Add New Family
Add a new family to your database without importing a GEDCOM file.
Modify Existing Family
Find an existing family, then choose to edit or delete that family, or choose to view the information as the public would see it.
Search for: Enter the ID number of the family, or name (or a portion of the ID number or name) of either the husband or wife, whose family record you want to edit and click Continue
to locate any matches.
Look in: This is a list of searchable sections of the family records database. Place a check in the box next to each section (or field) you would like to have searched.
To find exact matches only, check the box labeled Exact match only.
Select Family and Action
Locate the line in the table that describes the family you wish to modify. Next, click on one of the possible actions listed at the left of that line. To change some or all of the
information regarding this family, choose Edit. To see how this family's page will look to visitors, choose Test. To permanently remove the record of this family, choose Delete. NOTE: Choosing Delete will
not delete the individuals involved.
Add New / Modify Existing Family Information
Required fields: The only required field is the Family ID, although it is highly recommended that you enter at least one spouse and as much other information
as possible. Fields left blank will not show up when the individual record is displayed for public viewing.
Family ID: The Family ID must be unique and should consist of an upper case "F" followed by a number (no more than 9 digits).
An available, unique ID will be supplied when the page is first displayed and whenever a different tree is selected,
but you may enter your own ID if desired. To check if the ID you have entered is unique,
click Check. A small pop-up window will tell you if the ID is in use or not. To automatically generate a new unique ID, click Generate. This will locate
the highest number in your database and add 1. A small window may briefly appear and disappear. To ensure that the displayed ID is not claimed by another user before
you can save your record, click Lock. NOTE: If you are using this software in conjunction with a PC/Mac-based
genealogy program which also creates IDs for new individuals, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that keep all IDs in sync between the two programs at all times. Failure to do this
may result in collisions, and may also cause your family relationships to become unusable. If your desktop program creates IDs that do not conform to
traditional standards (for example, the "F" is at the end, not the beginning), you can edit the "prefixes.php" file that came with TNG to change the convention TNG uses to match this.
Branch: If Branches exist and you are not assigned to a particular branch, you may elect to assign this individual to one or more of the existing branches. This will
limit access to this person's data to users with sufficient permissions.
Dates: When the full date is known, always enter it in the standard genealogical format, DD MMM YYYY (for example, 18 Feb 2003).
Places: List place information from local to general, separating each locality by a comma (for example, "Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA"),
or select an existing place name by clicking Find.
More: Additional information may be entered for many events. Where more information for an event already exists, this is indicated
by an asterisk (*).
Notes: Notes may be linked to individual events (existing records only). Multiple notes can be associated with any given event.
To create a note for an event, click on the Notes
button next to the event. Existing notes are indicated by an asterisk (*). For further information, see the Help link on the Notes page.
Sources: Sources may be linked to individual events (existing records only) by creating citations. Multiple citations can be associated with any given event.
To create a citation for a source and link it to an event, click on the Sources
button next to the event. Existing citations are indicated by an asterisk (*). For further information, see the Help link on the Citations page.
Other Events: Use the buttons below the Other Events box to add, edit or delete non-standard events. The order in which the events are displayed
is determined by date (if applicable), and by the event types' assigned priority. This priority may be changed when editing the event types. NOTES: Changes made
here are written to the database as they are made, meaning that they are already saved before you save the rest of the Existing Family information.
Husband/Wife: Select existing individuals to be the husband or wife in this family by clicking Find, or create new individuals by clicking
Create. If you choose create, you will be presented with a short version of the New Person form. The same instructions apply to both the long and short forms. it
is recommended that you return to this individual at a later time using the longer form to fill in most details. After an individual is selected or created, the person's name and ID
will appear in the Husband or Wife field. That field cannot be edited directly.
Children: Select existing individuals to be children in this family by clicking Find, or create new individuals by clicking
Create. If you choose create, you will be presented with a short version of the New Person form for each child. The same instructions apply to both the long and short forms. it
is recommended that you return to this individual at a later time using the longer form to fill in most details. After an individual is selected or created, the person's name and ID
will appear in the Children list. That list cannot be edited directly, but you can use the Remove button to remove a child from the list. You may also move children up or down in
the display order using the appropriate buttons to the right of the Children list. You can use the Delete button to delete a child from the database, or the Edit button to modify the child's individual record.
Review tentative edits made by other users. You will decide whether to keep or delete these proposed changes. Choose to review by tree, by user or both.