World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 02:28:27 (GMT -0600)

Totals for Summary Period: Oct 11 2014 to Oct 18 2014

Requests Received During Summary Period            3735
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        38519875
Average Requests Received Daily                     467
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 4814984

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
10.04  4.46      1718601      375 | Oct 11 2014
12.40  4.87      1875032      463 | Oct 12 2014
16.41  8.74      3364808      613 | Oct 13 2014
15.29 14.09      5425879      571 | Oct 14 2014
14.54 35.96     13853406      543 | Oct 15 2014
12.77 10.01      3856888      477 | Oct 16 2014
15.05 17.18      6617703      562 | Oct 17 2014
 3.51  4.69      1807558      131 | Oct 18 2014

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 7.18  7.74      2980470      268 |  00
 4.15  2.85      1098788      155 |  01
 3.94  3.30      1272386      147 |  02
 2.57 12.73      4905127       96 |  03
 2.81  2.03       783632      105 |  04
 2.81  1.96       754771      105 |  05
 3.80  4.73      1822723      142 |  06
 2.97  1.42       548723      111 |  07
 5.17  3.73      1436974      193 |  08
 4.61  2.98      1149120      172 |  09
 4.61  6.35      2447138      172 |  10
 3.51  2.08       802519      131 |  11
 7.90  4.48      1725799      295 |  12
 4.95  3.02      1164669      185 |  13
 5.46 16.42      6325922      204 |  14
 6.00  4.96      1910633      224 |  15
 2.17  1.43       550642       81 |  16
 4.02  3.46      1333406      150 |  17
 4.26  3.13      1205440      159 |  18
 4.50  2.88      1110060      168 |  19
 3.48  2.17       837421      130 |  20
 3.08  1.86       716244      115 |  21
 3.08  2.61      1005178      115 |  22
 3.00  1.64       632090      112 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | be    Belgium
 0.78  1.00       383451       29 | br    Brazil
 2.12  1.92       738023       79 | ca    Canada
 1.95  1.32       508802       73 | cn    China
 0.11  0.01         2862        4 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.54  0.45       174547       20 | de    Germany
 0.05  0.01         3579        2 | eu    
 0.03  0.00          585        1 | fr    France
 0.59  0.79       305115       22 | gr    Greece
 0.16  0.49       189982        6 | ie    Ireland
 0.78  0.75       289008       29 | in    India
 0.08  0.07        27981        3 | io    British Indian Ocean Territory
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | nl    Netherlands
 0.03  0.04        14792        1 | pl    Poland
 0.99  2.17       835917       37 | ro    Romania
 0.32  0.11        40548       12 | rs    
 0.21  0.50       194392        8 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.08  0.08        31318        3 | se    Sweden
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | tr    Turkey
 1.23  2.77      1066118       46 | ua    Ukraine
 0.11  0.02         7328        4 | vn    Viet Nam
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | za    South Africa
49.18 53.28     20522914     1837 | com   Commercial
18.82 20.37      7846268      703 | net   Network
 0.21  0.08        30917        8 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.13  0.03        12901        5 | adsl  
21.39 13.64      5255219      799 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
21.39 13.64      5255219      799 | Unresolved
 0.13  0.03        12901        5 | adsl.ny.kd
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | be.telenet.access
 0.03  0.01         3079        1 |
 0.32  0.47       180250       12 |
 0.11  0.05        19872        4 |
 0.32  0.47       180250       12 |
 0.80  0.81       312590       30 | ca.capitalhealth
 0.88  1.01       388356       33 | ca.gc.sdc-dsc
 0.43  0.10        37077       16 |
 0.05  0.00         1109        2 |
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 |
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 |
 0.19  0.01         4263        7 |
 1.66  1.26       484776       62 |
 4.10  2.41       929621      153 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.11  0.03        12316        4 |
 6.18  5.13      1977029      231 |
 0.03  0.01         3079        1 | com.detangled
 0.24  0.05        17336        9 | com.exabot
 0.62  0.16        62583       23 | com.fatlens
