1.05       238878       12 | net.sbcglobal.miamfl.lightspeed
 2.83  1.73       393411       30 |
 0.09  0.00          588        1 | net.shawcable.ed
 2.92  1.50       340793       31 | net.shawcable.vs
 4.72  2.96       673001       50 | net.shawcable.vw
 0.09  0.04         9327        1 |
 0.57  1.81       410453        6 | net.telus.abhsia
 3.02  1.41       319394       32 | net.verizon.fios.nwrknj
 6.89  6.55      1487458       73 |
 0.47  0.01         2940        5 | pl.greendata
 0.09  0.00          612        1 | ru.m-hoster
 1.04  1.08       245592       11 | ru.nationalcablenetworks
 1.13  1.09       248250       12 |
 0.85  2.32       526032        9 |
 0.28  0.77       175344        3 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
21.79  5.77      1311547      231 | /
 0.66  0.16        36250        7 | /about.phtml
 0.09  3.46       785703        1 | /ann04.pdf
 0.19 49.94     11344936        2 | /ann07.pdf
 0.09  0.26        58802        1 | /annS2.phtml
 0.09  0.23        51314        1 | /annS3.phtml
 0.09  0.25        56005        1 | /annS4.phtml
 0.66  0.76       173117        7 | /annuals.phtml
 1.04  0.67       153255       11 | /bulk.phtml
 0.75  0.17        38348        8 | /contact.phtml
 0.28  0.09        20990        3 | /dealers.phtml
 0.19  0.70       158647        2 | /herb04.pdf
 0.57  0.58       131298        6 | /herbs.phtml
 1.23  0.24        55103       13 | /history.phtml
 1.42  1.10       248820       15 | /images/Tnav/new-hdrM.gif
 1.51  1.59       361840       16 | /images/Tnav/top-ann.jpg
 1.42  1.56       355080       15 | /images/Tnav/top-bul.jpg
 1.51  1.57       357712       16 | /images/Tnav/top-her.jpg
 1.42  1.48       336675       15 | /images/Tnav/top-per.jpg
 1.51  1.60       362384       16 | /images/Tnav/top-veg.jpg
 0.19  0.02         3784        2 | /images/getacro.gif
 0.19  0.02         3436        2 | /images/grnline.gif
 0.28  0.10        22608        3 | /images/harry.jpg
 1.51  3.79       860896       16 | /images/nav/navM8x6.jpg
 1.60  1.75       396967       17 | /images/top.jpg
 1.51  1.07       242576       16 | /images/toparch.jpg
 0.19  0.05        10510        2 | /images/vegs.jpg
 1.23  0.29        65509       13 | /index.phtml
 0.66  0.15        33542        7 | /links.phtml
 0.19  0.60       135330        2 | /mailorder.PDF
 1.23  0.19        44262       13 | /mailorder.phtml
 0.94  0.55       123810       10 | /main_files/main_05.gif
 0.94  0.45       101460       10 | /main_files/main_10.gif
 0.38  0.03         6200        4 | /order.html
 0.57  4.46      1014225        6 | /per04.pdf
 0.09  0.00          200        1 | /per05.pdf
 1.04  0.96       218811       11 | /perennials.phtml
 0.09  0.04         9002        1 | /questions.phtml
 0.66  0.15        33168        7 | /security.phtml
 0.66  0.13        29207        7 | /shipping.phtml
 1.42  3.86       876720       15 | /storefront/
 0.09  0.02         4958        1 | /storefront/acre.phtml
 0.09  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/armenian.htm
 0.09  0.02         4873        1 | /storefront/armenian.phtml
 0.38  0.17        38722        4 | /storefront/aspara.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1595        1 | /storefront/bantam.htm
 0.19  0.04        10038        2 | /storefront/bantam.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4638        1 | /storefront/basil.phtml
 0.19  0.04         8976        2 | /storefront/batavian.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4644        1 | /storefront/borage.phtml
 0.28  0.01         2758        3 | /storefront/broccoli.htm
 0.09  0.02         4764        1 | /storefront/broccoli.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1229        1 | /storefront/brussel.htm
 0.09  0.02         4664        1 | /storefront/brussel.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4902        1 | /storefront/bush.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4951        1 | /storefront/buttervee.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9168        2 | /storefront/caraway.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9004        2 | /storefront/catnip.phtml
 0.19  0.04         8732        2 | /storefront/celeriac.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9194        2 | /storefront/chives.phtml
 0.28  0.07        14868        3 | /storefront/coolbreeze.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9774        2 | /storefront/cored.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4549        1 | /storefront/coriander.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4500        1 | /storefront/cress.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4962        1 | /storefront/danish.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4939        1 | /storefront/delight.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9376        2 | /storefront/dill.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4648        1 | /storefront/fl-7colour.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1183        1 | /storefront/fl-accentmix.htm
 0.19  0.04         9192        2 | /storefront/fl-african.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4584        1 | /storefront/fl-chrys.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4632        1 | /storefront/fl-coleus.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1256        1 | /storefront/fl-cosmos.htm
 0.09  0.02         4663        1 | /storefront/fl-cosmos.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4719        1 | /storefront/fl-crystalpalace.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9398        2 | /storefront/fl-dwarf.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4625        1 | /storefront/fl-glorius.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1249        1 | /storefront/fl-gypsophilia.htm
