World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Sat, 05 Dec 2015 01:34:15 (GMT -0700)

Totals for Summary Period: Jan 0 1900 to Dec 4 2015

Requests Received During Summary Period            5010
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        69750646
Average Requests Received Daily                     557
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 7750072

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | Jan  0 1900
 5.91  4.80      3349735      296 | Dec 31 1969
14.23 14.06      9806408      713 | Nov 28 2015
19.52 24.66     17202275      978 | Nov 29 2015
17.01 20.09     14010254      852 | Nov 30 2015
11.84 12.19      8506053      593 | Dec  1 2015
13.03  7.54      5262469      653 | Dec  2 2015
12.63 13.80      9623362      633 | Dec  3 2015
 5.81  2.85      1989502      291 | Dec  4 2015

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 6.21  8.85      6174499      311 |  00
 3.01  1.26       877815      151 |  01
 3.65  1.48      1032074      183 |  02
 4.57  5.77      4024340      229 |  03
 3.67  2.44      1702817      184 |  04
 3.89 11.09      7737101      195 |  05
 4.75  3.63      2532922      238 |  06
 3.85  1.57      1098270      193 |  07
 4.01  2.79      1949335      201 |  08
 4.67  6.02      4198612      234 |  09
 3.85  3.38      2358024      193 |  10
 3.81  2.20      1534559      191 |  11
 3.65  4.34      3024557      183 |  12
 4.05  4.20      2926497      203 |  13
 4.27  5.64      3934163      214 |  14
 2.87  0.90       624652      144 |  15
 6.11  2.68      1868272      306 |  16
 6.41  8.53      5947736      321 |  17
 2.00  0.63       438310      100 |  18
 3.51  1.65      1151937      176 |  19
 3.69  1.17       815548      185 |  20
 6.23  4.69      3270768      312 |  21
 4.31  5.51      3844425      216 |  22
 2.93  9.58      6683413      147 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.04  0.05        32400        2 | be    Belgium
 0.02  0.06        41336        1 | br    Brazil
 0.14  0.02        15346        7 | ca    Canada
 0.12  0.05        37701        6 | ch    Switzerland
 0.06  0.01         9237        3 | cn    China
 0.18  0.17       117726        9 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.54  0.31       216503       27 | de    Germany
 1.60  0.28       196006       80 | eu    
 0.06  0.05        35796        3 | fi    Finland
 0.04  0.00         1642        2 | fr    France
 0.04  0.01         3879        2 | id    Indonesia
 0.10  0.02        14498        5 | io    British Indian Ocean Territory
 0.30  0.21       144309       15 | it    Italy
 0.20  0.01         5792       10 | pl    Poland
 0.06  0.02        16344        3 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.10  0.02        15054        5 | th    Thailand
 0.02  0.06        41336        1 | tr    Turkey
 1.30  4.87      3394156       65 | ua    Ukraine
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | biz   
78.68 77.67     54178699     3942 | com   Commercial
 0.10  0.07        46635        5 | edu   Educational
 9.22 13.07      9116080      462 | net   Network
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | set   
 0.08  0.01         7334        4 | adsl  
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | host  
 6.91  2.91      2031165      346 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 6.91  2.91      2031165      346 | Unresolved
 0.08  0.01         7334        4 | adsl.ny.kd
 0.02  0.03        23073        1 | be.telenet.access
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | be.voo.dynamic
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | biz.iddb
 0.02  0.06        41336        1 | br.psi.i-next
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | ca.acadiau
 0.12  0.01         6019        6 |
 0.12  0.05        37701        6 | ch.naefmarco
 0.06  0.01         9237        3 |
 1.64  0.46       321732       82 | com.ahrefs
 0.42  0.09        62458       21 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.04  0.03        18654        2 |
 0.14  0.02        12999        7 | com.aquaray
14.97  8.64      6028247      750 |
 0.08  0.02        11449        4 | com.colocrossing
