World Wide Web Access Statistics for
Last updated: Sat, 17 Oct 2015 00:54:08 (GMT -0600)
Totals for Summary Period: Oct 14 2015 to Oct 17 2015
Requests Received During Summary Period 1060
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 22716029
Average Requests Received Daily 265
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 5679007
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
21.79 8.21 1864907 231 | Oct 14 2015
36.23 69.48 15783412 384 | Oct 15 2015
41.32 22.19 5041612 438 | Oct 16 2015
0.66 0.11 26098 7 | Oct 17 2015
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
5.19 2.39 541820 55 | 00
1.98 1.72 390303 21 | 01
3.49 1.96 445504 37 | 02
3.11 1.73 392121 33 | 03
2.26 2.43 551113 24 | 04
1.13 0.22 50219 12 | 05
1.70 0.25 57339 18 | 06
3.49 1.01 229350 37 | 07
2.83 1.38 312942 30 | 08
2.45 25.39 5768523 26 | 09
3.30 26.38 5992031 35 | 10
3.96 0.72 163980 42 | 11
3.49 2.09 474108 37 | 12
5.38 2.02 459047 57 | 13
1.98 3.73 847066 21 | 14
4.15 2.57 582761 44 | 15
8.11 3.48 790118 86 | 16
12.74 3.94 893903 135 | 17
5.38 2.92 663324 57 | 18
5.57 2.71 614634 59 | 19
4.34 3.18 721721 46 | 20
3.68 1.71 388768 39 | 21
7.08 4.45 1010036 75 | 22
3.21 1.65 375298 34 | 23
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.57 0.21 47950 6 | 2
0.28 0.32 72553 3 | at Austria
0.19 0.08 18654 2 | be Belgium
1.13 1.09 248250 12 | br Brazil
0.66 0.04 9098 7 | ca Canada
0.75 0.82 186482 8 | cn China
0.57 0.60 136623 6 | de Germany
0.19 0.02 3667 2 | jp Japan
0.09 0.01 3079 1 | kh Cambodia
0.47 0.01 2940 5 | pl Poland
1.13 1.08 246204 12 | ru Russian Federation
1.13 1.09 248250 12 | th Thailand
1.13 3.09 701376 12 | ua Ukraine
40.94 61.91 14062865 434 | com Commercial
0.19 0.08 18654 2 | edu Educational
0.19 0.04 9939 2 | mil US Military
23.02 17.89 4062865 244 | net Network
27.36 11.61 2636580 290 | unresolved
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
0.57 0.21 47950 6 | 2
27.36 11.61 2636580 290 | Unresolved
0.28 0.32 72553 3 |
0.19 0.08 18654 2 | be.voo.dynamic
1.13 1.09 248250 12 |
0.09 0.01 3079 1 | ca.nk
0.57 0.03 6019 6 |
0.75 0.82 186482 8 |
1.32 1.30 294689 14 | com.182-airtel.75.58
0.09 0.00 588 1 | com.ahrefs
0.28 0.15 33948 3 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
0.09 0.04 9327 1 |
14.43 4.09 929153 153 |
0.09 0.01 3079 1 |
0.28 0.04 9237 3 | com.colocrossing
0.19 0.01 3268 2 | com.exabot
8.02 51.32 11658390 85 | com.googlebot
0.09 0.04 9327 1 | com.huge-dns.static
13.58 4.68 1063446 144 |
0.09 0.00 612 1 | com.onlinehome-server
0.19 0.04 9727 2 | com.probethenet
0.09 0.00 200 1 |
1.04 0.03 6468 11 | com.rr.res.rochester
0.19 0.04 9939 2 | com.trendmicro
0.09 0.04 9327 1 | com.webair
0.19 0.00 400 2 | com.webazilla
0.57 0.05 11740 6 |
0.19 0.25 56131 2 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
0.28 0.34 77413 3 | de.vodafone-ip.pools.107.188
0.09 0.01 3079 1 | de.your-server.clients.
0.19 0.08 18654 2 | edu.umich.eecs
0.19 0.02 3667 2 |
0.09 0.01 3079 1 |
0.19 0.04 9939 2 |
0.19 0.04 9939 2 | net.007ac9.lp
0.19 0.02 3691 2 | net.bjtelecom.static.106.120.173
0.09 0.00 588 1 | net.fcsrv
0.28 0.77 175344 3 | net.kyivstar
1.13 1.05 238878 12 | net.sbcglobal.miamfl.lightspeed
2.83 1.73 393411 30 |
0.09 0.00 588 1 | net.shawcable.ed
2.92 1.50 340793 31 | net.shawcable.vs
4.72 2.96 673001 50 | net.shawcable.vw
0.09 0.04 9327 1 |
0.57 1.81 410453 6 | net.telus.abhsia
3.02 1.41 319394 32 | net.verizon.fios.nwrknj
6.89 6.55 1487458 73 |
0.47 0.01 2940 5 | pl.greendata
0.09 0.00 612 1 | ru.m-hoster
1.04 1.08 245592 11 | ru.nationalcablenetworks
1.13 1.09 248250 12 |
0.85 2.32 526032 9 |
0.28 0.77 175344 3 |
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
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0.09 0.01 1315 1 | Code 403 Forbidden
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0.28 0.10 22633 3 | Code 503 Service Unavailable
0.09 0.04 9327 1 | http:/
This summary was generated by