 0.09  0.02         4673        1 | /storefront/fl-heavenly.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4611        1 | /storefront/fl-jewelmix.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4682        1 | /storefront/fl-jubilee.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4671        1 | /storefront/fl-lavatera.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1277        1 | /storefront/fl-lemondrop.htm
 0.09  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-livingston.htm
 0.19  0.00          200        2 | /storefront/fl-nemophila.htm
 0.09  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-nicotiana.htm
 0.09  0.02         4659        1 | /storefront/fl-nicotiana.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4605        1 | /storefront/fl-nigella.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4648        1 | /storefront/fl-phlox1.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4649        1 | /storefront/fl-pinkssg.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9530        2 | /storefront/fl-poppy1.phtml
 0.09  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-portulaca.htm
 0.19  0.00          200        2 | /storefront/fl-powder.htm
 0.09  0.02         4735        1 | /storefront/fl-queensophia.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9370        2 | /storefront/fl-redbrocade.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4599        1 | /storefront/fl-redskin.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4647        1 | /storefront/fl-salpiglossis.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9230        2 | /storefront/fl-salvia.phtml
 0.19  0.15        34860        2 | /storefront/fl-scabiosa.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1245        1 | /storefront/fl-schizanthus.htm
 0.19  0.04         9310        2 | /storefront/fl-schizanthus.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4680        1 | /storefront/fl-single-rainbow.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9440        2 | /storefront/fl-snapdrag3.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1301        1 | /storefront/fl-snow.htm
 0.19  0.04         9394        2 | /storefront/fl-sparky.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4642        1 | /storefront/fl-statice4.phtml
 0.09  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-sweetpea3.htm
 0.19  0.04         9426        2 | /storefront/fl-sweetpea3.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4610        1 | /storefront/fl-unwins.phtml
 0.38  0.08        18812        4 | /storefront/fl-violet.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4663        1 | /storefront/florence.phtml
 0.19  0.01         2816        2 | /storefront/formanova.htm
 0.09  0.02         4543        1 | /storefront/garlic.phtml
 1.32  0.31        70938       14 | /storefront/horizon.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4929        1 | /storefront/hothouse.phtml
 0.28  0.55       124008        3 | /storefront/images/ageratum.jpg
 0.09  0.15        34094        1 | /storefront/images/aspar.jpg
 0.09  0.13        29989        1 | /storefront/images/beanbla1.jpg
 0.09  0.08        17099        1 | /storefront/images/beanblu2.jpg
 0.28  0.28        63846        3 | /storefront/images/cabbage9.jpg
 0.28  0.24        53643        3 | /storefront/images/cornsen9.jpg
 0.09  0.11        25383        1 | /storefront/images/daisysha.jpg
 0.09  0.06        13959        1 | /storefront/images/lupinesr.jpg
 0.09  0.05        11594        1 | /storefront/images/slaviast.jpg
 0.09  0.10        21772        1 | /storefront/images/spkneehi.jpg
 0.28  0.20        44385        3 | /storefront/images/sweetwil.jpg
 0.09  0.05        10460        1 | /storefront/images/tombushbeef.jpg
 0.09  0.08        18162        1 | /storefront/images/tomcamp2.jpg
 0.09  0.02         4738        1 | /storefront/kl-purple.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4599        1 | /storefront/lavender.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4634        1 | /storefront/leek.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4433        1 | /storefront/lemonbasil.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4746        1 | /storefront/let-btr.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4716        1 | /storefront/let-grt.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9864        2 | /storefront/longgreen.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9134        2 | /storefront/marjoram.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4917        1 | /storefront/market.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4901        1 | /storefront/marketmore.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4643        1 | /storefront/melon.phtml
 0.28  0.06        14574        3 | /storefront/morden.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4937        1 | /storefront/nantes.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4718        1 | /storefront/on-ever.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4685        1 | /storefront/on-utah.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4828        1 | /storefront/on-walla.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4775        1 | /storefront/on-yellow.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4628        1 | /storefront/oregano.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1147        1 | /storefront/pa-hamburg.htm