 0.43  0.10        39588       16 |
18.88 25.20      9708929      705 | com.googlebot
 0.16  0.32       121880        6 | com.googleusercontent.gae.107.178.200
 0.05  0.00         1170        2 | com.ip-pool.inaddr
 0.51  0.52       200613       19 | com.issuesink
 0.29  0.13        50289       11 | com.leaseweb
 0.37  0.64       247725       14 | com.mchsi.client
 0.11  0.02         7458        4 | com.meanpathbot
12.18 17.05      6566619      455 |
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 |
 0.05  0.00         1000        2 | com.rr.res.columbus
 0.54  0.55       211322       20 |
 2.12  0.36       139743       79 | com.rr.res.rochester
 0.03  0.01         4870        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.149-static.100.58
 0.21  0.04        16728        8 | com.softlayer.reverse.150-static.100.58
 0.03  0.01         3379        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.171-static.100.58
 0.13  0.03        10860        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.175-static.100.58
 0.08  0.04        14081        3 | com.softlayer.reverse.176-static.100.58
 0.05  0.01         3664        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.180-static.100.58
 0.05  0.01         3664        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.183-static.100.58
 0.08  0.01         3680        3 | com.softlayer.reverse.232-static.100.58
 0.11  0.04        14466        4 | com.softlayer.reverse.233-static.100.58
 0.05  0.01         3579        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.69-static.100.58
 0.03  0.01         4641        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.70-static.100.58
 0.11  0.04        14395        4 | com.softlayer.reverse.76-static.100.58
 0.13  0.04        13684        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.83-static.100.58
 0.05  0.01         3664        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.84-static.225.43
 0.13  0.02         7682        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.92-static.100.58
 0.03  0.00          500        1 | com.teksavvy.cable
 0.13  0.05        19912        5 | com.wowrack
 0.05  0.05        18654        2 |
 0.70  0.14        53184       26 |
 0.11  0.01         2862        4 | cz.seznam
 0.32  0.43       166336       12 | de.kabel-badenwuerttemberg.hsi3
 0.03  0.00          585        1 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.03  0.00          200        1 | de.your-server.clients.213-133-97-216
 0.16  0.02         7426        6 | de.your-server.clients.88-198-164-52
 0.03  0.00          500        1 | eu.ip-37-187-144
 0.03  0.01         3079        1 | eu.poneytelecom.rev
 0.03  0.00          585        1 |
 0.59  0.79       305115       22 | gr.hol.access
 0.16  0.49       189982        6 | ie.digiweb.broadband
 0.43  0.52       198877       16 | in.airtelbroadband.182.70.38
 0.35  0.23        90131       13 |
 0.05  0.05        18654        2 | io.couponcodebot
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | io.shodan
 0.05  0.02         6158        2 | net.above.ipyx-072396-930-zyo.141.161.177
 0.03  0.01         3379        1 | net.anapixelcustomsolutions
 0.35  0.47       180750       13 | net.avira.srx-dtc1.nat-reth0
 0.27  0.34       131026       10 | net.bhn.res
 0.27  0.07        26553       10 | net.bjtelecom.static.106.120.173
 0.35  0.45       174410       13 |
 0.19  0.18        70645        7 |
 0.37  0.48       183914       14 |
 0.40  0.13        50685       15 |
 0.05  0.03         9912        2 | net.ip-192-95-29
 0.11  0.01         4879        4 | net.ip-192-99-40
 1.77  4.42      1700736       66 | net.kyivstar
 1.18  2.63      1011392       44 | net.kyivstar.broadband
 0.19  0.24        92657        7 | net.montanasat.81.92.135
 0.35  0.45       174410       13 | net.pldt.50.248.209
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | net.reliablesite
 1.26  0.78       301199       47 | net.scansafe
 1.77  1.87       720921       66 |
 0.75  0.79       304772       28 | net.shawcable.ed
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 |
 0.35  0.46       175578       13 | net.tbaytel.dynamic
 0.75  0.74       286294       28 | net.telus.abhsia
 0.37  0.48       183914       14 | net.verizon.east.bltmmd
 0.13  0.24        92462        5 | net.verizon.fios.dllstx
