Log File Name
The Log File Name is the file where visitor actions are recorded. You shouldn't have to change this.
Max Log Lines
Max Log Lines indicates how many actions should be
retained at any one time. If this number gets too high, you may experience a performance hit.
Exclude Host Names
Before making any log entry, TNG will check this list. If the host of the visitor responsible for the potential log entry
is on the list, no log entry will be made. Host names should be separated by commas (no spaces) and can consist of entire
host names, IP addresses, or portions of either. For example, "googlebot" will block "crawler4.googlebot.com".
Log File Name (Admin)
The log file where actions in the Admin area are recorded. You shouldn't have to change this.
Max Log Lines (Admin)
Indicates how many actions should be retained at any one time in the Admin log file. If this number gets too high, you may experience a performance hit.