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The quality of
home grown beans can not be found in a supermarket, and they
are a healthy choice for any table. An 83 g serving of beans
has 3 g of dietary fiber, and is a good source of vitamins A,
C and calcium. Approximately 3.5 seeds/gram
Do not presoak beans to hasten germination Plant 5 cm
[2"] apart and 2.5 cm [1"] deep Beans are susceptible
to diseases. Remove plants in fall and try not to plant in the
same location for 3 years.
Royal Burgundy - 53 days. Pods are purple, round,
stringless and average 12-15 cm [5-6"]. Firm texture and
outstanding flavour canned or frozen. Pods turn deep green after
2 min. of boiling to indicate blanching. Resistant to common
bean mosaic, NY 15 virus and pod mottle. Tolerant to curly top
virus. Seeds white. |