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Squash - Vegetable Spaghetti

A source of vitamins A and C, Calcium and Iron. 6-8 seeds / gram.
  • Sow when soil is warm.
  • Sow 4 to 6 seeds 2 cm [1"] deep in hills 1.5 to 2 m [4-6'] apart.
  • Thin the best two or three plants.
  • Vegetable Spaghetti - 90 days. The 23-25 cm [9-10"] bright yellow fruit contains a spaghetti-like pulp which makes a delicious vegetable, cooked and served from nature's own package. Season with salt, butter, tomato sauce or mayonnaise. May also be used like a summer squash when small, preparing like eggplant. Grows like squash. May be trellised where space is limited.