Add New Place
Add a new places to your database without importing a GEDCOM file. Separate localities with commas. For
example, "Abington, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA". The same place may exist in multiple trees.
Modify Existing Place
Find an existing place, then choose to edit or delete it.
Search for: Enter all or part of the place name. You may limit your search to particular tree, and may
also elect to search for exact matches only. Click the appropriate icon next to any place to perform the desired action.
Review and merge place names that may be slightly different but refer to the same location.
You will decide whether multiple records are the same or not.
Find Merge Candidates
First, select a tree. You cannot merge places from different trees, so only one tree can be selected. After that, enter the search criteria that will be common to all
potential duplicates and click "Continue" (for example, you might enter "Salt Lake" to find matches for "Salt Lake" and "Salt Lake City").
Select Places to Merge: On this page you will see a list of matches for your search criteria. If any of them refer to the same location,
check the box labeled "Merge these (delete)" to the left for each one. Next, click the circle in the column labeled "into this (keep)" for
the place name that will replace all of the checked places. NOTE: It doesn't matter if the place name to keep is also
one of those checked under "Merge these (delete)". You will only be able to select one "keep" location per merge, but you
may select as many matches as you want to merge into that one. When you're ready to merge, click the "Merge Places"
button at the bottom of the screen. All instances of the deleted place names (in individual and family records) will be replaced by the name you chose
to keep.
Please also note that performance degrades as more items are selected to merge. In other words, merging two
places goes much faster than merging 20 places.
To search again without merging, click the "Search again" button at the bottom of the screen.