Help: Headstones
Add New Headstone

For each headstone image that you upload to your site, you must add a record of the headstone here in order for it to be recognized by the software. NOTE: You do not need to have a photo of a headstone to add a record for it. In fact, you may even add a record for a headstone that you have not yet located. You may also enter more than one headstone record for an individual.

Modify Existing Headstone

This section will allow you to find and make changes to an existing headstone record. Any editing of the headstone image itself must be done on your computer.

Search for: Enter a keyword or phrase associated with the headstone you want to modify. Multiple words will be treated as a single string of characters. The checkboxes below this field indicate which sections of the history records database will be searched for your word or phrase. To retrieve all headstone records, leave this field blank.

Look in: This is a list of searchable sections of the headstone records database. Place a check in the box next to each section (or field) you would like to have searched. If you check the box next to Exact match only, your search term will only return records that match one or more of the checked items exactly in its entirety.

After entering a search term and checking at least one box under Look in, click Continue to retrieve any matching headstone records.

Sort Headstones for an Individual or Family

By default, headstones linked to an individual are sorted by the order in which they were linked to the individual. To change that order, you must indicate a new order here.

Tree, Person ID: Enter the tree and ID number of the person whose photos you want to sort. If you don't know the ID number, click on the Find Person button next to this field.

After entering or retrieving an ID, click Continue to display the photos linked to this person and the current order in which they will be displayed with the record.

Generate Thumbnails

When you click on the "Generate" button under this option, TNG will automatically create thumbnail images for all headstone photos that do not already have an existing thumbnail. By default, the name of the new image will be the same as the larger image but with a prefix and/or suffix as defined by you in the General Settings. NOTE: If you do not see the Generate Thumbnails section, your server does not support the GD image library.

New / Existing Headstone Information

Image File to Upload: If you have a photo of this headstone and it has not yet been uploaded to your web site, click Browse and locate it on your hard drive. If the photo is already on your site, leave this field blank.

File name within headstones folder: If you had previously uploaded your headstone photo using FTP, enter the path and file name as it exists within the headstones folder on your web site. If the headstone photo is already on your site, you can click on the Select button to locate the file. If you are uploading the photo now using the previous field, use this box to enter a path and file name for your file after it is uploaded. NOTE: If you are uploading now, the directory you indicate here must already exist and must be writeable by all. If not, use your FTP program to create the directory and give it proper rights (use the command CHMOD 777).

Thumbnail Image File: Specify image/Create from original If your server supports the GD image library, you will see an option here to supply your own thumbnail or to have TNG create it for you from the original. If you choose the latter, by default the name of the new file will be the same as the original, with a prefix and/or suffix attached. This prefix and suffix, along with the max width and height of the thumbnail, are designated in the General Settings.

Thumbnail to Upload: When an individual's genealogy is requested, thumbnail images of each headstone photo linked to the individual are displayed on the same page. If a thumbnail image for your new photo has not yet been uploaded to your web site, click Browse and locate the thumbnail on your hard drive. You must then enter the destination path and file name for the thumbnail image in the next field. If the thumbnail is already on your web site, leave this field blank.

Path within headstones folder: If you had previously uploaded your thumbnail image using FTP, enter the path and file name of your thumbnail as it exists within the headstones folder on your web site (hint: you could put thumbnails in a subfolder if you want them to be kept separate or have the same names as the larger images). Alternately, you can click on the Select button to locate the file. If you are uploading your thumbnail now using the previous field, use this box to enter a path and file name for your thumbnail after it is uploaded. A suggested path and filename will be prepopulated for you. NOTE: If you are uploading now, the directory you indicate here must already exist and must be writeable by all. If not, use your FTP program to create the directory and give it proper rights (use the command CHMOD 777).

Description: This should be short — just a few words to identify your photo. It will be used as a link to the page displaying your photo.

Status: Select from the dropdown list the word or phrase that best describes the condition of the headstone or individual in question.

Notes: Include more detail here if necessary, including information about where in the cemetery the headstone is located, the condition of the headstone, how to locate it, etc.

Date Taken, Place Taken, Owner/Source: These are optional freeform fields. If you know this information, enter it in the appropriate areas.

Cemetery: Select from the dropdown list the cemetery where the headstone is located. You must first add the cemetery before it will be visible in this box.

Link to individuals: Enter the ID numbers of the individuals you wish to associate with this headstone. If you don't know the ID number, click Find Person... to search for it. You can also enter an "Alternate Description" and "Alternate Notes" for each link. If you supply anything here, the alternate description/note will be used with the photo when it is displayed in conjunction with the linked individual instead of the main description/note entered above. If no alternate description or note is supplied, the main description and note will always be used.

Link this image directly to the selected cemetery: Check this box to associate this headstone image with the cemetery itself. When the cemetery page is displayed, any photos associated with the cemetery in this manner will be displayed at the top of the page.

Show cemetery map and photos whenever this image is displayed: If the cemetery where this headstone is located has an accompanying map or photo, check this box to display the map or photo as well whenever the headstone photo is displayed.

Select Headstone and Action

Locate the line in the table that describes the headstone record you wish to modify. Next, click on one of the possible actions listed at the left of that line. To change some or all of the information regarding this headstone, choose Edit. To permanently remove the record of this headstone, choose Delete. NOTE: Choosing Delete also removes any associated photo and thumbnail.

Delete selected To delete multiple headstones at once, check the boxes next to the headstones to be deleted, then click the "Delete selected" button at the bottom of the screen.

Convert to Photos To convert any of the displayed headstones to "photos", check the boxes next to the headstones to be converted, then click the "Convert to Photos" button at the bottom of the screen. The headstone(s) will be moved to the Photos folder, and the records will be moved to the Photos tables.

Sort Headstones for [ID:Name]

To affect the order in which headstone records are displayed for an individual, enter a numeric value next to each thumbnail or record or click on the arrows to move the headstones dynamically. Lower numbers sort first, and you may use decimals to insert one photo between two others if convenient. For example, if you have 50 headstones and want to move number 50 to the number 10 slot, you could change 50 to 9.5 and update the list. When the list redisplays, the headstones will be renumbered in the new order.

To save changes and redisplay according to the new sort order, click Update. To save changes and exit, click Finish.