GEDCOM Folder (Import/Export
The name of the folder where TNG will store exported GEDCOM files, and the location from which TNG will import GEDCOM files.
Save Import State
If your data import fails to complete for any reason, select this option and rerun the import. If it fails again, click on the link to resume and the import will continue where it left
off. This option only works if your GEDCOM file is already in your GEDCOM folder. It does not work with files uploaded via the Data Import screen.
If 'Change Date' is blank
If your individual, family or source records do not have an associated "Change Date" to indicate when they were
last modified, TNG will assign a value based on this option. Choose to use today's date instead, or to leave
the field blank. If left blank, the field will not overwrite an existing Change Date.
If no birth date, assume
TNG flags all incoming individual records as living or not. If the individual has no death or burial date or place,
this flag is set based on the time elapsed from the person's birth. If no birth date exists for this person,
TNG can interpret that in different ways. Choose to have such people flagged as deceased or living.
If no death date, assume deceased if older than
If no death or burial date or place exists for an individual, the living flag is calculated from the time
elapsed from their birth date. Individuals younger than the age indicated here are considered living.
By default, the maximum age to be considered living is 110 years.
Embedded Media
If you check the box for "Allow TNG to assign names to embedded media", TNG will ignore the path and file names associated with your embedded media and will
assign a new file name based on the convention tree ID + media ID + media extension. The file will then be placed in the Photos folder (as defined in the General Settings).
You might want to select this option if you have imported embedded media in the past, since TNG used this convention by default prior to version 3.4.0. If you have TNG-assigned
names for previously imported media and now import the name media without selecting this option, you will have duplicate files.
Local Photo Path(s)
Enter the base path or paths (separate multiple entries with commas) where photos are located on your home computer. It should correspond to the TNG Photos folder
on your web site. In other words, if the photos on your computer are located in "C:\MyGenealogy\MyPhotos", that is what you should enter here. If some of your photo links
refer to that location in relative terms (ie, just "MyPhotos"), include the relative path as a multiple entry. If some of your photos
reside in subfolders of this location and you want to preserve that structure on your web site, do not include the subfolders in this path. If you want all photos to go
into the same location (the TNG Photos folder), leave this field blank and check "Import file name only" for the last option on this page.
Local History Path(s)
Enter the base path or paths (separate multiple entries with commas) where histories or documents are located on your home computer. It should correspond to the TNG Histories folder
on your web site. In other words, if the histories on your computer are located in "C:\MyGenealogy\MyHistories", that is what you should enter here. If some of your history links
refer to that location in relative terms (ie, just "MyHistories"), include the relative path as a multiple entry. If some of your histories
reside in subfolders of this location and you want to preserve that structure on your web site, do not include the subfolders in this path. If you want all histories to go
into the same location (the TNG Histories folder), leave this field blank and check "Import file name only" for the last option on this page.
If no local path match
If a photo or history is imported and the file path does not originate from one of the local paths indicated above, TNG can either import the entire path "as is" (recommended if
all your paths are relative and you want your local folder structure to match your TNG photo/history folder structure), or it can strip the path information import the file name only
(recommended if you do not intend to put your media in subfolders of the TNG Photos or TNG Histories folders).