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Beans - Blue Lake Bush

The quality of home grown beans can not be found in a supermarket, and they are a healthy choice for any table. An 83 g serving of beans has 3 g of dietary fiber, and is a good source of vitamins A, C and calcium. Approximately 3.5 seeds/gram

  • Do not presoak beans to hasten germination
  • Plant 5 cm [2"] apart and 2.5 cm [1"] deep
  • Beans are susceptible to diseases. Remove plants in fall and try not to plant in the same location for 3 years.

  • Blue Lake Bush - 55 days. Pods are stringless, straight, dark green and fully round to creased back. 12-15 cm [5-16"] long and carried well off the ground. Famous for flavour and yield over long seasons. Valuable crop for freezing, canning and home gardens. Seeds white, resistant to common bean mosaic virus.