Help: Timeline Events
Add New Timeline Event

Add a new timeline events to your database. Click "Continue...", then enter the event year and the event itself. These events will be shown on the Timeline in the public area whenever the span on the chart includes the event years.

Modify Existing Timeline Event

Find an existing timeline event, then choose to edit or delete it.

Search for: Enter all or part of the timeline event or year.

Look in: A list of searchable sections of the timeline event record, plus other search options. Place a check in the box next to each section (or field) to search. Choose to search the event years, the event detail, or both.

Select Timeline Event and Action

Locate the line in the table that describes the event you wish to modify. Next, click on one of the possible actions listed at the left of that line. To change some or all of the information regarding this timeline event, choose Edit. To remove this event, choose Delete.