 0.16  0.10        38526        6 | net.virginm.cable.19-3
 7.31  4.94      1902442      273 |
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 | nl.worldstream
 0.21  0.08        30917        8 | org.serverdeals.clients.960
 0.03  0.04        14792        1 | pl.tpnet.adsl.neoplus
 0.99  2.17       835917       37 | ro.rdsnet
 0.32  0.11        40548       12 | rs.telekom.isp.dynamic
 0.03  0.02         9627        1 | ru.cishost
 0.16  0.47       181686        6 | ru.datapoint.addr.179.157.120
 0.03  0.01         3079        1 | ru.vpsnow
 0.08  0.08        31318        3 | se.tele2.cust
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 |
 0.08  0.24        90843        3 |
 0.16  0.10        38526        6 |
 0.16  0.47       181686        6 |
 0.83  1.96       755063       31 |
 0.11  0.02         7328        4 | vn.vdc
 0.03  0.02         9327        1 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
16.73  9.76      3759837      625 | /
 0.19  0.08        30571        7 | /about.phtml
 0.03  1.63       627721        1 | /ann04.pdf
 0.05 23.47      9040912        2 | /ann07.pdf
 0.05  0.17        65104        2 | /annS2.phtml
 0.08  0.16        62982        3 | /annS3.phtml
 0.11  0.19        74254        4 | /annS4.phtml
 0.37  0.67       257726       14 | /annuals.phtml
 0.32  0.44       168656       12 | /bulk.phtml
 0.37  0.17        63862       14 | /contact.phtml
 0.11  0.05        18635        4 | /dealers.phtml
 0.05  0.00          964        2 | /header.htm
 0.03  0.35       134081        1 | /herb04.pdf
 0.03  2.96      1139679        1 | /herb07.pdf
 0.29  0.54       208553       11 | /herbs.phtml
 0.19  0.10        39203        7 | /history.phtml
 0.03  0.00          513        1 | /icons/image2.gif
 0.03  0.00          947        1 | /images/Tnav/
 0.03  0.04        16374        1 | /images/Tnav/new-hdrA.gif
 0.03  0.04        16546        1 | /images/Tnav/new-hdrH.gif
 0.96  1.50       577858       36 | /images/Tnav/new-hdrM.gif
 0.03  0.03        12737        1 | /images/Tnav/new-hdrMb.gif
 0.91  1.31       506478       34 | /images/Tnav/top-ann.jpg
 0.03  0.14        52003        1 | /images/Tnav/top-ann.psd
 0.91  1.33       511973       34 | /images/Tnav/top-bul.jpg
 0.03  0.14        52043        1 | /images/Tnav/top-bul.psd
 0.88  1.26       484077       33 | /images/Tnav/top-her.jpg
 0.03  0.13        51758        1 | /images/Tnav/top-her.psd
 0.96  1.35       520215       36 | /images/Tnav/top-per.jpg
 0.03  0.04        14898        1 | /images/Tnav/top-pro.jpg
 0.03  0.14        52059        1 | /images/Tnav/top-pro.psd
 0.03  0.04        14457        1 | /images/Tnav/top-spe.jpg
 0.03  0.13        51959        1 | /images/Tnav/top-spe.psd
 1.02  1.45       558694       38 | /images/Tnav/top-veg.jpg
 0.03  0.14        52260        1 | /images/Tnav/top-veg.psd
 0.03  0.05        17393        1 | /images/Tnav/top.jpg
 0.08  0.18        70017        3 | /images/display.jpg
 0.03  0.01         3985        1 | /images/friends.jpg
 0.08  0.01         5745        3 | /images/getacro.gif
 0.13  0.02         6095        5 | /images/grnline.gif
 0.19  0.12        44320        7 | /images/harry.jpg
 0.08  0.06        23832        3 | /images/info1.jpg
 0.03  0.00          792        1 | /images/nav/_vti_cnf/
 1.20  4.87      1874160       45 | /images/nav/navM8x6.jpg
 1.12  1.74       671644       42 | /images/top.jpg
 1.23  1.12       429733       46 | /images/toparch.jpg
 0.13  0.07        25345        5 | /images/vegs.jpg
 0.24  0.15        58951        9 | /index.phtml
 0.35  0.12        47171       13 | /links.phtml
 0.11  0.67       258004        4 | /mailorder.PDF
 0.32  0.10        36871       12 | /mailorder.phtml
 0.62  0.68       260241       23 | /main_files/main_05.gif
 0.59  0.53       203234       22 | /main_files/main_10.gif
 0.08  0.01         5069        3 | /order.html
 0.05  0.39       148926        2 | /per04.pdf
 0.16  0.50       193779        6 | /perennials.phtml
 0.05  0.02         6876        2 | /questions.phtml
 0.13  0.08        32174        5 | /security.phtml
 0.29  0.12        45193       11 | /shipping.phtml
 0.03  0.02         6202        1 | /storefront/
 0.08  0.04        14619        3 | /storefront/armenian.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4552        1 | /storefront/aspara.phtml
