World Wide Web Access Statistics for
Last updated: Sat, 21 Nov 2015 01:16:20 (GMT -0700)
Totals for Summary Period: Nov 14 2015 to Nov 21 2015
Requests Received During Summary Period 5448
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period 56780601
Average Requests Received Daily 681
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily 7097575
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
15.33 20.92 11881167 835 | Nov 14 2015
27.33 25.09 14244317 1489 | Nov 15 2015
8.46 8.87 5034274 461 | Nov 16 2015
10.74 12.19 6923341 585 | Nov 17 2015
10.06 10.56 5994384 548 | Nov 18 2015
9.42 8.40 4770378 513 | Nov 19 2015
18.10 13.69 7771826 986 | Nov 20 2015
0.57 0.28 160914 31 | Nov 21 2015
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
2.15 3.42 1940427 117 | 00
2.88 1.84 1044173 157 | 01
2.88 2.74 1555699 157 | 02
2.90 2.66 1513160 158 | 03
2.22 1.29 732727 121 | 04
2.44 1.13 640609 133 | 05
4.31 3.95 2240578 235 | 06
3.93 3.19 1814031 214 | 07
17.75 15.10 8572238 967 | 08
2.50 1.41 799023 136 | 09
6.96 7.61 4321250 379 | 10
2.88 2.93 1663755 157 | 11
4.35 3.87 2199091 237 | 12
3.34 4.46 2533684 182 | 13
4.85 6.28 3567232 264 | 14
4.75 12.79 7259565 259 | 15
2.77 2.28 1295682 151 | 16
6.48 5.74 3258537 353 | 17
3.05 2.66 1512181 166 | 18
3.51 3.79 2150419 191 | 19
3.47 1.86 1056239 189 | 20
2.66 1.73 980721 145 | 21
3.18 3.80 2157460 173 | 22
3.80 3.47 1972120 207 | 23
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
2.11 0.91 514685 115 | be Belgium
1.60 2.44 1385264 87 | ca Canada
1.54 0.81 461620 84 | ch Switzerland
0.68 2.27 1287765 37 | cn China
0.11 0.08 47573 6 | cz Czech Republic
2.13 1.15 652224 116 | de Germany
0.50 0.16 89514 27 | eu
0.13 0.01 3988 7 | fi Finland
0.02 0.00 612 1 | gr Greece
0.02 0.00 500 1 | id Indonesia
0.13 0.03 15394 7 | io British Indian Ocean Territory
0.02 0.03 14795 1 | jp Japan
0.02 0.00 200 1 | lt Lithuania
0.04 0.02 9406 2 | lu Luxembourg
0.13 0.21 118536 7 | nl Netherlands
0.33 0.03 19323 18 | pl Poland
0.13 0.08 47019 7 | ru Russian Federation
0.62 0.91 514917 34 | sa Saudi Arabia
0.22 0.43 246180 12 | tv Tuvalu
0.61 3.40 1928784 33 | ua Ukraine
0.04 0.02 12406 2 | uk United Kingdom
52.75 42.81 24307780 2874 | com Commercial
0.22 0.09 50919 12 | edu Educational
23.35 36.22 20565607 1272 | net Network
0.02 0.01 4703 1 | org Non-Profit Organization
0.06 0.00 1676 3 | adsl
12.50 7.89 4479211 681 | unresolved
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
12.50 7.89 4479211 681 | Unresolved
0.06 0.00 1676 3 | adsl.ny.kd
2.11 0.91 514685 115 | be.didici
0.02 0.02 9327 1 | ca.acadiau
1.32 2.03 1151184 72 | ca.bell.dsl
0.22 0.38 218595 12 | ca.mcsnet
0.04 0.01 6158 2 |
1.54 0.81 461620 84 | ch.naefmarco
0.66 2.25 1278438 36 |
0.02 0.02 9327 1 |
1.32 0.50 283636 72 | com.ahrefs
0.09 0.04 20078 5 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
0.17 0.29 165731 9 |
0.22 0.13 73000 12 |
13.93 12.64 7178188 759 |
1.25 1.45 823085 68 |
0.20 0.06 33759 11 | com.colocrossing
0.02 0.01 3079 1 | com.congesia
0.06 0.01 6746 3 | com.continuumdatacenters.rdns.50.100.79
0.02 0.00 612 1 | com.dreamhost
0.04 0.01 5305 2 | com.exabot
0.02 0.01 4703 1 | com.fairrepertoire
0.11 0.02 11001 6 |
26.27 20.70 11755556 1431 | com.googlebot
0.02 0.02 9327 1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.102
0.04 0.00 1224 2 | com.hostgator
0.02 0.00 612 1 | com.hspheredns
0.09 0.18 102073 5 | com.imra-europe
0.20 0.32 183174 11 | com.krypt.static.53.131.43
0.06 0.06 34967 3 | com.leaseweb
0.02 0.00 612 1 | com.linode.members
0.07 0.17 99165 4 | com.magnumsemi
6.11 5.28 3000080 333 |
0.02 0.01 4703 1 | com.mureoide
0.04 0.02 9939 2 | com.offreslash
0.04 0.02 9727 2 | com.probethenet
0.02 0.01 3079 1 | com.quadranet.static.17.237.94
0.02 0.01 3079 1 | com.quadranet.static.22.84.161
0.02 0.00 200 1 |
0.24 0.44 248838 13 |
0.79 0.04 25284 43 | com.rr.res.rochester
0.02 0.02 9327 1 | com.skybroadband
0.02 0.00 612 1 |
0.11 0.01 3528 6 |
0.11 0.01 3528 6 |
0.04 0.03 18654 2 | com.smoothstat
0.02 0.00 200 1 | com.webair
0.81 0.19 106080 44 |
0.13 0.11 65289 7 | com.zhangsan
0.02 0.00 612 1 | cz.active24
0.09 0.08 46961 5 | cz.seznam
0.06 0.10 56812 3 | de.uni-hannover.ifbo
0.04 0.02 9939 2 | de.your-server.clients.
