Help: Notes
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The box on the Notes popup screen shows all notes currently associated with the selected event (the one next to the Notes button you clicked). To create an additional note, click Add New. To modify an existing note, click on the note to be modified to select it, and then click Edit. To delete a note, select the note and click Delete. When you are done adding, modifying or deleting notes for this event, click Finish to close the window.

Add New Note

To add a new note, first select an event type for your note to be associated with. You will only be able to select event types for which the current individual or family already has event data entered. You may add more than one note for an event type, but these will be combined in a GEDCOM export. When changes are complete, click 'Finish'.

Modify Existing Note

To modify an existing note, make your changes in the "Note" field and click 'Save Changes'. You will not be able to change the assigned event type.


To add or edit source citations for a note, select the note from the list of existing notes and click the "Sources" button.