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/bantam.htm
 0.05  0.03        10038        2 | /storefront/bantam.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9276        2 | /storefront/basil.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4488        1 | /storefront/batavian.phtml
 0.05  0.03         9732        2 | /storefront/black.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9288        2 | /storefront/borage.phtml
 0.08  0.01         3987        3 | /storefront/broccoli.htm
 0.03  0.01         4764        1 | /storefront/broccoli.phtml
 0.03  0.00         1229        1 | /storefront/brussel.htm
 0.03  0.01         4902        1 | /storefront/bush.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4951        1 | /storefront/buttervee.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4866        1 | /storefront/calypso.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4584        1 | /storefront/caraway.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4502        1 | /storefront/catnip.phtml
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/celery.htm
 0.05  0.02         9236        2 | /storefront/celery.phtml
 0.16  0.08        29706        6 | /storefront/chihili.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4597        1 | /storefront/chives.phtml
 0.08  0.04        14868        3 | /storefront/coolbreeze.phtml
 0.03  0.00         1447        1 | /storefront/cored.htm
 0.03  0.01         4549        1 | /storefront/coriander.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4500        1 | /storefront/cress.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4576        1 | /storefront/curled.phtml
 0.05  0.03         9770        2 | /storefront/danvers.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4939        1 | /storefront/delight.phtml
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 0.05  0.02         9192        2 | /storefront/fl-african.phtml
 0.03  0.00         1226        1 | /storefront/fl-ageratum.htm
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 0.03  0.00         1237        1 | /storefront/fl-balsam.htm
 0.16  0.07        27870        6 | /storefront/fl-balsam.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4668        1 | /storefront/fl-calendula.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9422        2 | /storefront/fl-carpet.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4694        1 | /storefront/fl-cascade.phtml
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 0.05  0.02         9168        2 | /storefront/fl-chrys.phtml
 0.05  0.00         1334        2 | /storefront/fl-clarkia.htm
 0.05  0.02         9276        2 | /storefront/fl-clarkia.phtml
 0.03  0.00         1225        1 | /storefront/fl-coleus.htm
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 0.05  0.02         9454        2 | /storefront/fl-colorama.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4663        1 | /storefront/fl-cosmos.phtml
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 0.05  0.00         1384        2 | /storefront/fl-doublemix.htm
 0.03  0.01         4690        1 | /storefront/fl-doublemix.phtml
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 0.05  0.00         1334        2 | /storefront/fl-enfant.htm
 0.05  0.02         9276        2 | /storefront/fl-enfant.phtml
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 0.03  0.01         4667        1 | /storefront/fl-fouroclock.phtml
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 0.03  0.01         4625        1 | /storefront/fl-glorius.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9226        2 | /storefront/fl-godetia.phtml
 0.11  0.04        16781        4 | /storefront/fl-goldengem.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4669        1 | /storefront/fl-gourds.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4673        1 | /storefront/fl-heavenly.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4625        1 | /storefront/fl-helichrys.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9222        2 | /storefront/fl-jewelmix.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9364        2 | /storefront/fl-jubilee.phtml
 0.08  0.04        14088        3 | /storefront/fl-larkspur.phtml
 0.11  0.05        18684        4 | /storefront/fl-lavatera.phtml
