Getting Started:
- Make sure you've properly configured your system by entering values for all General Settings (Setup) and creating the database tables (also Setup). Please see the readme.html file for detailed instructions on installation.
- Create at least one Tree. Unless you've got more than one independent GEDCOM file, you probably need only one tree.
- Create at least one User. The first user created must be an Administrator (must have all rights and NOT be associated with any Tree).
- Import your data, or begin entering it manually. If you're entering it one record at a time, enter People, Families and Sources first.
- Perform the Secondary Processes as needed.
- Once your data has been entered or imported, you can start linking in photos, histories and headstones. Have fun! Additional help can be found on
each subpage, as well as in the readme.html file.
- If you notice some options are missing from the Administration menu, it is likely that you are not logged in with full permissions, or that you are assigned to a particular tree.
To make changes to user permissions, log out and log in as an administrator, or edit your database directly using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.
- The link to "Public Home" in the top frame will take you your home page and will fill your browser window. The "Public Home" link in the left frame will open your home
page in the right, main frame, allowing you to navigate around your site and return to the Admin section at any time by clicking on another link in the left frame.
Other Resources:
- Updates mailing list: To subscribe, send a message to This list is used exclusively to inform users of software updates and related issues.
- Users mailing list: To subscribe, send a message to This list may be used for all discussion among TNG users.
- Users forum: (hosted by a TNG user).
- PHP Reference:
- MySQL Reference:
- HTML Reference:
- Contact me directly: