Modify Existing Event Type
This section will allow you to modify or delete an existing Event Type.
Locate the line in the table that describes the Event Type you wish to modify. Next, click on one of the possible actions listed at the left of that line. To change some or all of the
information regarding this Event Type, choose Edit. To permanently remove the record of this Event Type, choose Delete. NOTE: Choosing Delete will
also cause events of this type already in the database to not display.
New / Existing Individual/Family/Source Event Type Information
Required fields: You must select or enter a GEDCOM "tag" for your event. If you choose "EVEN" (generic custom event) for
your Tag, you must also enter a Type/Description. If you do not choose EVEN as your Tag, you must leave the Type/Description field blank. You must also enter a Display
Tag: This is a 3 or 4 character abbreviation (all uppercase) or mnemonic code.
Many common non-standard event types are listed in the Tag select box. If you do not see your tag here, enter it in the box directly beneath. If you select a tag from the list
AND enter one in the box, the tag you entered in the box will be accepted and the tag selected from the list will be ignored.
Type/Description: This should match the "Type" output by your PC/Mac genealogy program for this event type. NOTE: This should ONLY be filled in if you
choose "EVEN" for your tag. For all other tags, this should be left blank.
Display: This will appear in the column to the left of the event data when it is displayed for public viewing. If you have set up multiple languages,
you will be prompted to enter a translation for each language.
On Import: To accept imported data corresponding to this type, select Accept. To reject data corresponding to this type and cause it to not
be imported, choose Ignore.
Delete Selected / Accept Selected / Ignore Selected
To delete or flag multiple event types at once, check the box for each selected event type under Action and click the appropriate button at the bottom of the page.