 0.02  0.02        10893        1 | com.ctinets
 0.28  0.36       249474       14 | com.dowdysauto
 0.12  0.02        13388        6 | com.exabot
 0.02  0.01         4703        1 | com.fairrepertoire
 0.10  0.21       145968        5 | com.finezt
 0.06  0.01         4167        3 |
40.04 32.02     22333167     2006 | com.googlebot
 0.02  0.04        29989        1 | com.imra-europe
 0.04  0.03        18654        2 | com.ip-pool.inaddr
 0.06  0.01         9727        3 | com.linode.members
 0.10  0.17       115266        5 | com.mckenzieseeds
 9.72 20.27     14139776      487 |
 0.26  0.34       236957       13 | com.mysipl
 0.12  0.17       117924        6 | com.myvzw.sub-70-194-28
 0.04  0.01         9939        2 | com.offreslash
 0.02  0.01         4366        1 | com.otakutrading
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | com.pokkt
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | com.quadranet.static.124.112.44
 0.04  0.00         1224        2 | com.quadranet.static.73.230.254
 0.02  0.00          200        1 |
 0.38  0.02        11084       19 | com.rr.res.rochester
 0.06  0.01         6746        3 | com.server
 6.27 12.52      8734479      314 | com.serverloft
 0.06  0.00         1724        3 |
 0.06  0.01         6746        3 |
 0.02  0.01         9627        1 |
 0.24  0.01         7056       12 |
 0.06  0.00         1724        3 |
 0.04  0.03        18654        2 | com.smoothstat
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | com.startdedicated
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | com.t1connectionline
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | com.trendmicro
 0.12  0.02        16235        6 | com.uk2group.reverse.168-static.219.193
 0.36  0.55       386482       18 | com.wavecable
 0.12  0.01         6578        6 | com.webmeup
 0.46  0.42       290730       23 | com.westmancom.cpe
 1.94  1.08       750398       97 |
 0.18  0.17       117726        9 | cz.seznam
 0.08  0.03        19878        4 | de.kabel-deutschland.dynamic
 0.04  0.01         9939        2 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.16  0.14        94419        8 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.06  0.00         1812        3 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.08  0.03        19878        4 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.06  0.00         1836        3 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.04  0.09        59414        2 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | de.your-server.clients.88-198-22-8
 0.10  0.07        46635        5 | edu.umich.eecs
 1.14  0.09        62621       57 | eu.ip-149-202-42
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | eu.ip-188-165-249
 0.10  0.08        59122        5 | eu.ip-51-254-97
 0.34  0.09        64936       17 | eu.poneytelecom.rev
 0.06  0.05        35796        3 | fi.netikka.ip12
 0.04  0.00         1642        2 |
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | host.contabo
 0.04  0.01         3879        2 |
 0.08  0.01         5171        4 | io.riddler
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | io.shodan
 0.20  0.18       125000       10 | it.fastwebnet.ip27
 0.10  0.03        19309        5 | it.istella.crawler
 0.30  0.16       112270       15 | net.arvig
 0.22  0.17       120721       11 | net.as43234
 0.04  0.01         9527        2 | net.avira.doi1.srv
 0.30  0.04        25937       15 | net.bjtelecom.static.106.120.173
 0.24  0.34       239415       12 | net.centurylinkservices.dhcp
 0.06  0.00         1764        3 |
 0.02  0.00          200        1 | net.ip-192-99-10
 0.48  2.01      1402752       24 | net.kyivstar
 1.28  5.28      3682724       64 | net.kyivstar.broadband
 0.24  0.34       238883       12 | net.midco
 0.02  0.03        23073        1 | net.proxad.fbx
 0.02  0.00          200        1 | net.refreshcloud
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | net.sbcglobal.lbcktx.lightspeed
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 | net.servernap.23.41.65
 1.06  0.78       541176       53 | net.shawcable.ed
 0.26  0.36       248838       13 | net.shawcable.ok