 0.19  0.04         9112        2 | /storefront/pa-hamburg.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4591        1 | /storefront/pa-moss.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4831        1 | /storefront/pe-home.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4745        1 | /storefront/pe-snap.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9778        2 | /storefront/pioneer.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9256        2 | /storefront/pl-alyssum.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9230        2 | /storefront/pl-cactus.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9170        2 | /storefront/pl-campanula.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9220        2 | /storefront/pl-columbine1.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1171        1 | /storefront/pl-columbine2.htm
 0.09  0.02         4580        1 | /storefront/pl-columbine2.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1222        1 | /storefront/pl-coreopsis.htm
 0.09  0.02         4630        1 | /storefront/pl-coreopsis.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4626        1 | /storefront/pl-coreopsis2.phtml
 0.38  0.18        39954        4 | /storefront/pl-daisy1.phtml
 0.09  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/pl-daisy2.htm
 0.09  0.02         4654        1 | /storefront/pl-daisy2.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4668        1 | /storefront/pl-daisy3.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9316        2 | /storefront/pl-delphinium7.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4617        1 | /storefront/pl-gaillardia.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4587        1 | /storefront/pl-gypsophilia1.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1248        1 | /storefront/pl-linum.htm
 0.19  0.04         9320        2 | /storefront/pl-linum.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1321        1 | /storefront/pl-lupins.htm
 0.09  0.01         1152        1 | /storefront/pl-physalis.htm
 0.09  0.02         4685        1 | /storefront/pl-poppy1.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4461        1 | /storefront/pl-rockgardenpm.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4600        1 | /storefront/pl-viola2.phtml
 0.28  0.16        35683        3 | /storefront/pole.phtml
 0.19  0.01         1643        2 | /storefront/precoc.htm
 0.09  0.02         4681        1 | /storefront/pu-field.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4762        1 | /storefront/ra-champ.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4708        1 | /storefront/ra-cherry.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4735        1 | /storefront/ra-scarlet.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4741        1 | /storefront/ra-sparkler.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9262        2 | /storefront/rosemary.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4917        1 | /storefront/royal.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4884        1 | /storefront/ruby.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4874        1 | /storefront/smr.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4671        1 | /storefront/sp-nz.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1465        1 | /storefront/stringless.htm
 0.38  0.09        19840        4 | /storefront/sunnyvee.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4484        1 | /storefront/tarragon.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4862        1 | /storefront/telegraph.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1459        1 | /storefront/tendergreen.htm
 0.09  0.02         4902        1 | /storefront/tendergreen.phtml
 0.09  0.02         5059        1 | /storefront/to-bonnie.phtml
 0.85  0.21        46674        9 | /storefront/to-bush.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1723        1 | /storefront/to-campbell.htm
 0.09  0.02         5131        1 | /storefront/to-campbell.phtml
 0.09  0.14        31235        1 | /storefront/to-celeb.phtml
 0.09  0.02         5063        1 | /storefront/to-floridade.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1651        1 | /storefront/to-manitoba.htm
 0.19  0.04        10124        2 | /storefront/to-manitoba.phtml
 0.19  0.04        10142        2 | /storefront/to-roma.phtml
 0.19  0.04        10184        2 | /storefront/to-sweet.phtml
 0.09  0.01         1672        1 | /storefront/to-tiny.htm
 0.38  0.09        20332        4 | /storefront/to-tiny.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4770        1 | /storefront/tu-amflag.phtml
 0.09  0.02         4688        1 | /storefront/tuwhiteegg.phtml
 0.19  0.01         2662        2 | /storefront/view.htm
 0.09  0.02         4855        1 | /storefront/windsor.phtml
 0.19  0.04         9738        2 | /storefront/wokbok.phtml
 0.09  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/wonder.htm
 0.57  0.12        27820        6 | /terms.phtml
 0.28  0.30        67018        3 | /vegS2.phtml
 0.28  0.28        63881        3 | /vegS2c.phtml
 0.19  0.05        12218        2 | /vegS3.phtml
 0.28  0.09        19332        3 | /vegS4.phtml
 1.04  0.80       181460       11 | /vegetables.phtml
13.11  0.36        82696      139 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
 0.09  0.00          526        1 | Code 400 Bad Request
 0.09  0.01         1315        1 | Code 403 Forbidden
 7.08  0.10        22500       75 | Code 408 Request Time-out
 0.28  0.10        22633        3 | Code 503 Service Unavailable
 0.09  0.04         9327        1 | http:/

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0