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Cucumber - Cool breeze

Cucumbers date back as far as 3000 years in India and China. Today they are a popular addition to almost any home garden. Approximately 35 seeds / gram.

  • Seeding - Soil temperature should be at least 20°C. Cucumber seed will not germinate below 10°C.
  • Cucumber plants can also be transplanted. Peat pods are recommended.
  • Sow in clumps, 5-6 per clump, 1 cm deep with clumps 1 m apart. Thin to one or two of the best plants per clump.
  • Sow in rows, seed 5 cm apart, 1 cm deep. Thin to 20 cm apart. Pick daily once bearing begins to keep vines productive.


    Cool Breeze 45-48 days. Extra early, very high yielding variety. All-female flowers, need no pollination to set fruit. These make great pickles at 4" size, and good salads cukes when slightly larger. Small, fine spines and an all-over pebbled texture. Starts early and keeps producing until frost. High disease tolerance. Approximate 102 seeds=3 gr. 1000 seeds=28 gr