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 |
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 |
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | net.steadfastdns.static.23-29-134
 0.90  0.95       664372       45 | net.telus.abhsia
 0.02  0.02        12028        1 | net.verizon.fios.bltmmd
 0.04  0.08        53364        2 | net.verizon.fios.washdc
 3.63  2.45      1710945      182 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.20  0.01         5792       10 | pl.greendata
 0.02  0.00         3079        1 | ru.nationalcablenetworks
 0.04  0.02        13265        2 |
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 |
 0.10  0.02        15054        5 |
 0.02  0.06        41336        1 |
 0.16  0.67       467584        8 |
 0.24  1.01       701376       12 |
 0.24  1.01       701376       12 |
 0.42  1.68      1169460       21 |
 0.12  0.01         3672        6 |
 0.12  0.50       350688        6 |
 0.02  0.01         9327        1 |

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Archive Section
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
17.35  7.89      5501707      869 | /
 0.02  0.00         1851        1 | /about.htm
 1.06  0.28       194147       53 | /about.phtml
 0.40 21.40     14928457       20 | /ann04.pdf
 0.04 16.26     11344936        2 | /ann07.pdf
 0.16  0.22       155416        8 | /annS2.phtml
 0.20  0.15       103820       10 | /annS3.phtml
 0.12  0.34       236186        6 | /annS4.phtml
 0.70  0.48       334537       35 | /annuals.phtml
 1.08  0.52       363507       54 | /bulk.phtml
 0.04  0.00         1441        2 | /cgi-bin/contact.cgi
 0.84  0.23       159116       42 | /contact.phtml
 0.22  0.06        41427       11 | /dealers.phtml
 0.10  0.91       634288        5 | /herb04.pdf
 0.26  0.25       171919       13 | /herbs.phtml
 0.54  0.13        90521       27 | /history.phtml
 0.04  0.01         5333        2 | /images/
 0.02  0.00          963        1 | /images/Tnav/
 0.02  0.00          722        1 | /images/Tnav/_vti_cnf/
 0.50  0.55       381724       25 | /images/Tnav/new-hdrM.gif
 0.44  0.71       497530       22 | /images/Tnav/top-ann.jpg
 0.40  0.68       473440       20 | /images/Tnav/top-bul.jpg
 0.50  0.80       558925       25 | /images/Tnav/top-her.jpg
 0.42  0.68       471345       21 | /images/Tnav/top-per.jpg
 0.46  0.75       520927       23 | /images/Tnav/top-veg.jpg
 0.10  0.01         9846        5 | /images/_vti_cnf/
 0.02  0.00          501        1 | /images/_vti_cnf/q&a.jpg
 0.06  0.00         1636        3 | /images/d/
 0.02  0.01         5456        1 | /images/demo_order_button.gif
 0.02  0.03        23518        1 | /images/display.jpg
 0.06  0.01         5676        3 | /images/getacro.gif
 0.10  0.01         8590        5 | /images/grnline.gif
 0.04  0.02        15072        2 | /images/harry.jpg
 0.02  0.01         8118        1 | /images/info1.jpg
 0.02  0.00          792        1 | /images/nav/_vti_cnf/
 0.56  2.08      1452862       28 | /images/nav/navM8x6.jpg
 0.02  0.01         4179        1 | /images/q&a.jpg
 0.60  1.00       700530       30 | /images/top.jpg
 0.58  0.63       439669       29 | /images/toparch.jpg
 0.08  0.03        21020        4 | /images/vegs.jpg
 0.38  0.09        64749       19 | /index.phtml
 0.74  0.18       123971       37 | /links.phtml
 0.18  0.68       474055        9 | /mailorder.PDF
 0.70  0.14        98511       35 | /mailorder.phtml
 0.16  0.00         2994        8 | /main.htm
 0.32  0.23       161253       16 | /main_files/main_05.gif
 0.38  0.25       172682       19 | /main_files/main_10.gif
 0.18  0.02        10631        9 | /order.html
 0.06  0.58       405710        3 | /per04.pdf
 0.02  0.29       204482        1 | /per05.pdf
 0.16  0.15       101841        8 | /perennials.phtml
 0.44  0.12        81200       22 | /questions.phtml
 0.84  0.20       139630       42 | /security.phtml
 0.86  0.18       128747       43 | /shipping.phtml
 2.89 12.15      8474960      145 | /storefront/
 0.02  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/_vti_cnf/fl-sweetpea2.htm
 0.02  0.00          344        1 | /storefront/_vti_cnf/fl-wildannmix.htm