0.09 0.10 54519 5 | de.your-server.clients.
0.07 0.00 2400 4 | de.your-server.clients.
0.09 0.11 64871 5 | de.your-server.clients.
1.74 0.80 453744 95 | de.your-server.clients.
0.04 0.02 9939 2 | de.your-server.clients.
0.13 0.01 4284 7 |
0.09 0.08 46635 5 | edu.umich.eecs
0.02 0.02 9327 1 | eu.ip-149-202-60
0.04 0.02 9939 2 | eu.ip-91-121-169
0.07 0.07 39862 4 | eu.niniel
0.37 0.05 30386 20 | eu.poneytelecom.rev
0.04 0.00 1000 2 | fi.inet.dhcp
0.09 0.01 2988 5 | fi.netikka.ip12
0.02 0.00 612 1 | gr.kwstas
0.02 0.00 500 1 |
0.07 0.01 4843 4 | io.riddler
0.06 0.02 10551 3 | io.shodan
0.02 0.03 14795 1 | jp.nuro.ap.chbd215
0.02 0.00 200 1 | lt.zebra.static
0.04 0.02 9406 2 | lu.server
0.22 0.39 223353 12 | net.acsalaska.dynamic
0.02 0.00 612 1 | net.actwd
8.20 10.22 5803734 447 | net.bezeqint.cablep
6.55 2.75 1561129 357 | net.bezeqint.dcenter
0.02 0.00 612 1 | net.binero.atm
0.22 0.05 27735 12 | net.bjtelecom.static.106.120.173
0.02 0.02 9627 1 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc
0.28 0.45 255108 15 |
0.09 0.05 28194 5 | net.digis.nv.lvc.111.147.202
0.02 0.02 9627 1 | net.e2hawaii
0.02 0.02 9327 1 | net.hinet.dynamic
0.07 0.00 2352 4 |
0.37 0.58 327522 20 | net.ida
0.09 0.10 54519 5 | net.ip-192-99-1
0.04 0.00 1224 2 | net.ip-198-245-51
0.84 4.63 2630660 46 | net.kyivstar
0.81 4.27 2425195 44 | net.kyivstar.broadband
0.04 0.01 4583 2 | net.midco
0.22 0.44 248250 12 | net.mycingular
0.46 0.87 495018 25 | net.optonline.dyn
0.02 0.00 612 1 |
0.04 0.03 15295 2 |
0.88 1.42 808739 48 | net.shawcable.ed
0.24 0.44 248838 13 |
0.02 0.02 9327 1 |
1.21 2.81 1597603 66 | net.telus.abhsia
0.02 0.01 4680 1 | net.versaweb.static
0.02 0.07 41336 1 | net.virginm.cable.14-2
2.31 6.55 3720796 126 |
0.11 0.21 117924 6 | nl.chello
0.02 0.00 612 1 | nl.ionline
0.02 0.01 4703 1 | org.maikamonroe
0.31 0.02 9996 17 | pl.greendata
0.02 0.02 9327 1 | pl.vmline.67
0.02 0.06 31354 1 | ru.armelektron
0.06 0.02 13853 3 | ru.ertelecom.nsk.static-business
0.04 0.00 1200 2 | ru.mail.p
0.02 0.00 612 1 |
0.62 0.91 514917 34 |
0.22 0.43 246180 12 | tv.xcountry.cpe
0.61 3.40 1928784 33 |
0.02 0.02 9327 1 |
0.02 0.01 3079 1 |
%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent Requests Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
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