Help: Languages
Add New Language

To add a new language to your database, click Continue. This will add your new language to the list shown to visitors as possible languages for your site. It will also enable all pages to find your language text files.

Existing Language Information

All previously entered languages are shown in this section. If none are displayed, visitors will not be able to change to any additional languages (besides your default language).

New and Existing Language Information

Required fields: You must enter a language display name, as well as the name of the folder where the text and help files for this language will be stored.

Display: The display names for all available languages will be shown to visitors as their language options. Therefore, the display name should probably be in that language.

Folder: The physical folder where the text messages for this language will reside. This folder must be located under your main TNG folder.

Character set: The character set used for this language. If left blank, the character set will not be specified.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to allow dynamic language switching, you must set up your default language (from Setup/General Settings) as a language on this page. If you do not, you will not be able to switch back to your default language after switching to another one.