 0.06  0.06        40721        3 | /storefront/acre.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1480        1 | /storefront/armenian.htm
 0.42  0.18       127467       21 | /storefront/armenian.phtml
 0.02  0.04        29418        1 | /storefront/aspara.phtml
 0.16  0.09        66063        8 | /storefront/bantam.phtml
 0.02  0.04        30062        1 | /storefront/basil.phtml
 0.12  0.00         1562        6 | /storefront/batavian.htm
 0.46  0.18       127967       23 | /storefront/batavian.phtml
 0.06  0.06        40328        3 | /storefront/black.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1248        1 | /storefront/borage.htm
 0.10  0.07        48703        5 | /storefront/borage.phtml
 0.12  0.01         9832        6 | /storefront/broccoli.htm
 0.40  0.17       120365       20 | /storefront/broccoli.phtml
 0.02  0.00         3042        1 | /storefront/brussel.htm
 0.10  0.07        48360        5 | /storefront/brussel.phtml
 0.14  0.12        85906        7 | /storefront/bush.phtml
 0.10  0.07        50539        5 | /storefront/buttervee.phtml
 0.12  0.08        54925        6 | /storefront/calypso.phtml
 0.20  0.10        69470       10 | /storefront/cantaloupe.phtml
 0.18  0.10        66678        9 | /storefront/caraway.phtml
 0.30  0.13        92908       15 | /storefront/catnip.phtml
 0.08  0.06        42093        4 | /storefront/celeriac.phtml
 0.04  0.05        34468        2 | /storefront/celery.phtml
 0.62  0.26       179273       31 | /storefront/chihili.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39207        3 | /storefront/chives.phtml
 0.20  0.11        75381       10 | /storefront/coolbreeze.phtml
 0.60  0.25       172268       30 | /storefront/cored.phtml
 0.16  0.09        61818        8 | /storefront/coriander.phtml
 0.10  0.07        47796        5 | /storefront/cress.phtml
 0.22  0.11        75145       11 | /storefront/curled.phtml
 0.30  0.14       100297       15 | /storefront/danish.phtml
 0.14  0.09        59809        7 | /storefront/danvers.phtml
 0.34  0.16       109908       17 | /storefront/delight.phtml
 0.06  0.01         5351        3 | /storefront/detroit.htm
 0.28  0.13        93236       14 | /storefront/detroit.phtml
 0.04  0.05        34895        2 | /storefront/dill.phtml
 0.02  0.04        30499        1 | /storefront/emperator.phtml
 0.48  0.21       144571       24 | /storefront/express.phtml
 0.04  0.05        35350        2 | /storefront/finger.phtml
 0.12  0.08        53592        6 | /storefront/fl-7colour.phtml
 0.04  0.00         1283        2 | /storefront/fl-accentmix.htm
 0.04  0.05        34858        2 | /storefront/fl-accentmix.phtml
 0.02  0.04        30239        1 | /storefront/fl-african.phtml
 0.08  0.06        44301        4 | /storefront/fl-ageratum.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1237        1 | /storefront/fl-balsam.htm
 0.32  0.14       100091       16 | /storefront/fl-balsam.phtml
 0.04  0.05        35074        2 | /storefront/fl-calendula.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1290        1 | /storefront/fl-carpet.htm
 0.06  0.06        39934        3 | /storefront/fl-carpet.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39824        3 | /storefront/fl-cascade.phtml
 0.10  0.07        49219        5 | /storefront/fl-chabouds.phtml
 0.02  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-chrys.htm
 0.52  0.21       144909       26 | /storefront/fl-chrys.phtml
 0.04  0.00         2468        2 | /storefront/fl-clarkia.htm
 0.10  0.07        48911        5 | /storefront/fl-clarkia.phtml
 0.02  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-coleus.htm
 0.12  0.08        53521        6 | /storefront/fl-coleus.phtml
 0.02  0.04        30541        1 | /storefront/fl-colorama.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1256        1 | /storefront/fl-cosmos.htm
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 0.02  0.04        30564        1 | /storefront/fl-crackerjack.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1312        1 | /storefront/fl-crystalpalace.htm