 0.16  0.02         7662        6 | /storefront/fl-lemondrop.htm
 0.08  0.04        14040        3 | /storefront/fl-lemondrop.phtml
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-livingston.htm
 0.05  0.02         9372        2 | /storefront/fl-livingston.phtml
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-martina.htm
 0.03  0.01         4625        1 | /storefront/fl-martina.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4508        1 | /storefront/fl-mixture.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9238        2 | /storefront/fl-nemesia.phtml
 0.08  0.00         1413        3 | /storefront/fl-nemophila.htm
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 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-nicotiana.htm
 0.05  0.02         9210        2 | /storefront/fl-nigella.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9282        2 | /storefront/fl-ohara.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9432        2 | /storefront/fl-petunia14.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9384        2 | /storefront/fl-petunia3.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4685        1 | /storefront/fl-petunia7.phtml
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-phlox1.htm
 0.03  0.01         4648        1 | /storefront/fl-phlox1.phtml
 0.08  0.04        13944        3 | /storefront/fl-pinks.phtml
 0.08  0.04        13974        3 | /storefront/fl-pinkscdm.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4734        1 | /storefront/fl-poppy2.phtml
 0.05  0.00          200        2 | /storefront/fl-portulaca.htm
 0.11  0.05        18680        4 | /storefront/fl-portulaca.phtml
 0.03  0.00         1263        1 | /storefront/fl-powder.htm
 0.03  0.01         4673        1 | /storefront/fl-powder.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9470        2 | /storefront/fl-queensophia.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9370        2 | /storefront/fl-redbrocade.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4641        1 | /storefront/fl-ricinus.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4647        1 | /storefront/fl-salpiglossis.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9230        2 | /storefront/fl-salvia.phtml
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-sapphireblue.htm
 0.05  0.02         9396        2 | /storefront/fl-sapphireblue.phtml
 4.12 11.84      4560466      154 | /storefront/fl-scabiosa.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4655        1 | /storefront/fl-schizanthus.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4680        1 | /storefront/fl-single-rainbow.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4716        1 | /storefront/fl-snapdrag1.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4727        1 | /storefront/fl-snapdrag2.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4720        1 | /storefront/fl-snapdrag3.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9434        2 | /storefront/fl-snow.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4712        1 | /storefront/fl-spanishbrocade.phtml
 0.03  0.00         1289        1 | /storefront/fl-sparky.htm
 0.03  0.01         4697        1 | /storefront/fl-sparky.phtml
 0.05  0.02         9284        2 | /storefront/fl-statice4.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4635        1 | /storefront/fl-stocks1.phtml
 0.03  0.01         4653        1 | /storefront/fl-stocks3.phtml
 0.08  0.04        13611        3 | /storefront/fl-sunflower1.phtml
 0.03  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-sunflower2.htm
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 0.35  0.13        48470       13 | /terms.phtml
 0.19  0.23        89846        7 | /vegS2.phtml
 0.19  0.22        85917        7 | /vegS2c.phtml
 0.13  0.34       129839        5 | /vegS3.phtml
 0.16  0.25        95593        6 | /vegS4.phtml
 0.19  0.16        63260        7 | /vegetables.html
 0.43  0.56       215352       16 | /vegetables.phtml
10.31  0.59       226316      385 | Code 302 Moved Temporarily
 0.32  0.02         7024       12 | Code 400 Bad Request
 1.37  0.04        15300       51 | Code 408 Request Time-out
24.74  5.59      2152137      924 | Code 503 Service Unavailable

This summary was generated by wwwstat-2.0