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Cabbage - Chinese (Chi-Hi-Li) (Early)

Cabbage is easy to grow, and an excellent source of vitamin C. An 84 g serving of cabbage has 2 g of dietary fiber. For best results, plant cabbage in rich humas and fertile loam. This heavy feeder does best in conditions favouring rapid growth, with adequate moisture during the entire growing period. Approximately 200 seeds per gram.

  • Transplant to garden when seedlings are 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Early varieties should be 45 cm apart, late varieties 60 cm apart.
  • Early varieties may split if to much moisture is applied after a dry spell.

  • Chinese - (Chi-Hi-Li) (Early) - 75 days from transplant. Early, sure-heading variety. The heads are oblong, 7-10 cm (3-4”) thick and 45-50 cm (17-19”) tall, tapering at the top. This vigorous cabbage has a well blanched heart with bright green outer leaves. Very tender, excellent quality with a celery like spicy taste.