 0.04  0.05        35287        2 | /storefront/fl-crystalpalace.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1284        1 | /storefront/fl-doublemix.htm
 0.02  0.04        30516        1 | /storefront/fl-doublemix.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39898        3 | /storefront/fl-dwarf.phtml
 0.04  0.00         2468        2 | /storefront/fl-enfant.htm
 0.64  0.25       174182       32 | /storefront/fl-enfant.phtml
 0.10  0.07        49086        5 | /storefront/fl-fouroclock.phtml
 0.02  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-giant.htm
 0.50  0.21       143366       25 | /storefront/fl-giant.phtml
 0.02  0.04        30377        1 | /storefront/fl-glorius.phtml
 0.30  0.14        94852       15 | /storefront/fl-godetia.phtml
 0.06  0.09        65727        3 | /storefront/fl-goldengem.phtml
 0.08  0.06        44453        4 | /storefront/fl-gourds.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1249        1 | /storefront/fl-gypsophilia.htm
 0.06  0.06        39758        3 | /storefront/fl-gypsophilia.phtml
 0.04  0.05        35240        2 | /storefront/fl-heavenly.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1214        1 | /storefront/fl-helichrys.htm
 0.04  0.05        34941        2 | /storefront/fl-helichrys.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39545        3 | /storefront/fl-jewelmix.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1275        1 | /storefront/fl-jubilee.htm
 0.06  0.06        39847        3 | /storefront/fl-jubilee.phtml
 0.10  0.07        49244        5 | /storefront/fl-larkspur.phtml
 0.36  0.16       109837       18 | /storefront/fl-lavatera.phtml
 0.04  0.00         2554        2 | /storefront/fl-lemondrop.htm
 0.06  0.06        39860        3 | /storefront/fl-lemondrop.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1278        1 | /storefront/fl-livingston.htm
 0.06  0.06        39847        3 | /storefront/fl-livingston.phtml
 0.04  0.00         2438        2 | /storefront/fl-martina.htm
 0.06  0.06        39641        3 | /storefront/fl-martina.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39177        3 | /storefront/fl-mixture.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39579        3 | /storefront/fl-nemesia.phtml
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 0.06  0.06        39577        3 | /storefront/fl-nemophila.phtml
 0.24  0.12        81711       12 | /storefront/fl-nicotiana.phtml
 0.64  0.25       173275       32 | /storefront/fl-nigella.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39680        3 | /storefront/fl-ohara.phtml
 0.04  0.05        35246        2 | /storefront/fl-pansy3.phtml
 0.04  0.05        34657        2 | /storefront/fl-petunia14.phtml
 0.02  0.04        30499        1 | /storefront/fl-petunia3.phtml
 0.06  0.06        39851        3 | /storefront/fl-petunia7.phtml
 0.02  0.00          100        1 | /storefront/fl-phlox1.htm
 0.02  0.04        30457        1 | /storefront/fl-phlox1.phtml
 0.02  0.04        30406        1 | /storefront/fl-phlox2.phtml
 0.04  0.05        35062        2 | /storefront/fl-pinks.phtml
 0.10  0.07        49080        5 | /storefront/fl-pinkscdm.phtml
 0.14  0.08        58306        7 | /storefront/fl-pinkssg.phtml
 0.08  0.06        44916        4 | /storefront/fl-poppy1.phtml
 0.04  0.05        35315        2 | /storefront/fl-poppy2.phtml
 0.04  0.00         2554        2 | /storefront/fl-portulaca.htm
 0.06  0.06        39794        3 | /storefront/fl-portulaca.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1263        1 | /storefront/fl-powder.htm
 0.04  0.05        35129        2 | /storefront/fl-powder.phtml
 0.06  0.06        40164        3 | /storefront/fl-queensophia.phtml
 0.08  0.06        44552        4 | /storefront/fl-redbrocade.phtml
 0.08  0.06        44126        4 | /storefront/fl-redskin.phtml
 0.10  0.07        49103        5 | /storefront/fl-ricinus.phtml
 0.02  0.00         1248        1 | /storefront/fl-salpiglossis.htm
 0.06  0.06        39902        3 | /storefront/fl-salpiglossis.phtml
 0.10  0.07        48798        5 | /storefront/fl-salvia.phtml
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